Bryant & StrattonCollege

NURS 125 Lifespan Development & Nursing

Winter Semester, 2013

Class Participation Rubric

Name: / Final / Date:
Criteria & Points awarded / 100 - 90 / 89 - 80 / 79 - 70 / 69 - 0
Points: / Seated and ready tostart class on time at all times
Stays until class is dismissed / Arrives to class and from breaks late twice
Almost always stays until class is dismissed / Arrives to class and from breaks late 3 times
Often leaves class before class is dismissed / Arrives to class and from breaks late more than 4 times
Rarely stays in class until it is dismissed
Points: / Consistently demonstrates superior; goes above the minimum required by instructor;
All pre-class assignments completed / Missed 1 – 2 opportunities to display preparedness to instructor / Missed 3 – 4 opportunities to display preparedness to instructor / Rarely demonstrates preparation for class
Contribution to Class Discussions
Points: / Consistently contributes questions, answers, and/or insights that enhance the quality of class discussions without waiting to be called on. / Often contributes questions, answers, and/or insights that enhance the quality of class discussions without waiting to be called on. / Occasionally contributes questions, answers, and/or insights that enhance the quality of class discussions without waiting to be called on / Rarely contributes to class discussions or contributes in a manner that lessens the quality of the discussion.
Points: / Listens to others
Waits for turn to speak
Consistently uses language appropriate for the workplace
Has never left class to answer cell phone nor has phone audible rung during class. / Usually listens to others
Rarely interrupts others
Rarely has used language inappropriate to the workplace
Has left class 1 – 2 times to answer cell phone or phone has audible rung during class. / Occasionally has private conversations while others are speaking
Occasionally interrupts others
Occasionally uses language inappropriate to the workplace, but demonstrates awareness of appropriate behavior and responds to instructor coaching.
Has left class 3 or more times to answer cell phone or phone has audible rung during class. / Frequently has private conversations while others are speaking
Often interrupts others
Consistently demonstrates lack of respect to other students and/or instructor
Often uses language inappropriate to the workplace.
Has left class4or more timesto answer cell phone or phone has audible rung during.
Total Points Awarded: / /400 / Possible Points

Revised Jan2013