Researcher Information

Full Name: / Date:
Last / First / M.I.
Email / / Phone:

Study Information

Title of Project:
Avoid giving away the purpose of the research with your project title.
Type of Research: / Directed Research** / Adviser:
Independent Study / Honors* / Adviser:
Faculty Research* / Primary Investigator:
Course Research* / Psychology Course: / Professor:
This study will use deception – Debriefing materials must address the use of this method.
*Participation hours will be made available from the Macalester College Psychology Participation Pool at the discretion of the pool coordinator.
**Directed research receives highest priority.

Participant Details

Participant Population: / Age Range: / Number: / Other:
I will not need participants from the Macalester College Psychology Participation Pool.
Estimated Session Lengths: / Participation Credit: / x0.5 / x1 / x1.5 / Other
Credits should be rounded up to the nearest .05 increment based on session length.
Site of Research: / Starting Date: / Ending Date:

Study Details

Answer the questions on both sides of this form. Attach additional sheets if needed.
1.  Clearly state the background and purpose of the study in one to two paragraphs.
2.  How will the participants be selected for the study? If you will only be using participants from the Macalester College Psychology Participation Pool, skip this question.
3.  Specify the procedures to be followed in the study (Directed Research and Honors students must attach full Method section). In addition, please attach copies of all measures or stimuli (including full references for the source of the measures and whether the measures were available in the public domain or you secured copyright permission), and a copy of the informed consent form.
4.  Describe the methods you will use to protect the confidentiality of your participants.
5.  How will you prevent negative effects to your participants? Examples include referring participants to Macalester Health and Wellness Center, providing detailed results to the participants, etc.
6.  Describe the procedures for debriefing and providing feedback to participants, and attach a copy of the debriefing/information form. Typically, this form is either a separate sheet of paper or a new screen in the SONA online survey system. It should provide background information (including, for instance, the theoretical foundation for your hypotheses) about your study beyond what was presented in your consent form so that participants will learn about the reason for the research they engaged in. If deception was used, the debriefing form must explain the actual rationale for the study and the reason(s) why deception was necessary. This sheet should include contact information for you, your research advisor, and the chair of the Psychology Department.

Insert extra pages beginning here