2017 Sheffield Recovery Month FREE Activities – September 2017
Date / Event / Time / Venue / Activity / Who to contact
Fri 1st / ADDACTION 50th Birthday / 11am-4pm / Victoria Methodist Church, Stafford Rd, S2 2SE / Come along and meet the staff from Addaction and help them celebrate, there will be raffles, recovery films, live recovery shares, services, games, music / Contact Lauren or Beth
0114 2536830
Sun 3rd / Drink wise age well, 50+
Historical Tour / 1.45pm / Meet at Gatehouse, Cemetery Avenue, Sheffield S11 8NT / Drink Wise, Age Well Historical tour of General Cemetery for anyone aged over 50. / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Mon 4th / Recovery Walk / 5pm-7pm / Meet outside Town Hall, Sheffield / Take in various surprise walks in and around the city centre, come along and meet new people / Call Dan 0114 3275151
Wed 6th / Drink Wise Age Well & SASS
FAMILY SUPPORT / 6pm / 646 Abbeydale Road. / Drink Wise, Age Well family and friends SMART group in collaboration with SASS. Open to any age. / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Thur 7th / SASS BBQ / 6pm-9pm / 646 Abbeydale Road, S7 2BB / We would like to ask you to bring something to the BBQ. Juice, sauces, salads, puddings, crisps or something for everyone to share and enjoy.
Also we would like a few volunteers to help with the BBQ, preparation and serving. / Natalie/Manja 0114 258 7553
Fri 8th / The Sheffield Addiction Recovery Research Panel (ShARRP) are holding an open meeting. / 2pm to 4pm / Drink Wise, Age Well,Suite B, 4th Floor, Furnival House, 48 Furnival Gate, Sheffield, S1 4QP. / This is an opportunity for anyone in recovery (or friends, family, carers with close experience of addiction/recovery) to find out about what the ShARR does (how the panel has their input into research). / Contact Sarah Willmott - 07904 538270
Mon 11th / Recovery Walk / 5pm-7pm / Meet outside town hall / Take in various surprise walks in and around the city centre, come along and meet new people / Call Dan 0114 3275151
Tues 12th / TASC BBQ / 1pm-2.30pm / 22 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield, S10 2GB / TASC is a Sheffield based Charity located in central Sheffield. We provide 110 units of accommodation which comprises of single and shared tenancies, we offer support for vulnerable and homeless individuals, most specifically support for offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of offending – we are opening our doors and inviting you to come along, meet staff and find out more about our service / Call Sara Moulds
Tel: 0114 2496575
Wed 13th / Ride for Recovery
Travelling by coach / 9.30am-4.30pm / The coach will meet opposite Workstation, Brown Street/Paternoster Row S1 2BXand / This is the annual bike ride for recovery event and is open to all, the event is FREE and transport is provided strictly on 1st come 1st served basis.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide food or refreshments, there is a reasonably priced café OR bring your own picnic SPECTATORS WELCOME / To book your place on the coach call
Natalie 0114 2587553
Wed 13th / Ride for Recovery
If you are making your own way there / 11am-3.30pm / Meeting point at Derwent, we meet beside the main car park next to Derwent Visitors Centre / (Please arrive early to allow time to register, get your bike & HELMET, no helmet no ride and be ready for briefing)
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide food or refreshments, there is a reasonably priced café OR bring your own picnic SPECTATORS WELCOME / To reserve your bike call
Natalie 0114 2587553
13th Wed / Drink Wise Age Well & SASS FAMILY SUPPORT / 6pm / 646 Abbeydale Road. / Drink Wise, Age Well family and friends SMART group in collaboration with SASS. Open to any age. / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
15th Fri / Recovery Street Film Festival – Hosted by Phoenix futures / 11am – 3pm / Sheffield Hallam University City Centre Campus, Owen Building, Howard St, Sheffield S1 1WB / We will be screening the 10 finalists’ entries in this year’s Recovery Street Film Festival in the University cinema in the city centre campus near the station. The recovery based films will be playing on a loop between 11am – 3pm so stop by at any time to catch a few of them or all 10. For further info please go to / Contact David Venables
07885817208 if you have any questions. No need to book, just turn up.
Mon 18th / Recovery Walk / 5pm-7pm / Meet outside town hall / Take in various surprise walks in and around the city centre, come along and meet new people / Call Dan 0114 3275151
Tues 19th / Cathedral Archer Project recovery event / 1.30pm-3pm / Archer Project,
Campo Lane / Come along and learn more about the project, meet some of the service users, learn about how the project is getting people off the streets into volunteering, employment and recovery. / Call 0114 2636970 and ask for Andy
Or email andy @archerproject.org.uk
Tues 19th / Virtual rehab event – phoenix House
Workers / Volunteers only / 9:30am-3:30pm / Sheffield Residential Service, Storth Oaks
229 Graham Road, Ranmoor, Sheffield, S10 3GS / Join us at our Sheffield Residential Service and take part in our unique, interactive and educational day. You will experience for yourself what it’s like to be a member of our Therapeutic Community, giving you an in-depth understanding of a service user’s journey. Join us to find out more about our unique approach. / Contact Mike Taylor to reserve your place
0114 230 8230
Wed 20th / Drink Wise Age Well, 50+ / 1pm – 4pm / Ouse Road, Sheffield, S9 3RA. / Drink Wise, Age Well Darnall Community Allotment opening party / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Wed 20th / Drink Wise Age Well & SASS FAMILY SUPPORT / 6pm / 646 Abbeydale Road. / Drink Wise, Age Well family and friends SMART group in collaboration with SASS. Open to any age. / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Thurs 21st / Drink Wise Age Well 50+
Training day / Call to check times / 4th Floor, Furnival House, Furnival gate, S1 4QP / Open to anyone. Participants will discuss the impact of alcohol on the over 50s and begin to recognise the signs and symptoms of alcohol use. During the session, participants will discuss and practice how to respond to people aged over 50 who may require support in relation to their alcohol use / Call 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Thurs 21st / SASS’s 2nd Active Citizenship training program starts / Call to confirm times and dates / 646 Abbeydale Road. / Get signed up for this eight week program, which will cover Recovery isn’t just about coping with an addiction, it’s about rebuilding a meaningful and fulfilling life after an addiction. Sometimes, people in recovery want to branch out into other stuff using the skills they have developed in recovery, skills such as problem solving, getting back up again when you’ve had a setback, acting with confidence, communicating with others, sharing and making others feel valued, being a listening ear, making stuff, doing stuff, learning stuff. / Natalie/Manja 0114 258 7553
Thurs 21st / Exploration of Recovery through Art event - Addaction / 10am-4pm / 42 Sidney Street
S1 4RH / Exploration of recovery through Art event, come along and join in. / Contact Lauren or Beth
0114 2536830
Thurs 21st / Fishing competition
Addaction clients only / 10am-4pm / 42 Sidney Street
S1 4RH / If you are an Addaction client, get along to their fishing competition, please call for more info. / Contact Richard
0114 2536830
Mon 25th / Recovery Walk / 5pm-7pm / Meet outside town hall / Take in various surprise walks in and around the city centre, come along and meet new people / Call Dan 0114 3275151
Tue 26th / St Anne’s Recovery Event / 9.30am-3.30pm / Bevin Court / Are opening their doors to talk about recovery, what it looks like, what’s available – tour of the project and BBQ lunch / Call 0114 2692569 ask for David or Terrance
Wed 27th / Drink wise age well & SASS
FAMILY SUPPORT / 6pm / 646 Abbeydale Road. / Drink Wise, Age Well family and friends SMART group in collaboration with SASS. Open to any age. / 0800 032 3723 to book your place.
Fri 29th / Celebration of recovery event – end of recovery month / 2pm-4.30 / Sheffield Town Hall Reception rooms A&B / We will be celebrating and recognising what’s great about Sheffield recovery community, there will be stalls, personal shares, Ambassador Graduation event, 2017 Recovery Awards, Free buffet and refreshments for all attending. / Call DACT 0114 2736851 for information and to register to attend.
Throughout September at Sheffield Treatment and Recovery Team (START) Services:
  • A recovery tree/wall will be displayed in all service reception areas for all clients and visitors to add their achievements and aspirations;
  • Artwork by clients in treatment will be displayed through the buildings with information about the person who did the piece of work;
  • The main meeting rooms in each service will have information about Recovery Month and all activities in Sheffield people can get involved in