Teen Risk Assessment and Safety Plan

The following questions can help you determine if you are in an abusive relationship.

How often does your partner: / Never / Rarely / Some-
times / Fairly Often / Frequently
Put you down?
Threaten to hurt you?
Hit you or throw things?
Call you names?
Constantly call, text, or page you?
Pressure you to have sex?
Yell at you?
Push or shove you?
Slap you or pull your hair?
Act controlling?
Keep you from spending time with friends and/or family?
Abuse alcohol or other drugs?
Threaten suicide if you end the relationship?

If you are experiencing one or more of these behaviors, even rarely, you may be at risk for more serious violence.

Factors that increase the risk for violence:

·  you are considering ending or have recently ended your relationship

·  your partner has a history of violence or delinquency

·  your partner owns or has access to weapons

·  your partner has made any threats to hurt you or others

·  your partner abuses alcohol or drugs

Safety Plan (adapted from Teen Justice Initiative, Texas Advocacy Project)

·  Use a journal to keep track of the violence.

·  Consider telling your friends and other supportive adults what is happening so they can screen telephone calls or visitors.

·  Tell teachers, counselors, or security guards about what is happening so they can help protect you.

·  If you are ready to break up with your partner, do so over the phone OR in a public place. Breaking up, and immediately after, can be the most dangerous time.

·  Try not to be alone with the person and avoid contact with them.

·  Tell your friends about what is happening. Walk with them and hang out with them at school and in the community.

·  Make a list of phone numbers, including 911, crisis lines, and supportive friends. Keep the list in a safe place or program them into your cell phone.

·  Know your legal rights. Apply for a Protective Order by contacting the County or District Attorney’s Office or other Victim Service Agency. For assistance contact the Teen Justice Initiative @Texas Advocacy Project (512) 225-9579 or www.myspace.com/teenjusticeinitiative.

·  Know your resources. National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (866) 331-9474 or live chat at www.loveisrespect.org.

·  Trust your instincts. If you feel you are in danger, get help immediately!

SafePlace, Austin, TX Page 1 2/28/2008