Making your way to a Green & Healthy School

The Green & Healthy Schools Program is a joint initiative of Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful and Gwinnett County Public Schools and is aligned with the district focus on STEM education. This Program provides integrated environmental education incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways.

Why should teachers/schools participate? Sustainability education provides teachers with the real-world applied learning models that connect science, technology, engineering, and math education with the broader human concerns of environmental, economic, and social systems. Teachers will be provided with resources to effectively integrate environmental education into their instructional programs.

What is the focus? Learning will focus on:

·  STEM education to provide integrated environmental education incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways.

·  Equipping teachers with resources to collaborate and plan vertically to offer cross-curricular environmental education.

·  Reducing environmental impacts and costs and improving the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff.

·  Developing the skills to strengthen community partnerships to enrich the curriculum, acquire funding, and expose students to career experts.

Who should participate? Science teachers, classroom teachers, service club sponsors, STEM instructional leaders, Science and Mathematics Specialists, connection teachers, innovative teacher leaders, and Outdoor Classroom Coordinators can lead the involvement of the entire school community.

How do we get started? Schools should first have a committee of teachers committed to working together with support from school administration. Resources are available to assist schools with programming.

Two district-wide meetings for G&H Schools include a gallery walk of best practices and STEM/PBL session strands addressing various environmental areas: Waste Reduction & Recycling, Water Conservation and Watershed Protection, Outdoor Learning Gardens, Stewardship and Community Impact, Air Quality, and Energy Conservation. These meetings align with CCRPI goals by inviting specialists that work in environmental fields.

Contact Brenda O McDaniel at for further information on getting started or expanding your school’s program.

What is the Green & Healthy Achievement Profile? The Profile is an action plan for schools, administrators, and teachers to guide in planning, executing, and assessing the effectiveness of environmental lessons, activities, standards, and school programs. Putting your Profile plans into action will enhance 21St century learning and help you make your way toward being a Green & Healthy School.

What are the benefits? There are many benefits to providing a Green & Healthy Schools program at your school. Such benefits include:

·  Dynamic Learning Opportunities: Providing meaningful real world content for engaging students in mastering county and state curriculum standards and improving academic achievement.

·  Productive Learning Environments: Creating and maintaining healthy school environments for successful teaching and learning.

·  Environmental Benefits: Conserving natural resources by implementing environmentally sound practices.

·  Economic Benefits: Saving funds by improving school resources efficiently and recognizing opportunities for cost avoidances.

·  Citizen Engagement: Increasing citizen involvement and opportunities for academic service learning.

·  Environmental Literacy: Demonstrating knowledge, actions and behaviors which improve our environment and reduce society’s impact on the natural world.

·  Recognition: Earning recognition and monetary awards for accomplishments and improvements made through each level.

All Gwinnett County Schools are encouraged to submit the Green & Healthy Achievement Profile annually. The simplest way to complete it is by working in conjunction with your fellow teachers, students, administrators, PTA, and support staff. Use the Profile to plan your school’s initiatives at the beginning of the year. Review your school’s programs and activities periodically throughout the school year for immediate assessment and further guidance for the remaining portion of the year.

Each school should have a designated G&H Schools' environmental teacher(s) and PTA liaisons that assess your school’s “green” programming and the number of staff and students impacted.

There are many opportunities for year-round environmental education and action throughout your school: within the classroom, service clubs, teacher work areas, outdoor classrooms, cafeteria, commons area, etc. As these activities are completed for each Profile area, simply record the point value of every listed activity your school earned during the academic year.

The Profile for the 2016-2017 school year helps you focus on seven areas:

Area 1 / Waste Reduction & Recycling
Area 2 / Education and Stewardship
Area 3 / Water Conservation and Watershed Protection
Area 4 / Air Quality
Area 5 / Energy Conservation
Area 6 / Beautification and Greenspace Preservation
Area 7 / Community Impact

Throughout the year, save supporting documentation for your Profile in a special file. Examples of such documentation might include: data collection, school newsletter articles, newspaper articles, lesson plans, pictures, ceremony programs, project calendars, guest speaker handouts, school map with identified outdoor learning areas, etc.

GCB/GCPS is here to guide you with instructional resources and tools to meet the AKS objectives, enrich your teaching with environmentally based lessons, and reward your school with recognition as you achieve your best.

For assistance, questions, resources, or staff development opportunities, please contact:

Brenda O. McDaniel 770-822-5187

Next Steps - once Profile is completed

·  Make a copy for your school’s records and keep in a central location

·  Ensure all signatures are captured – principal signature required in two places (pages 6 & 21)

·  Submit completed Profile no later than June 2, 2017 via one of the methods below

(Preferred) / This year, the Profile will be available via the GCPS employee portal in the Green & Healthy Schools community. If you do not have access, please contact Brenda O. McDaniel.
If sending hard copy via School Courier / Brenda McDaniel
ISC, Curriculum & Instruction
Science Office
If sending hard copy via US Mail / Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful
466 W. Crogan St. Ste. 225
Attn: Brenda O. McDaniel

As stated previously, referring to the Profile throughout the year will help your school to focus on areas which may need improvement, and will set standards for best practices in each of the G&H Schools Profile areas. Another effective way to use the Profile is for reflection. If your school submitted a profile last year, use it to reflect and complete the following outline to effectively plan for the upcoming year.

Goal Setting
Area / 2015-2016 Reflection / 2016-2017 Goals
Waste Reduction & Recycling
Education & Stewardship
Water Conservation & Watershed Protection
Air Quality
Energy Conservation
Beautification & Greenspace Preservation
Community Impact


Here’s how the scoring works:

Under 81 points: Discovering

This level allows a school to concentrate on discovering and recognizing the healthy, environmentally sound practices and activities that are already in place and what may be missing at their school. Recognition: monetary award, letter and Certificate of Recognition sent to the principal, and school listed on GC&B web site as a Discovering Green & Healthy School.

82-162 points: Progressing

This level includes the above, plus completion of at least one item listed under each of the 7 Earth Friendly areas: Waste Reduction & Recycling, Education & Stewardship, Water Conservation & Watershed Protection, Air Quality, Energy Conservation, Beautification & Greenspace Preservation, and Community Impact. Recognition: monetary award, letter and Certificate of Recognition sent to principal, and school listed on GC&B website as a Progressing Green & Healthy School.

163-243 points: Taking Action

This level concentrates on expanded involvement in all 7 Earth Friendly areas, as well as demonstrated curriculum integration and alignment to Common Core Standards. Schools must also demonstrate student-initiated project ideas that impact our environment and community. Recognition: monetary award, first time participants earn Environmental Achievement Award Sign. A returning award winner earns a renewal sticker. Schools will receive a certificate and award renewal letter sent to the principal, and will be listed on the GC&B website as a Taking Action Green & Healthy School. Taking Action Green Schools will be expected to display “best practices” at the January winter Green & Healthy Schools meeting.

244 and above: Reaching Higher

This level demonstrates all of the above, plus exceptional cross-curricular involvement and vertical planning of program components. Schools must also demonstrate at least (2) “new” student-initiated projects that impact our environment & community. Recognition: monetary award, first time participants earn an Environmental Achievement Award Sign and Earth Banner. Returning award winners earn renewal sticker for sign. After 5 consecutive years at the Reaching Higher level, schools will receive a new “sustainability” banner. Schools reaching this level will also receive a certificate & award renewal letter sent to the principal, as well as the principal being recognized at a GCPS Leadership meeting. School will be listed on GC&B website as a Reaching Higher Green & Healthy School. Reaching Higher Green & Healthy Schools will be expected to display “best practices” at the January Green & Healthy Schools meeting.

This Profile should be a consolidated effort of school administration, teachers, students, PTA, cafeteria staff, and custodial staff to ensure school-wide participation and cooperation toward earning the Green & Healthy Schools distinction.

Please print/complete:
Teacher #1 Name
(Profile author)
Teacher #2
Teacher #3
Custodial Staff
Signature of ALL parties, as well as documentation or data requested under a given assessment item, IS required for awards and renewals.

Principal’s Signature ______

Area # 1
Values / Item
No. / Waste Reduction & Recycling / Your
2 pts. / 1A / School instruction includes waste reduction and recycling. If yes, list grade levels:
2 pts. / 1B / School utilized Waste Reduction and Recycling resources from organizations or web sites. If yes, list 2
2 pts. / 1C / Staff participated in professional learning programs for Waste Reduction and Recycling. If yes, please describe:
(2 pts. per teacher, maximum 8 pts.)
3 pts. / 1D / School has multi-disciplinary “team/committee” involved in waste reduction & recycling program (teachers, students, custodial & cafeteria staff, PTA representative, and administration).
3 pts. / 1E / Waste reduction & recycling “team/committee” has long-range plan for sustaining programs. Please list at least 3 plan goals:
2 pts. / 1F / Your school buys items in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging and save money. List 2 Items:
2 pts. / 1G / Items are salvaged for reuse when lockers/desks are cleaned out at the end of the school year. List teacher or service group responsible for organizing this activity:
3 pts. / 1H / Clothing, food, or other items are collected for reuse or recycling: If yes, briefly describe your program:
3 pts. / 1I / School participates in service learning reuse and recycling projects that benefit the community. If yes, briefly describe:
1 pt. / 1J / Teachers and students swap/share unused supplies and/or books.
3 pts. / 1K / Cans, bottles, etc. are recycled on school-sponsored field trips.
1 pt. / 1L / Announcements for all staff are emailed, posted, or listed on TV circuit rather than duplicated (when appropriate).
Values / Item
No. / (Continued) Waste Reduction & Recycling / Your
1 pt. / 1M / Teachers and students bringing lunch to school are encouraged to bring reusable lunch containers. Briefly describe how this is communicated:
1 pt. / 1N / One-copy rule is utilized in Computer Lab(s) and Media Center.
3 pts. / 1O / School maintains a compost pile. Who coordinates this at your school:
2 pts. / 1P / Recycling bins (along with educational materials) are placed in teacher work areas.
1 pt. / 1Q / Newspaper, magazine and book subscriptions are circulated.
1 pt. / 1R / Half-sheets of paper are used for printing and correspondence (when appropriate).
2 pts. / 1S / Your school purchases recycled paper.
2 pts. / 1T / Your school buys other items made from recycled materials. If yes, list items:
6 pts. / 1U / School conducts year-round recycling for paper (extra 4 pts. if ALL classroom and work areas participate in paper recycling). If yes, please list recycling vendor your school utilizes:
6 pts. / 1V / School conducts year-round recycling for cardboard. If yes, list recycling vendor your school utilizes:
6 pts. / 1W / School raises funds via grants or fundraisers to offset the cost of paper/cardboard recycling. Briefly describe:
6 pts. / 1X / Other than paper and cardboard, list items that are collected for recycling or reuse. List 3 items and the vendor utilized or organization that receives the items:
2 pts. / 1Y / The school scheduled a chemical pick-up and/or removed all “expired” or “not for school use” chemicals. List date(s) of disposal and staff member responsible:
Area # 2
Values / Item
No. / Education & Stewardship / Your
3 pts. / 2A / Three or more staff members appointed to serve as Green & Healthy Schools' representatives for school.
4 pts. / 2B / Staff member was appointed to “G&H Schools’ Steering Committee.”
3 pts. / 2C / Staff members participated in local school and/or district staff development that included environmental/green concepts.
4 pts. / 2D / Designated teacher and/or PTA environmental representatives attended G& H Schools meetings in Sept. and Jan and reported information back to school faculty. (4 pts. per rep per meeting). Describe how this information was communicated:
4 pts. / 2E / School displayed “best practices” at G&H Schools’ Winter Meeting. Describe the display:
2 pts. / 2F / Custodial staff participates in GCPS Custodial Academy classes. List custodians who attended the Custodial Academy:
3 pts. / 2G / GC&B Education Tool Kits are utilized for staff development or classroom enrichment. Place a check mark and indicate grade level beside each kit used at your school this year.
Kit / Grade Levels / # of students viewing kits
Water Pollution
Waste Reduction & Recycling
Georgia Habitats
Science Night
Food Chain/Trophic Pyramid
Request a tool kit by emailing
(3 pts. earned for each kit demonstrated to students and/or teachers.)
4 pts. / 2H / Permanent display of environmental stewardship materials is visible to all students. (Bulletin board, hall posters, graphs/program data, etc.) Briefly describe:
4 pts. / 2I / Student(s) participated in local school science fair in the environmental science category.