Vietnam (and Cambodia) Study Tour

for Central and Eastern European NGDOs


Hungarian Baptist Aid Brief Report

February – March 2004

HBAid Brief Report on the Vietnam (and Cambodia) Study Tour in February - March 2004page 1

Vietnam (and Cambodia) Study Tour

for Central and Eastern European NGDOs by CIDA ODACE

22nd February – 22nd March 2004

Hungarian Baptist Aid Brief Report


Cambodia Briefly


Main Goals of Study Tour

HBAid’s objectives in Vietnam

Program in Vietnam


City of Hue

Hanoi (HBAid only)

Ho Chi Minh City

Mekong Delta, Can To City

Ho Chi Minh City


Annex I Hungarian Baptist Aid Plans in Vietnam

Annex II End of Project Summary Report

Annex III Organisations Contacted in Vietnam


Since Vietnam is one of the most important target countries for the Hungarian ODA, and Hungarian Baptist Aid has wide-ranged experiences in the implementation of humanitarian relief and development projects in South-Eastern Asia, HBAid applied for the participation of two staff in the study tour in Vietnam organised in co-operation by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and a Canadian NGO, Alternatives, as implementing partner between the 1st and 21st of March 2004.

Furthermore, since HBAid has running humanitarian aid and development programs in the neighbouring country, Cambodia, also being a priority country for Hungarian ODA, HBAid applied to include a one-week-mission in the study tour before visiting Vietnam.

In representation of Hungarian Baptist Aid, Director Mr. Béla Szilágyi and International Relations Officer Mr. Ferenc Tisch were delegated as participants. Other members of the group were

Ms. Alexandra Gilbert, Canada, Alternatives, Leader of the Group

Ms. Györgyi Blahó, Hungary, DEMNET Foundation

Ms. Sarolta Szily, Hungary, Civic Education Project

Mr. Benedek Jávor, Hungary, Civic Education Project

Mr. Ondrej Urban, Czech Republic, Development World Wide

Mr. Martin Náprstek, Czech Republic, Institute of International Relations

Cambodia Briefly

During the one-week mission in Cambodia HBAid monitored the on-going kitchen building program in the Khmer-Hungarian-French Orphanage in Bakou, Kandal Province located about 30 km South from the capital, Phnom Penh. One of the kitchens is finished and is in operation, the second one’s construction is well under way and should be finished by this summer. The water purification system provided last year was of good use, and the two newly drilled deep wells are operating providing clean and safe water.

HBAid had two other staff on the team, a medical doctor and a social/relief worker (both sponsored by HBAid). The medical doctor examined and treated the children in the orphanage providing the necessary medical care not present for them, and also surveyed the medical and hygienic situation in the centre.

In addition, HBAid provided food aid, school supplies, medicines and bicycles to the orphanage.

HBAid has a longstanding cooperation with the National Paediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh where some of the orphans will receive hospital care and will undergo the necessary operations cosponsored by HBAid. The team also discussed the future implementation of the pursued hospital rehabilitation and the formalities of further humanitarian shipments for the development programs.

In the Ministry of Social Affairs HBAid also negotiated about the planned orphanage and hospital rehabilitation programs, the formalities of and permissions for further humanitarian shipments for the development programs, and also about the new development initiations.

In the Sangkheum Center in Chey Village, nearby Siem Reap HBAid monitored the construction of the three new resident houses for the orphans and the agricultural workshop. HBAid provided further funds for the rehabilitation of the school rooms, school supplies and kitchenware.


Main Goals of Study Tour

The main goals of the three weeks study tour in Vietnam were

  1. to give the participating NGDOs the possibility to learn about the current social, economical, legal and humanitarian situation of the target country Vietnam,
  2. to meet representatives of both international and local authorities and organisations,
  3. to find possible co-operating partners to development projects and programs in the future, and moreover,
  4. to gather information about the needs and demands of the Vietnamese people.

Thanks to the professional organisation of the program, the effective efforts of consultant and group leader Ms. Alexandra Gilbert, and the very positive attitude of both the international and the Vietnamese negotiating partners, all the objectives mentioned above were successfully achieved.

HBAid’s objectives in Vietnam

  1. Education – Health

Conductive education and rehabilitation of physically disabled children (FLAME Function Language and Movement Education Program), including education and training to local women to become conductor assistants

  1. Information Technology – Education

IT education and IT support to schools and other institutions, provision of computers

  1. Humanitarian Assistance – Health

Humanitarian and medical support to orphanages

Program in Vietnam

The official program in Vietnam started on Monday the 1st of March in the capital, Hanoi. As the organisers tried to give the participants a picture of the living circumstances both in rural and urban areas, the group also visited some rural areas of the country besides the three main focus cities of the program, Hanoi, the City of Hue, and Ho Chi Minh City.

The main part of the organised program involved the participation of all Group members, however, the Group members also arranged out of schedule meetings according to their special interests. In the first week, the Group tried to get a picture of the political, social, economical and humanitarian circumstances of the country, visiting the following local and international organisations.


Monday, March 1st:

-NGO Resources Centre

In this session, the Group learned about the history of NGDO activities in Vietnam, the frameworks, possible forms and requirements for operations in Vietnam. The Resource Centre works as linking partner between INGDOs, local authorities and organisations.

-Institute of Sociology

Representatives of this research centre introduced to us how Vietnamese NGO sector is built up, how local NGOs work and which challenges local and international NGOs have to face under the economical and social circumstances after the introduction of the new deal in 1986 (“Doi Moi”).

-Koto’s Restaurant Project

This extremely interesting and successful project deals with orphan children and street-kids. In the frameworks of the program, street children are taken up and trained to hospitality-workers. They can also work in the excellent restaurant of Koto.

-Toward Ethnic Women (TEW)

This Vietnamese organisation carries out wide-range projects and research programs that aim to support women belonging to the 53 ethnic minority groups of Vietnam.

Tuesday, March 2nd


In this session, the Group learned about the worldwide UN Volunteers Program, the work of its Vietnam branch and possibilities for cooperation between INGDOs and UNV in Vietnam.

-Canada Fund

The Canada Fund works with sources of the Canadian Government as sponsor of projects connecting to several areas of development cooperation such as healthcare, education, water sanitation, poverty reduction, capacity building for local organisations etc.

Wednesday, March 3rd

-Oxfam Quebec

The Oxfam network for advocacy and development is a federation of NGOs that deal with the support of marginalised social groups, ethnic minority groups and social issues such as migration, domestic violence, trafficking etc.

-Canadian Embassy

In the extremely informative and useful meeting at the Canadian Embassy in Hanoi, the Group learned about the political, economical and social circumstances of today’s Vietnam such as the work and objectives of the CIDA-ODACE program in the country. Furthermore, we were also informed about the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), the CPRSP and also about the local civil society and the work of INGDOs in Vietnam.

-Centre for Resources and Environment Studies (CRES)

CRES works in close cooperation with the National University, Faculty of Human Sciences and has its main focus on rural management and sustainable development.

-Institute of Ecological Economy (ECO-ECO)

This Vietnamese association has established several eco-villages throughout the country. The projects aim at the rural development in an effective and sustainable way.

-Centre for the Blind

This project aims at the vocational training of blind students who are trained to the every day living, languages and massage in the centre.

Thursday, March 4th

-World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

-Canadian Centre for International Studies and Co-operation (CECI)

In these very informative meetings, the Group was informed about the activities of WUSC and CECI in Vietnam on the field of higher education, capacity building of different institutions and universities and other fields of international co-operation..

-Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development (CGFED)

The research activities of this centre have their main focus on environmental issues and sustainable development connecting to areas such as urbanisation, youth and women, gender issues etc.

-Embassy of the Republic of Hungary (Hungarian participants only)

The Hungarian NGDOs present introduced their future plans concerning relief and development activities in Vietnam to Counsellor Mr. Imre Simon at the Hungarian Embassy and were also informed about the current stage of Vietnamese-Hungarian cultural, diplomatic, political and economical relations, and as the possible cooperation between the Hungarian Embassy and NGDOs.

Friday, March 5th

-Vietnam’s Women’s Union

Representatives of Vietnam’s Women’s Union as one of the largest mass organisations in Vietnam provided the Group with a detailed description of the goals, activities and the structure of the organisation. The Head of the Department for International Relations featured the possible ways for co-operation with INGDOs.

-Mekong River Commission

The Group visited the Vietnamese branch of the International Mekong River Commission, consisting of representatives from Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos that aims to contribute to the sustainable rural development in the areas along the Mekong River.

-Vietnamese-Hungarian Friendship Organisation (some of the Hungarian participants only)

The Vietnamese-Hungarian Friendship Organisation seems to be an extremely important cooperation partner for Hungarian NGDOs working in Vietnam in the future. This organisation represents those approximately 3,000 Hungarian speaking Vietnamese who had studied in Hungary and have an astonishing close connection to Hungary, the Hungarian language and culture until today.

Monday, March 8th


PACCOM is the key organisation for INGDOs working in Vietnam. This organisation is responsible for the registration, monitoring and facilitation of the work of INGDOs in the country. PACCOM provided the Group with a very detailed description about the requirements, frameworks and possibilities concerning the operation of INGDOs in Vietnam and moreover, it also recommended possible Vietnamese co-operation partners to the Group-member NGDOs. The meetings with organisations introduced to the Group by PACCOM proved to be very beneficial for the participants. (It is a pity this meeting did not take place a week before to give more time and chance to work with partners recommended by PACCOM and to work with the information provided by PACCOM.)

-USAID (HBAid only)

In this meeting, HBAid tried to learn about USAID activities on the field of orphan and physically disabled children and furthermore, to find a way for possible co-operation with American partners.

-HVO- Disability Forum (HBAid only)

-Disabled Centre (HBAid only)

In these meetings, HBAid tried to get a picture of the lives, living circumstances and rehabilitation of physically disabled children in Vietnam, and furthermore, to learn about local and international organisations that are currently working in this field in the country.

-The Association for the Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans (HBAid only)

This association works under the patronage of the Ministry of Labour, has its central office in Hanoi but also disposes of a network of approx. 800 branch offices all over the country. The organisation provides to the orphans and handicapped rehabilitation, equipment, vocational training and also promotes their reintegration into the society.

Tuesday, March 9th

-Richter Gedeon Pharmaceutical Company (HBAid only)

Goal of the visit at the representation office of one of the largest Hungarian Pharma-Concerns was to find out possible ways for further cooperation in humanitarian projects in Vietnam and in the neighbouring countries.

City of Hue

Wednesday, March 10th

-Hue People’s Committee

In this meeting, the Group learned about the current social and economical situation of the region, the general needs of people and the possibilities for INGDOs for working in the City of Hue as well as in the neighbouring districts.

Thursday, March 11th

-School for the Blind, Hue (HBAid only)

During this very interesting and useful visit in the Centre that provides vocational training to the children besides regular school-education, we came to know the needs of blind children in this school and also the possibilities for future co-operation.

-Centre for Orphans and Street Children, Hue (HBAid only)

This centre deals with approx. 30 orphan and street children divided into three groups called “families”. The children are taught at the centre and also have the opportunity to receive vocational training.

-Social Protection Centre, Hue (HBAid only)

The Centre has been working since 1975. It provides care for both homeless elderly, handicapped and orphan children.

-Orphanage, Hue (HBAid only)

This orphanage is the home of approx. 30 children and supports approximately 60 more children from poor families living mainly in remote areas.

-Orphanage, managed by a female Buddhist monk, Hue (HBAid only)

This orphanage has been existing since 1988 and it is the home of 191 children today.

Friday, March 12th

-TTH Nature Care

This organisation deals with community development, environmental education and human resources development, mainly by facilitating environmental training projects and after school-programs for school children.

-The People’s Committee, Hue Province, Quang Dien district

This visit gave the Group the possibility to have a look at several current development projects in rural areas in Hue Province, in Quang Dien district. After the meeting at The People’s Committee, the Group visited a village-kindergarten established by a Canadian NGO, and also the water sanitation system of the surrounding areas.

Hanoi (HBAid only)

Saturday, March 13th

-The Association for the Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans (HBAid only)

HBAid returned to Hanoi to continue the negotiations with ASVHO and visit disabled and orphan centres affiliated with it.

-Friendship Children’s Home

There are 40 orphan children in this home that also provides them vocational training.

-Deaf Children’s School

This school takes care of both orphan and disabled children.

-Phuc Toe Centre, School for Mentally Disabled Children

This school works at the moment with 32 mentally disabled children.

-Friendship Centre

This orphanage houses 60 children coming from the district at the age of 6 to 15 years.

-Vice Minister of MOLISA (Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs)

The very beneficial and friendly dinner with the Vice Minister of MOLISA provided a good opportunity for HBAid to introduce its plans for operation in Vietnam, the high ranking governmental official ensured HBAid of his expressive support in its activities.

Ho Chi Minh City

Monday, March 15th

-PACCOM Ho Chi Minh City

The HCMC branch office of the NGO co-ordination centre informed the Group about the possibilities how to find contact to possible partner organisations in Ho Chi Minh City and the surrounding areas.

-Vietnam Youth Federation, Youth Social Work Centre (HBAid only)

This centre works in the frameworks of The Youth’s Federation and assists help for children with special difficulties such as orphans, mentally or physically disabled, sexual abused and street children. Concerning disabled children, the centre co-ordinates the work of so called “warm shelters” where children with all kind difficulties are cared for.

-The Women’s Charity Association (HBAid only)

This charity organisation has four several fields of operation such as social welfare, education and welfare programs for disadvantaged children, scholarship and vocational training for poor children and a charity credit program for poor needy people.

Tuesday, March 16th

-The Society for the Support of the Handicapped and Orphans Ho Chi Minh City (HBAid only)