Brooks Library

Program Review Self Study

Study conducted during summer-fall 2008

For Academic Year 2008-2009

April 23, 2009

Review period is: 2004-2005; 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009

  1. Introduction to Library and Service Units

A.Librarymission statement (Last updated August 2007. Available online at:

The Library supports activities that are integral to the University's mission. To this end, the mission of the Library is to provide resources and services to stimulate intellectual curiosity and to facilitate learning and research within the academic community. The Library personnel are engaged in the creation of collections of materials that support the curriculum and the provision of access to those materials. More specifically, these activities include the collection and preservation of materials, user instruction and guidance, information retrieval, analysis and organization, promotion of global access to library and information resources, and collaboration with instructional faculty in developing programs, collections, and research.

ServiceUnit mission statements (Individual service units within the Library have developed mission statements based on those of the University and the Library):

Archives & Special Collections Services

The Archives & Special Collections unit at CentralWashingtonUniversity acts as the repository for official and unofficial records that document the history of the university. The Archives also serves as a regional repository to house, preserve and promote the unique cultural history of Central Washington. The unit serves the CentralWashingtonUniversity community, visiting scholars and the general public by making many rare materials physically and intellectually accessible for research. We also acquire, preserve, and make available many rare and unique collections.

Cataloging Services

The Cataloging service unit delivers a fundamental public service by providing intellectual access to the Library’s collections. It is the function of cataloging to organize library materials for access by patrons. Patrons include other library staff as well as the users of the library. Access by patrons includes both physical browsing of the shelved materials as well as access by means of the catalog.

Within the confines imposed by available resources, the Catalog Department strikes a balance between following national and international standards for bibliographic records (so that records will be appropriate for inclusion in the international bibliographic utility OCLC) versus adapting and enhancing records to best meet the needs of local patrons and for inclusion in the CWU Library catalog.

Circulation Services

The Circulation Services department supports the mission of the library by maintaining the general collection and the motion images media collection for all authorized users. The unit creates and supports a secure environment that serves the academic needs of the students, faculty and community.

Government Publications, Maps and Microforms Services

It is the mission of the Government Publications, Maps and Microforms, services unit to support and facilitate Brooks Library’s learning and research environment by building, maintaining, and making accessible to all users a collection of government information and related materials covering historical and current issues.

Interlibrary Loan Services

The Interlibrary Loan service facilitates the research agenda of the entire CWU community by borrowing materials not available to our users locally or through regional consortia borrowing agreements. In addition, Interlibrary Loan supports resource sharing by making many of the Brooks Libraries' collections available to other libraries for the use of their patrons.

B. Brief description of library and service unit contexts [no previous review performed]

Nine library service units, in addition to the dean's office suite and meeting room currently, occupy the building. (Multimedia Technology Information Services and the community television station are also housed in the Brooks Library building.) The service units and number of employees are:

  • Archives and Special Collections (1 facultyvacant since 10/2008)
  • Cataloging (2 faculty + 3 classified staff)
  • Circulation Services (4 classified staff +1 administrative exemptvacant since 1/2009)

Plus: Media Circulation (2 classified staff)

  • Collection Development (1 facultyreassigned from Reference 12/2007, 2 classified staff)
  • Government Publications, Maps & Microforms (.8 faculty, 2.125 classified staff, + 1 classified staff vacant since 2/2009)
  • Instruction and Outreach (1 faculty + 2 classified staff)

NOTE: This service unit is responsible for teaching the one course offered regularly through the Library, LIB345, Library Research Methods and UNIV101 orientation sessions.

  • Reference (1 faculty, 2 classified staff + 3 faculty vacant since: 4/2007, 11/ 2007, 1/ 2009)

Plus: Interlibrary Loan (2 classified staff), Music Library (1 classified staff)

  • Serials (2.7 classified staff +1 faculty vacant since 12/2007)
  • Systems (1 faculty + 3 classified staff, + .5 vacant since 5/2009)

The dean (vacant since 5/2008) and dean's administrative assistant brings the total number of library employees to 43employees (41.83 FTE).We currently have eight full-time vacancies (dean of libraries and 5 faculty positions, one administrative exempt position, and 1 classified staff position).

C.Describe library governance system and provide organizational chart for library.

The structure is similar to that of most academic libraries, but with an absence of assistant directors to oversee the divisions of technical and public services. This structure increases the number of individuals reporting directly to the dean.

Administratively: 1 Dean (vacant), 1 Department Chair/Unit Head/faculty (since 5/2008), 6 Unit Heads/faculty (3 currently vacant), 1 Unit Head/ Administrative Exempt(vacant as of 1/09).

Library Council: 12 faculty (5 vacancies), 1 admin. Exempt (vacant), 3 staff representatives

The current organizational structure of the library is provided in Appendix I-C.

Library/Service Units

D.1. List library/service unit goals. (List department/program goals (be sure to include goals for each degree program).

For the period under review and the purpose of the rest of this report, Library service units will be grouped into two Service Unit Categories; the faculty will constitute a separate 3rd category and the Dean a 4th when appropriate. The generally accepted major service categories in libraries are those of Public Services and Technical Services. Public Services are those activities that have direct contact with the students and faculty. Technical Services, by default, are everything else. Those two broad categories include the work of faculty, staff, and administrative exempt employees. Objectives specific to faculty or dean roles are broken out separately as well as we can do so. For Brooks Library, that means the service units are categorized as follows:

Technical Services

  • Cataloging, including record creation and copycataloging performed in Music and Government Publications departments
  • Collection Development, including acquisition, ordering, receiving and checking in, and invoicing of resources in all formats (DVDs, monographs, journals, scores, etc.)
  • Systems (including electronic access provided/supported through Circulation Services)
  • Serials bindery, checkin, and ordering
  • Interlibrary Loan (Electronic accounts/ordering and electronic article delivery)

Public Services

  • Archives and Special Collections
  • Circulation Services; Media Circulation
  • Government Information, Maps and Microforms
  • Instruction and Outreach
  • Reference; Interlibrary Loan; Music Services
  • Serials


  • 12 positions when fully staffed; currently we have 7 faculty (6 tenured, 2 non-tenured)


The Library Faculty and Dean of Library Services revised goals in August 2007. For the purposes of this review, goals which are primarily applicable to specific categories will be addressed. Some goals having been written without the intent of evaluation or assessment are omitted from the rest of this report. The complete statement may be viewed in Appendix I.D.1.

LIBRARY GOALS as last revised in August 2007:

Technical Services

  • Maintain and strengthen online access to information resources campus-wide.
  • Provide information resources from global sources.
  • Maintain and strengthen online access to information resources at University Centers.
  • Highlight faculty and alumni publication in our collections.
  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services.
  • Maintain access to and strengthen collections that encompass diverse beliefs and perspectives.

Public Services

  • Maintain and strengthen a range of study environments conducive to individual needs and learning styles.
  • Provide physical access to the library during times when access to other university facilities might not be available.
  • Provide access to appropriate physical resources at University Centers.
  • Enhance the visibility of library services at the University Centers.
  • Highlight faculty and alumni publication in our collections.
  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services.
  • Maintain access to and strengthen collections that encompass diverse beliefs and perspectives.
  • Provide information resource from global sources.


  • Encourage instructional faculty to include funding for library resources in programs and grant proposals.
  • Participate in professional organizations at the state (WLA), regional (NGIN, NWA, PNLA) and national levels (LC, ALA, SAA, NASIG).
  • Enhance the relationship between the Library and consortia through active participation and leadership roles.
  • Cooperate and develop programs with the local and regional organizations that preserve the cultural heritage of Central Washington.
  • Seek leadership roles in state, regional and national professional organizations.


  • Encourage grant writing and sponsored research activities within the scope of library and archive profession.
  • Encourage planned giving through programs in cooperation with the Development Office and the Friends of the Library.
  • Enhance cooperation between the Library and the affiliated community college libraries of the University Centers.
  • Participate in professional organizations at the state (WLA), regional (NGIN, NWA, PNLA) and national levels (LC, ALA, SAA, NASIG).
  • Enhance the relationship between the Library and consortia through active participation and leadership roles.
  • Cooperate and develop programs with the local and regional organizations that preserve the cultural heritage of Central Washington.
  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services.
  • Identify and promote outstanding library services.
  • Continue to recruit and retain graduate students who serve as library graduate assistants.
  • Continue to support professional development and training activities for library faculty and staff.
  • Seek leadership roles in state, regional and national professional organizations.
  • Provide information services to the highest quality through excellence in staff, services, programs, and facilities.
  • Encourage professional growth by providing staff development opportunities for all Library employees.

D.2Describe the relationship of each service unit goal to relevant University strategic goals. Explain how each relevant strategic goal(s) for the University are being met within the department.

Technical Services

University Strategic Goal 1:Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student life on the Ellensburg campus.

  • Maintain and strengthen online access to information resources campus-wide.
  • Provide information resources from global sources.

Acting upon these goals helps ensure that our students are able to utilize the resources we provide to assist them in their academic work based on their needs and timeframes.

University Strategic Goal 2:Provide for an outstanding academic and student life at the University Centers.

  • Maintain and strengthen online access to information resources at University Centers.
  • Provide information resources from global sources.

Acting upon these goals helps ensure that our students at the Centers are able to utilize the resources we provide to assist them in their academic work as easily and appropriately as do those students at the main campus.

University Strategic Goal 3:Strengthen and further diversify our funding base and strengthen infrastructure to support academic and student programs.

  • Highlight faculty and alumni publication in our collections.

Promoting faculty and alumni publications by acquiring and cataloging those materials supports and recognizes the work of those faculty and alumni by making them accessible to our patrons and those worldwide and creates a platform for a positive relationship.

University Strategic Goal 5: Achieve regional and national prominence for the university.

  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services.

University Strategic Goal 6: Build inclusive and diverse campus communities that promote intellectual inquiry and encourage civility, mutual respect, and cooperation.

  • Maintain access to and strengthen collections that encompass diverse beliefs and perspectives.

In doing so (through acquisition, cataloging, and electronic access) we facilitate successful intellectual inquiry and encourage cooperation..

Public Services

University Strategic Goal 1:Maintain and strengthen an outstanding academic and student life on the Ellensburg campus.

  • Maintain and strengthen a range of study environments conducive to individual needs, group needs, and learning styles.
  • Provide information resource from global sources.
  • Promote and facilitate use of library resources through class and one-on-one instruction.
  • Provide physical access to the library during times when access to other university facilities might not be available.

By overseeing and improving the physical environments, we support the creation of an outstanding experience for our students and faculty.

University Strategic Goal 2:Provide for an outstanding academic and student life at the University Centers.

  • Enhance the visibility of library services at the University Centers.
  • Provide information resource from global sources.
  • Provide access to appropriate physical resources at University Centers.

By overseeing and improving the physical environments, we support the creation of an outstanding experience for our students and faculty. By promoting the services at the Centers to our students and faculty there, we help ensure that they are able to utilize the resources we provide to assist them in their academic work as easily and appropriately a do those at the main campus.

University Strategic Goal 3:Strengthen and further diversify our funding base and strengthen infrastructure to support academic and student programs.

  • Highlight faculty and alumni publications in our collections.

Promoting faculty and alumni publications supports and recognizes the work of those faculty and alumni and creates a platform for a positive relationship.

University Strategic Goal 5: Achieve regional and national prominence for the university.

  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services through additions of resources and the weeding of those no longer supportive of our students’ and faculty’s curriculum and research needs.

Undertaking these activitiesleads to a strong collections supportive of the university’s mission and could lead to us being a model library in these practices.


University Strategic Goal 3: Strengthen and further diversify our funding base and strengthen infrastructure to support academic and student programs.

  • Encourage instructional faculty to include funding for library resources in programs and grant proposals.
  • Encourage library faculty and staff to work together to create grant proposals.

As a means of garnering funding for new programs and areas of research, utilize faculty connections and committee responsibilities to educate our colleagues on ways their grant proposals can do so. Utilize our faculty connections and relationships to remain aware of and promote faculty and students academic activities and to identify possible sources of grant funding.

University Strategic Goal 4: Build mutually beneficial partnerships with public sector industry, professional groups, institutions, and the communities surrounding our campus locations.

  • Participate in professional organizations at the state (WLA), regional (NGIN, NWA, PNLA) and national levels (LC, ALA, SAA, NASIG).
  • Enhance the relationship between the Library and consortia through active participation and leadership roles.
  • Cooperate and develop programs with the local and regional organizations that preserve the cultural heritage of Central Washington.

Through professional relationships the faculty can be actively involved with appropriate groups that help us to augment the resources we provide to our students and faculty.

University Strategic Goal 5: Achieve regional and national prominence for the university.

  • Seek leadership roles in state, regional and national professional organizations.

We seek leadership roles in professional organizations are another means of disseminating accomplishments and expertise.


University Strategic Goal 3:Strengthen and further diversify our funding base and strengthen infrastructure to support academic and student programs.

  • Encourage instructional faculty to include funding for library resources in programs and grant proposals.
  • Encourage grant writing and sponsored research activities within the scope of library and archive profession.
  • Encourage planned giving through programs in cooperation with the Development Office and the Friends of the Library.
  • Advocate for the library’s budget to appropriate campus communities.

Encouraging the library faculty and their instructional colleagues in these areas will help diversify our funding base in the library.

University Strategic Goal 4: Build mutually beneficial partnerships with public sector industry, professional groups, institutions, and the communities surrounding our campus locations.

  • Enhance cooperation between the Library and the affiliated community college libraries of the University Centers.
  • Participate in professional organizations at the state (WLA), regional (NGIN, NWA, PNLA) and national levels (LC, ALA, SAA, NASIG).
  • Enhance the relationship between the Library and consortia through active participation and leadership roles.
  • Cooperate and develop programs with the local and regional organizations that preserve the cultural heritage of Central Washington.

Leading the way in creating partnerships (and supporting library faculty and staff involvement, as well) would support this goal.

University Strategic Goal 5: Achieve regional and national prominence for the university.

  • Conduct regular assessment and make appropriate adjustments to library collections and services.
  • Identify and promote outstanding library services to the campus community.
  • Continue to recruit and retain graduate students who serve as library graduate assistants.
  • Continue to support professional development and training activities for library faculty and staff.
  • Seek leadership roles in state, regional and national professional organizations.

Lead the way in creating partnerships and supporting library faculty and staff involvement in regional and national organizations.