Computer Technology


Mrs. Mills


elcome to Computer Technology. This is a semester class and required for graduation. Topics covered in this class include: Keyboarding skills, operating systems, document processing, spreadsheets, ethics, on-line information resources, electronic mail, electronic presentation, and an integrated project. Microsoft Office XP/2007 will be used primarily in this class.

The pre-requisite for this course is keyboarding skills. If a student does not have knowledge of the keyboard and cannot type at least 30 words per minute, it will be very difficult to keep current on assignmentsand earn a satisfactory grade.

State standard and objectives for this course may be accessed at:


Computer Technology is required for graduation. If a student receives a failing grade either term in this class, make-up credit is only available through night school.


At the completion of this course, students will be prepared for and will take the state competency exam. Students will receive a certificate of competency issued by USOE to include in their portfolio and which may be used as documentation of competency while seeking employment or applying to other learning institutions.

The state exam given at the end of the semester determines at least ¼ of their final grade. Please encourage and help your student prepare for this test.

Required Material

These items will need to be brought to class everyday

Pen, Pencil, and Paper

A good attitude. This is extremely important to be successful. Be Positive! Respect yourself, your neighbors, your teacher and the equipment.

Student Fee

A $5.00 material usage fee for the class needs to be paid at the office in the Keyboarding account. This fee covers the use of hardware, software, and printing supplies for the semester. Bring the receipt to class to be recorded by the teacher.

Academic Grading Standards

Students may receive points each day for participating, completing assignments, tests and/or quizzes, notebook checks, professional development points and/or outside class assignments.

Grades will be calculated on a percentage of the total points available. Letter grades will be awarded by the following percentage table:

A / 100-93% / C / 76-73%
A- / 92-90% / C- / 72-70%
B+ / 89-87% / D+ / 69-67%
B / 86-83% / D / 66-63%
B- / 82-80% / D- / 62-60%
C+ / 79-77% / F / 59-0%

You may receive points each day for participating, completing assignments, tests and/or quizzes, notebook checks, management points, professional development points and/or outside class assignments.

In order to receive credit for assignments, all work must be turned by the due date. In order to receive credit for assignments, all work must be turned in within two weeks of the day it was assigned.

Extra credit will only be available when indicated and at the discretion of the teacher.

The business lab will be open after school to work on assignments/projects and to make-up missed work. Please check with your teacher for a schedule.


As part of the curriculum for this class videos may be used in an instructional manner to help students understand concepts of computer history, computer hardware, the internet, computer/professional ethics etc.


Student collaboration of ideas and methodology on projects is encouraged and expected. However, students must do their own work. Copying of any files from student to student for purposes of class work/grade is forbidden and will result in a failing grade for those involved in sharing assignment. Those involved will also earn a “U” citizenship grade.


Regular attendance is essential for success in this class.

This class will follow the attendance policy as outlined in the student handbook and DavisSchool District. The Citizenship grade for this class will be earned by appropriate behavior in class and by following all the school and class rules including but not limited to dress code, attendance/citizenship policy as stated in the student handbook.

A school-excused absence does not excuse you from completing class work. Students will not be able to make-up work or assignments missed due to truancy.

Tardies are noted as a disruption to the class; and therefore, will affect the student’s citizenship grade 4 Tardies = “U”.

Guidelines for Classroom /Computer Behavior

A positive and respectful attitude. You will be learning in a business-like environment and should conduct yourselves accordingly. No talking, moving around, or other disrupting acts will be permitted during class time.

You are responsible to bring their supplies to class each day. This will help you utilize your time wisely and complete their assignments on time.

Internet Surfing and games are not permitted during class time without permission.

Adherence to the “Davis District Acceptable Use Policy” and classroom rules.

Please use printing supplies sparingly. Printing privileges will be suspended if you abuse this policy.

All school policies will be enforced according to the student handbook: including dress code, body piercing, acceptable behavior, etc!

I DO NOT ALLOW COMPUTER GAMING DURING CLASS TIME. Your citizenship grade drops dramatically to a “U” when caught playing games during class time. This INCLUDES Facebook


CELL PHONES/Electronic Devices

Absolutely NO CELL PHONES or other Electronic Devices (MP3/CD players, calculators, etc.)

Cell phones and other electronic devices are a distraction to a positive learning environment and the use of them in class is against school policy. These devices are to be turned off and out of sight during the class period.

Violation of this policy will result in a “U” citizenship grade and confiscation of the phone/device. Cell phones/device will be given to the administration and/or returned to a parent/guardian.


Parents and students are encouraged to communicate with their teacher and attend scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences. The school’s main phone number is 402-6500 and email is .

Computer Technology will be a rewarding experience that develops valuable, lifelong skills. Skills learned in this class will help students produce professional looking reports and papers for other classes.

I have thoroughly read this disclosure statement for Computer Technology. I am aware of and will support the academic/citizenship grading standards and classroom policies as described.

Name: / Period
Student Signature / Parent Signature
Parent Email
Home Phone