Statistics Chapter 2 Project Topics

The chapter 2 projects will be due on ______.

Project 1 (20 points max):

1) Decide on a survey question or topic that allows you to collect at least 25 numerical data values. You can ask people questions or do some research on a topic that interests you. Please provide any websites that you use to gather data.

2) Use your data to find the following (use a calculator where appropriate):

Mean, median, mode (if it exists), standard deviation, the 5-number summary, and describe any outliers (use the mean/SD definition of outlier). Depending on your data, decide if you should use sample SD or population SD.

3) Create at least 2 graphical displays about your data. You may create the graphs by hand or using Excel.

4) You may display your data on a poster, or create an electronic version (Word, PowerPoint, etc). You may put the projects into my drop folder or email them to me at:

Project 2 (19 points max):

In section 2.4, we skipped how to find the standard deviation for

data presented in a frequency distribution (Objective 4,

page 90-91). For the project, find the standard deviation BY HAND for the frequency distribution at the right.

The table below is showing the scores for 30 people on a test

worth 50 points.

Project 3 (19 points max):

Do the case study on page 101 in chapter 2. Answer all the questions. Please copy the tables provided onto your paper so they are easily visible for the reader. You may put this information on poster board or write it up (by hand or computer). Feel free to email it to me at if you do an electronic version.

Project 4 (18 points max)

Create an easy-to-read and nice-looking poster of all the calculator steps we have learned in this chapter. Include: How to put numbers into a list, finding mean, SD, 5-number summary, what all the variables mean from the calculator.

Project 5 (18 points max):

Do the “Uses and Abuses” on page 115. Read the examples before doing questions 1 and 2. For question 1, you MUST provide the graph that you found—it may come from an online source as well (please state your source). For question 2, you can make up a situation.