Notes on AKC Field Trials for Pointing Breeds

Purpose: Competitive evaluation of a dog’s hunting ability and training under conditions consistent with the demandsof actual hunting. This allows for the assignment of championship points based on performance. All judging is done by approved Judges based on AKC standards of performance.

Dogs: Typically AKC registered pointing breeds six months old or older. Two dogs are evaluated togetherin a brace. Assignment is done at random as much as possible.

Courses: Variety of courses ranging from a single course with or without a birdfield to a continuous course.

Running Time: Minimum of 15 minutes (but not more than 30 minutes) required for each Puppy Stake with not more than 6 minutes in a bird field. For a Derby Stake minimum of 20 minutes (but not more than 30 minutes) with no more than 8 minutes in a bird field. Gun Dog and All-Age Stakes run for at least 30 minutes with a maximum of 8 minutes in a bird field. The premium will state the running time.

Birds: Typically quail but also pheasants, chukars and/or pigeons or other upland game species. Typically, a minimum oftwo birds are released per brace. Birds are to be replaced as needed so dogs have a equal opportunity brace to brace. The premium may state no birds are liberated for a Puppy Stake.

Judging: Twojudges evaluate each dog. The trial is competitive. Judges evaluate based on AKC standards of performanceand allocate championship points for each stake according to a published schedule. The published schedules take into account the number of dogs started in each stake. The judges' determination is final. Both judges must agree with the placement.

Evaluation: Emphasis is placed on hunting drive, intensity, application and style. Other considerations enter; however, since a trial is competitive a dog can do everything correctly and not receive a placement. It is not uncommon for Judges to withhold championship points if they are not satisfied with how a dog presents itself on the field regardless of doing things correctly.

Regular Stakes

Puppy /
  • Show desire to hunt, boldness and initiative when searching likely cover.
  • Indicate presence of game if discovered. Flash points are ok.
  • Reasonable obedience to command should be shown.
  • If the premium states blanks will be fired, every bird contact shall be fired over.
  • Dog must run the entire time or points will be withheld.
  • Dogs are judged on potential to become a high class bird dog.

Derby /
  • Show keen desire to hunt, be bold and independent, fast style of running, demonstrate intelligence in seeking objectives and ability to find game.
  • Establish point, but no need to be steady to wing and shot.
  • Shot must be fired if the handler is close to the dog.
  • Reasonable obedience to command should be shown.
  • Dog must run the entire time or points will be withheld.
  • Dogs are judged on potential to become a high class bird dog for Gun Dog or All-Age stakes.

Gun Dog /
  • Demonstrate a finished performance and be under its handler's control at all time.
  • Must show all of the attributes of a Derby dog to a higher degree.
  • Must locate game and be steady to wing and shot. Dog must point to qualify.
  • Intelligent use of the wind and terrain in locating game, accurate nose, style and intensity on point are essential.
  • Dog's range should depend on whether the handler is walking or on horseback.
  • Dog must run the entire time or points will be withheld.

All-Age /
  • Demonstrate all attributes of a Gun Dog to a higher degree.
  • Must range well out in a forward moving pattern seeking the most promising objectives to locate game.
  • Excessive line-casting and avoidance of cover must be penalized.
  • Intelligent use of the wind and terrain in locating game, accurate nose, style and intensity on point are essential.
  • Dog must run the entire time or points will be withheld.

Honoring In gun dog and all-age stakes a dog encountering its bracemate on point must honor.

Firing Blank. In any stake, except in puppy or derby Stakes as specified, a blank cartridge must be fired over a dog on point once game has been flushed.

Movement. A dog may move to mark a flushed bird after a point. However, breaks or a delayed chase are not acceptable.

Out of Judgment. A dog that is absent for more than 5 minutes, or for more than 1/6 of the time specified for the heat shall not be placed unless there is some acceptable excuse.

Scouting. A scout may be used only to locate a dog for the handler. No dog handling is allowed.

Retrieving. Retrieving is required in all Retrieving Stakes. Must be specified in the Premium.

Reference: AKC Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure for Pointing Breeds. (amended April 2010)