Mock Test 2 mr Dragana Čarapić

I Comprehension check:

Amnesty International is a world-wide volunteer organization funded entirely by subscriptions and donations. It is totally independent of any government, political faction, ideology, economic interest or religious creed.

The organization works for the release of `Prisoners of Conscience'- men, women

and children imprisoned anywhere for their beliefs, colour, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion. It also seeks fair and immediate trial for all political prisoners detained without charge, and opposes torture and the degrading treatment of prisoners. It is also against the death penalty for all types of crime.

Amnesty works by collecting information. When it has proof that a person is a `Prisoner of Conscience', that person's case is handed over to a local group. The local groups are ordinary individuals who believe in Amnesty's work. They send letters to governments, embassies, leading newspapers and the prisoner's family and friends. They also collect signatures and raise money to send medicine, food and clothing to the prisoners and their families. These volunteers use their freedom of speech to win the same freedom for their adopted prisoner.

Paradoxically, Amnesty International is an organization that will only be satisfied

when it has become redundant.

1. Answer the following questions using your own words. (2 points: 1 point each)

a) What are the aims of Amnesty International?


b) How do Amnesty's local groups operate?


2. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? (1 point: 0.5 each)

a) Amnesty International follows a religious creed.

b) Amnesty International fights for the release of any prisoner who opposes


3. Find a word or phrase in the text which, in context, is similar in meaning to: (1

point: 0.5 each)

a) looks for, tries to obtain

b) most important

4. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct. (2 points: 0.5


1. Amnesty International is supported ...

a) by people with left-wing views.

b) in part by government assistance.

c) by people who give money or subscribe to the organization.

2. Amnesty gathers information ...

a) to determine if someone is a `Prisoner of Conscience'.

b) to support its local groups.

c) for the `Prisoners of Conscience.

3. The local groups are composed of ...

a) representatives from governments, embassies, leading newspapers, etc.

b) special people who know the prisoners and their families.

c) normal people who have the same views as Amnesty International.

4. Amnesty International will go on working until

a) many `Prisoners of Conscience' are released from prison.

b) its work becomes unnecessary.

c) the `Prisoners of Conscience' are redundant.

II Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple, active or passive

1. BBC ______just ______(announce) that 2 million pounds ______(steal) from the Royal Bank of Scotland. Police ______(not give) any comments yet. Unofficially, we can tell you that money ______(steal) at about 11 o'clock last night and fifteen criminals ______(participate) in the theft, but only two of them planned it.

2. This mountain ______(not climb) by anyone before. Several mountaineers ______(try) to reach the top, but nobody ______ever______(succeed).

3. Things ______(change) a great deal in our company. When

we first ______(start) working here three years ago, the company only had ten employees.

IV Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional.

  1. If we (have) ______(have) a yacht, we ______(sail) the seven seas.
  2. If it is too late ______(not call) your friends on the phone. It may be disturbing.

3.  Hurry up! If you ______(not leave) now, you ______(miss) the bus.

4. If I ______(be) you, I ______(not buy) that house. It is too


5. They say it will be sunny tomorrow. If the weather ______(be) nice

tomorrow, we ______(go) to the seaside.

6. If I had more time, I ______(start) studying languages.

V Complete the following sentences using the appropriate forms of the given multi-word verbs.

look for put off look after put up with go through

1. I can’t go out tonight. I ______my little nephew.

2. I ______my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere?

3. How do you manage to ______such a noisy neighbours?

4. She ______a difficult period in her life.

5. The bad smell from the kitchen ______me ______eating.

go on put up with turn on give up pick up

  1. It’s too hot! Could you ______the air conditioner ______, please?
  2. He ______smoking three years ago.
  3. Parents have to ______a lot of bad behaviour from their children.
  4. She ______a little Italian while she was in Italy.
  5. After having a break, he ______writing a report.

Match a word in A with the explanation in B.


  1. descendant a) shape of objects against sky
  1. windfall b) waste time, money or effort on something


  1. skyline c) to learn unconsciously
  1. to fritter away d) somebody or something related to ancestor:

5. to pick up e) an amount of money you get unexpectedly