2017/ 2018 11th GRADES 1st TERM 1st ENGLISH EXAM


A. Match the words with the definitions.(2x5=10)

1. Conquer(V)____ a. think in an original and creative way

2. Fascinating(adj)____ b. a large gun that shoots heavy metal or Stone balls

3. cannon (n)____ c. take control of of a place by force

4. fleet (N)____ d. very interesting

5. think outside the box(v)___ e. a group of military ships that only one leader controls

B.Match the questions with answers.(2x5=10)

1.  When did Atatürk die? Yes, he did.

2.  Who broke the lamp yesterday? In 1938.

3.  Where did she go after school yesterday? Sultan Mehmet II.

4.  Did he hear the news? She went to the post office.

5.  Who conquered Constantinople? Engin broke it.

C. List the regular and irregular verbs. (3x10=30)

Swam - Drank – Loved- Read - Looked - Went - Brushed - Started - Came -Helped

1.  ______4.______1.______4.______

2.  ______5.______2.______5.______

3.  ______3.______

D. Fill in the blanks with the given words in parenthesis.(3x10=30)

1. My sister and I …………………………………………………. (help) our mother yesterday.

2. I ……………………………………………………….. (clean) my car last weekend.

3. My brother …………………………………………………(not /paint) the door last Sunday.

4. We ……………………………………………………. (play) football last Saturday.

5. They ……………………………..……………….(watch) TV last night.

6. The children ……………………………………………….(climb) the mountains last month.

7. She …………………………………………………………… (not /study) English last night.

8. He ……………………………………………………… (drink) two cups of tea at breakfast yesterday.

9. Erkan …………………………………………………… (eat) an apple at lunch yesterday.

10. The students ……………………………………………… (not /do) their homework after dinner last night.

E. Choose the best option for each of the following sentences.(2x10=20)

1. Mr. Harris ______his car yesterday.

a) washed b) wash c) did wash

2. They ______at the party last night.

a)was b)were c) wasn’t

3.He ______home yesterday evening.

a) come b) came c) comed

4.She ______to holiday with her family last week.

a)go b) did go c) went

5.He ______some books and CDs.

a)brought b) bought c) did buy

6.He ______the book yesterday evening.

a)read b) did read c) readed

7.She ______the dinner yesterday evening.

a)cook b)cooked c) did cook

8.It ______a good present.

a)Were b) was c) is

9.______(she /arrive) home at 5:30?

a)did she arrived b) did she arrive c) arrived

10.My mum ______the house last weekend because she was ill.(-)

a) clean b)cleaned c)didn’t clean