
Call to Order /
Alice Solesbury / Mayor
Wade Hanlan / Deputy Mayor
Reg Pointe / Deputy Mayor / Arrived at 1:16 p.m.
Wendy Wildman / CAO
Heather Luhtala / Assistant CAO
Carole Foster / Office Manager
Mayor Solesbury called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m.
Motion 84-09
(Agenda Additions/ Adoption) / Wade Hanlan – that the agenda be accepted with the following addition:
Action Items: 8g. Subdivision and Sale of Municipal Reserve to the Hemmerlings.
Motion 85-09
(Minutes-September 16th, 2009) / Wade Hanlan – that the minutes of the September 16th, 2009 Regular Council Meeting be approved as presented.
1:16 p.m., Deputy Mayor Pointe arrived.
Motion 86-09
(Cheque Listing #1138-#1149) / Reg Pointe – that the Cheque Listing as presented totaling $7,561.50 for cheques #1138 to #1149 be accepted for information.
Motion 87-09
(Bank Reconciliation) / Reg Pointe – that the Bank Reconciliations as at August 31, 2009 and September 30, 2009 be accepted for information
Motion 88-09
(Financial Reports) / Reg Pointe – that the Income Statement, Expense Statement and Balance Sheet as at September 30, 2009 be accepted for information.
Motion 89-09
(Grant Report) / Wade Hanlan – that the Grant Report dated October 18, 2009 be accepted for information.
Discussion of utilizing grant funds towards the following future projects:
-  Water for Life
-  Regional Forcemain (Lagoon)
-  Holding Tank Inspections (CAO has contacted Development Officer regarding this, more information should be available for the next meeting).
Motion 90-09
(LSAC – Municipal Services Package Proposal) / 8a) Lac Ste. Anne County – Municipal Services Package
CAO reported the following:
-  A decision on the direction of Council in regards to the acceptance of the proposal is required by December 1st, 2009;
-  Costs will not be finalized until budget deliberations take place next year;
-  Parcel count with regards to the inclusion of the Municipal Reserves still needs to be clarified;
-  The payments to the local library will be a part of the package.
Wade Hanlan – that Council approve in principal the Municipal Services Package proposal as presented by Lac Ste. Anne County AND FURTHER that Council would like to see a structure set in place that will allow for input from the Summer Villages during annual reviews and deliberation of costs.
Motion 91-09
(Regional Municipalities Meeting – November 27, 2009) / 8b) Alberta Beach – Host for Regional Municipalities Meeting being held on November 27, 2009 at the Alberta Beach Agliplex
Reg Point – to authorize Council and Administration to attend the Regional Municipalities Meeting being hosted by Alberta Beach on November 27, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the Alberta Beach Agliplex.
Deputy Mayors Wade Hanlan and Reg Pointe will attend. Mayor Solesbury will not be available to attend.
Motion 92-09
(Alberta Permit Pro Email – Accreditation Status) / 8c) Alberta Permit Pro – October 16, 2009 Email on Status
Wade Hanlan – to accept for information the October 16, 2009 email from Alberta Permit Pro in regards to their accreditation status.
Motion 93-09
(Minister’s Regional Consultation Session – Ratify Attendance) / 8d) Alberta Municipal Affairs – October 2, 2009 Letter on Regional Consultation Sessions
Reg Pointe – that the attendance of Council be ratified to the Minister’s Regional Consultation Session that was held October 13, 2009 in Barrhead.
Motion 94-09
(Ste. Anne Foundation – Sod Turning – Ratify Attendance) / 8e) Lac Ste. Anne Foundation – October 21, 2009 Sod Turning Invitation
Wade Hanlan – that the attendance of Mayor Solesbury be ratified to the Lac Ste. Anne Foundation Sod Turning Ceremony that was held on October 21, 2009 in Mayerthorpe.
8f) In Camera Session
It was the unanimous consensus of those Councillors present that the In-Camera session be held after all of the Action Items and Information Items had been reviewed.
8g) Subdivision and Sale of Municipal Reserve to Hemmerlings.
CAO Reported the following:
-  The paperwork to finalize the subdivision and sale of the municipal reserve property was received from the Development Officer, Administration forwarded the necessary papers to the lawyer for the Hemmerlings. Nothing has been received back yet.
-  Deputy Mayor Hanlan would like the subdivision and sale of the municipal reserve property finalized by December 31st, 2009.
CAO will advise the Hemmerlings that Council would like to see completion with respect to the subdivision and sale of the municipal reserve property by December 31st, 2009.
Motion 95-09
(Information Items) / 9) Information Items a) through h)
Reg Pointe – to accept for information the following list of items:
a.  Alberta Municipal Affairs – Sept. 22 letter on MSI Capital SFE;
b.  Alberta Municipal Affairs – Sept. 24 letter on MSI O Shared Admin;
c.  Alberta Municipal Affairs – Sept. 24 letter on MSI C 09 Millings;
d.  Sept. 22 Direct Deposit – MSI O;
e.  Alberta Culture and Community Spirit – Sept. 30 letter on CIP;
f.  Alberta Municipal Affairs – Oct. 6 letter on Safety Codes Act;
g.  Alberta Municipal Affairs – Oct. 2 letter on Safety Codes Act
h.  Yellowhead Regional Library – Oct. 20 email on joining;
i.  ASVA – Sept. 25 email on $5.00/parcel;
j.  ASVA – August 17 meeting minutes;
k.  Highway 43 East Waste Commission – Sept. 18 draft minutes;
l.  Tax Arrears Report.
Motion 96-09
Tax Arrears Properties:-#6396; #6301; #628-6 Street;#424-4 Street)
Motion 97-09
(Out of Camera)
Motion 98-09
(Enter into Tax Agreement #6396) / 8f) In-Camera Session
Reg Pointe - that pursuant to section 197(2) of the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000 Ch.M-26 that Council move “In-Camera” at 2:28 p.m.
Reg Pointe - that Council move ‘Out of Camera’ at 2:47 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Pointe requested that Administration contact the casual legal advice services through AUMA and/or Municipal Affairs in regards to sections 333.1 and 347(1) of the MGA to clarify and obtain further information.
Reg Pointe – that Council authorize Administration to enter into a tax agreement pursuant to section 333.1 of the MGA with the property owner(s) of #6396 providing that the 2008 Tax Levy is paid in full by November 15, 2009 AND THAT the 2009 Tax Levy is paid through the Tax Payment Plan in installment amounts as set out in the Tax Agreement AND FURTHER THAT pursuant to section 347(1) of the MGA that the 2009 interest and penalties be cancelled providing the owner makes all of the agreed upon payments, however; should the owner fail to make any of the agreed upon payments, the cancelled interest and penalties are to be immediately reinstated.
Committee Reports
Motion 99-09
(Request for Time Extension – 2008 Municipal Sponsorship Program)
Motion 100-09
(Committee Reports) / 10. Committee Reports
C.A.O. Report
The C.A.O. reported that under guidelines of the 2008 Municipal Sponsorship Program, the “Design and Construction of a Washroom Facility in the Public Works Shop, Including Waterline from Well” project must be completed by January 31, 2010. Considering the project does not look like it will be finalized by then, the C.A.O. asked for a motion of Council to authorize the request to Municipal Affairs for a time extension of one year.
Wade Hanlan – that as the Municipality has been unable to secure a contractor, the Summer Village request a one year extension to January 31, 2011 under the 2008 Municipal Sponsorship Program to complete the “Design and Construction of a Washroom Facility in the Public Works Shop, Including Waterline from Well” project.
Mayor Solesbury
·  Reported on the Senior’s Housing Project in Mayerthorpe and circulated a drawing of the facility;
·  Attended the ASVA Conference held October 16th & 17th in St. Albert.
Deputy Mayor Hanlan
·  Reported on the Lagoon;
·  Attended the ASVA Conference held October 16th & 17th in St. Albert.
Deputy Mayor Pointe
·  Attended the ASVA Conference held October 16th & 17th in St. Albert.
Reg Pointe – to accept the committee reports for information.
Motion 101-09
(Next Meeting) / Mayor Solesbury – that the next meeting be scheduled for Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. at the Wildwillow Administration Office.
Adjournment / Mayor Solesbury declared the meeting adjourned at 2:57 p.m.


Mayor, Alice Solesbury Chief Administrative Officer, Wendy Wildman

Upcoming Meetings:

-November 4-6 – (Calgary) AUMA Convention

-November 21 – (Gunn Hall) SVLASCE

-November 27 – 10:00 a.m. (Alberta Beach Agliplex) Regional Municipalities Meeting

-December 9 – 1:00 p.m. (Wildwillow Administration Office) Regular Council Meeting