Day / Monday, July 31 / Tuesday, August 1 / Wednesday, August 2 / Thursday, August 3 / Friday, August 4
8:00 / Orientation to Day 1
Dress- casual (Learning Hall) -your personal health / Dress – casual
your professional health / Dress – casual work clothes
the health of your local community / Dress – casual
your academic health / Orientation to Day 5
. Dress - business casual health of the medical profession
8:30 / Introductions –Dean Klotman, Advisory Deans (ADs), Dr. Bonner, Student Affairs staff
Orientation to scavenger hunt / 8:15 History of Professional Oaths –Dr. Jeff Baker
8:45 Professionalism &
Learning Environment– Drs. Clay and Knudsen / 8 AM Welcome-Mayor Bill Bell
8:30 History of Durham/Race Relations in Durham – Dr. Jeff Baker / 8:00 Office of Curricular Affairs – photos in 3rd floor lab rooms 5; collect and complete self-report instruments in lab room 6 / AOA Research Day
7:30 breakfast – great hall lobby
8:00 Keynote address
9:00 Oath writing in Dean’s Groups
9:30 / Scavenger Hunt for resources for well-being on campus / 9:45 Academic Policies and Procedures / 9:15 Durham Co. Dept of PH - Ms. Mel Downey-Piper / Advisory Dean Group Orientation –
Drucker – 3075 / ↓ Drucker -3075
Haynes - 4067
10:00 / ↓ / 10:15 Computer Training (Learning Hall) / Travel to community sites in Dean’s groups / ↓ Haynes – 4067
Goodman 4030 / ↓ Goodman - 4030
Wigfall – 4074/75
10:30 / ↓ / BLUEDOCS training / Community Service Activity (4 sites) / ↓ Wigfall – 4074/75 / ↓
11:00 / Your Financial Health and Registrar’s presentation – Ms. Lori Crooks / Doctors and Stress: Cultivating Resilience
Dr. Caroline Haynes / ↓ / Office of Curriculum Presentation- TBL exercise –Dr. Colleen Grochowski / AOA Poster Review session –
TSCHE 6th floor (mandatory sign-in)
12:00 / Financial Management 101-
Mr. Paul Garrard / Lunch in Learning Hall–
student panel on approaches to the MS1 year / Lunch served on site/ dinner planning / Lunch/ intro to DC and GPSC leaders, DME program - LHall / ↓
12:30 / Lunch in Learning Hall
Complete MBTI / ↓ / ↓ / ↓ / 12:45-1:30 AOA Day lunch
1:00 / Using the MBTI to predict
Dr. Caroline Haynes / 1:15 “Ask me anything” meet and greet event with first year course directors / Community Service
Activity / BLS Training -
The Great Hall / 1:30-2:30 Updates on Duke SOM - Great Hall- Drs. Buckley and Grochowski
2:30 / Immunizations, Health Insurance, SHC, CAPS / Events end 3PM / ↓ / ↓ / 2:30 free time
5:00 / Dr. Washington- welcome
Alcohol Safety – Dr. David Gordon (Learning Hall)
Ice Cream Social– 4th floor / 3PM Free Time↓ / Shop for dinner with advisory dean
6PM dinner in food court until 8PM / ↓
Events end 5PM / 5PM White Coat Ceremony Reception –6PM White Coat Ceremony – Bryan Center