KTIAC Silent Auction Donation Form
2016 Kentucky Travel Industry Annual Conference
November 1-3, 2016
Lexington, Kentucky|Griffin Gate Marriott Resort & Spa
The Silent Auction is a huge fundraiser for KTIA and we appreciate all the donations we receive every year. Please be sure to make your donation early and include a detailed description of your items so they may be included in the catalog given to all attendees. We will be obtaining a temporary liquor license for this auction and will provide you the license number as soon as it is granted.
I will make the following donation to the Silent Auction. (Please include detailed description to be used in auction catalog): ______
If Applicable:
Restrictions: ______
Exclusions: ______Expiration Dates: ______
If you’d like to participate but don’t have an item to donate or the time to shop, just make a monetary donation and we’ll purchase an item for you! If you’d like to take this option, just designate “ purchase for me” in the space above and send a check/credit card number. The committee will take care of the rest!
Retail value of Item or Donation Amount: $ ______
Name ______Organization ______
Address______City ______State ____ Zip ______
Phone Number ______Email Address: ______
For Monetary Donations:
o Check enclosed o Please charge my credit card :
Credit Card Number: ______
Expiration Date: ____/_____ Zip Code Associated with Card: ______Security Code: ______
Please return this Donation Form by email to , fax to (502) 223-5646 or mail it to us no later than Friday, October 14. If you would like us to transport your item to conference, make sure that it arrives at the Kentucky Travel Industry Association office, 931 East Main Street, Frankfort, KY 40601 by Friday, October 21 or deliver to the KTIAC Registration Desk on Tuesday, November 1 at the Griffin Gate Marriott.