From: Table 2

Title: The craving!!!

Peter and his friends just finished playing soccer on a hot afternoon. They were all so exhausted and resting in a corner.

Suddenly, Peter exclaimed, “I want KFC!!!!”

His friends replied in unison, “Let’s go!”

They arrived at Jurong Point KFC and Peter immediately ordered his favourite two piece chicken meal. Just as everyone started on their food, Peter suddenly threw his chicken into the air and shouted, “Ouch! That’s so hot!!!!”

He then remarked: “ I ddn’t expect it to be so HOT as it felt warm while I was holding on to the paper box.”

His friends all burst out in laughter.


KFC image:

Football image:

2 Possible investigations:

1.  How different material affects heat transfer?

2.  Where and how food is being digested?

Simulation or tool and one additional resource:

-  Phet: States of matter

- Enzymes and Digestion

-  Laboratory session: Food test

Students’ product:

-  Poster and presentation (Show and tell)

-  Video


Refer to document

21st century competencies:

-  Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-cultural skills

-  Information and communication skills

-  Critical and Inventive thinking

Implementation in your home:

-  Experiment of heat transfer using different materials.

From: Table 2

Discussion & Conclusions / Presents an illogical explanation for findings - does not address objectives. / Presents an illogical explanation for findings - barely supports objectives. / Presents a logical explanation for findings -mostly support the objectives. / Presents a logical explanation for findings which support the objectives.
Sources / None Listed / Only one to two credible sources / Three to four credible sources / Five or more credible sources
Grammar, Labeling, Spelling / Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors with no labeling. / More than two errors. / Only one or two errors. / All grammar spelling & labeling are correct
Attractiveness / Professionalism / Not neat and edges are not cut well with font too small/ / Font readable, but some ill-formed letters, font type not consistent / Well-formed characters and titles of sections. The sections are cut clean & neat. / Clean, neat, and consistent throughout.
Organization / Very Scattered / Scattered / Better Structured / Well Structured
Effort / Little Effort / Decent Effort / Good Effort / Outstanding Effort
Presentation / Had to draw information from the presenter / Explained some of the project / Gave too much information / Excellent information and presentation
Presentation Quality / Hard to hear / Some voice clarity / Good voice clarity / Excellent voice clarity
Methods / Not sequential, most steps are missing or are confusing. / Some of the steps are understandable; most are confusing. / Most of the steps are understandable; but some lack detail. / Presents easy-to-follow steps: logical & adequately detailed.
Results : Poster
/ Data table and/or graph missing information and are inaccurate. / Data table and graph both present with 2 or more minor inaccuracies. / Data table and graph both present and accurate with one mistake. / Data table and graph neatly completed and totally accurate.
Results : Video / Unclear and unrelated to support their findings. / Unclear and barely supports their findings. / Clear and somewhat supports their findings. / Clear and Good illustration which justifies and supports their findings