Faculty Request for a Work-Study Research Assistant

Program Summary

The federal work-study program funds part-time employment for needy students by subsidizing student wages. Thus, the institution gets the benefit of a student employee but at a vastly reduced rate. At Roanoke College, the institution pays approximately 1/3 of the student wage and the federal government pays the other 2/3.

The Roanoke College Work-Study Research Assistant (WSRA) Program was started in 2011 to fill a need: to provide students with an attractive job on campus working one-on-one with a faculty mentor and to provide faculty additional support with their research ambitions.

Student Tasks

WSRA students complete many tasks for faculty such as:

  • Literature searches
  • Summaries of primary sources
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Interview transcriptions
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Data analysis
  • Writing

Faculty Requirements

To receive a WSRA, faculty must:

  1. Complete the form below and email it to .
  2. Wait for approval from the Director of Undergraduate Research.
  3. Interview at least 3 students for the position.
  4. Ensure that the student(s) hired are not also receiving course credit for research with you in addition to being paid through this program (i.e., no double-dipping).
  5. Complete a Research Learning Contract.
  6. Sign student time sheets.
  7. Provide excellent mentorship to the student.
  8. Ensure that students comply with assessment requirements (e.g., reflection papers, surveys).

Faculty have two choices for a WSRA:

  1. One student for up to 8 hours per week.
  2. Two students that combine to 8 hours per week such as 6 hours/2 hours or 4 hours each.

Student Requirements

In order to participate in the WSRA program, students:

  • Must be work-study eligible.
  • May not receive course credit for research with you in addition to being paid through this program
    (i.e., no double-dipping).
  • May be at any academic level.
  • Will be paid $8/hour.
  • Must complete HR paperwork before being hired.
  • Must complete a reflection paper at the end of each academic year.
  • Must participate in assessment requirements.

Faculty Application for a WSRA

Today’s date:
Worker(s) needed for Fall, Spring, or Both:
Your department:
Your office location:
Your name:
Your work extension:
Your email address:
Would you like 2 students for 4 hours/week each or 1 student for 8 hours/week?
Research Project Title
WSRA Job Description/Desired Qualifications (This will be posted verbatim on the on-campus job site):
Does your department already have a program for you to receive a paid research assistant? If yes, please specify why you should also receive one through the WSRA program?
How many students are you working with this semester and in what capacity (e.g., URAP, independent study, honors, paid work-study through department)?
Did you participate in the WSRA program in the past? Was the partnership a success? If not, what would you do differently this time to ensure a better experience?
In what way will having a WSRA advance your own research or creative work?
Any additional comments or questions?

Please email the completed form to