Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form

Graduate Curriculum Committee

Course Proposal Form for

Courses Numbered 5000 and Higher

Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.

1. Course Prefix and Number: SOCW 6110 2. Date: 12/3/07

3. Requested Action (check only one box):

X / New Course
Revision of Active Course
Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course
Renumbering of an Existing Course from
from / # / to / #

4. Justification (assessment or accreditation based) for new course or course revision or course renumbering:

In assessing the MSW program the Graduate Faculty found that modifications were necessary to reduce redundancy and to increase the coherence of the curriculum. The revisions also were necessary to keep the program within the accreditation standards of CSWE.

5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog:

6110. Social Work Practice: Interpersonal Foundations (3) Concepts, theories and methods of clinical-community social work practice with an emphasis upon the relational nature of individual and family development and functioning.

6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change:


7. Graduate Catalog Page Number from current Graduate catalog:

8. Course Credit:

Lecture Hours / x / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.
Lab / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Studio / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Practicum / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Internship / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain.
Total Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.

9. Anticipated annual student enrollment:

10. Affected Degrees or Academic Programs:

Degree(s)/Course(s) / Current
Catalog Page / Changes in Degree Hours
Master of Social Work / 239 / None

11. Overlapping or Duplication with Affected Units or Programs:

x / Not Applicable
Notification & response from affected units is attached

12. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs):

x / Not Applicable
Applicable and CTE has given their approval.

13.  Statements of Support:

a. Staff

x / Current staff is adequate
Additional Staff is needed (describe needs in the box below):

b. Facilities

x / Current facilities are adequate
Additional Facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below):

c. Library

x / Initial library resources are adequate
Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources):

d. Computer resources

x / Unit computer resources are adequate
Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition):
x / ITCS Resources are not needed
The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need):
Mainframe computer system
Statistical services
Network connections
Computer lab for students
Approval from the Director of ITCS attached

14.  Course information: see Instructions for Completing the Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for more detail

a.  TEXTBOOK(S): author(s), name, publication date, publisher, and city/state/country


Shulman, Lawrence, (2006) The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities, 5th Ed. Thomson, Belmont, CA.


Keith-Lucas, Keith, (1972), Giving and Taking Help. Chapters 1&2. Univ. of NC Press, Chapel Hill, NC.

Webb, Stephen, (2006). Social Work in a Risk Society. Chapter 1. Palgrave, New York, NY.

Arnd-Caddigan, M. & R. Pozzuto, (2007). Use of self in relational clinical social work. Clinical Social Wrok Journal.

Freedberg, Sharon, (2007). Re-examining empathy: a relational-feminist point of view. Social Work. 52(3) pp.252-260.

b.  Course objectives student –centered behavioral objectives for the course –

After completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the meaning and describe the process of ethical clinical-community social work practice from a relational perspective.

2. Establish a purposeful professional relationship in a social work interview.

3. Apply the major concepts germane to clinical-community practice with individuals, families, and small groups to case material.

4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills concerning social work practice and self-evaluation.

5. Examine the relational aspects of justice, injustice, and oppression as relevant to social work practice.

6. Demonstrate the use of family, group, organizational and community resources in social work practice.

c.  A course content outline

Class 1: intro, orientation to course.

Section I (classes 2 and 3): defining clinical-community social work and relational perspective

Section II (classes 4 through 6): the elements and methods of a purposeful relationship

Section III (classes 7 through 9): application of elements of clinical-community social work from a relational perspective to work with individuals, families, and small groups.

Section IV (classes 10 and 11): the concept and techniques of self-evaluation

Section V (classes 12 and 13): ethics of justice, and virtue ethics/ethics of care

Section VI (class 14): identifying issues of oppression in the larger social setting, in the practice setting, and in interactions between professional helper and client.

Section VII (class 15 and 16): putting it all together; critical thinking and social implications of practice orientation.

d.  A list of course assignments and weighting of each assignment and the grading/evaluation system for determining a grade.

Assignment 1. Worth a maximum of 30 points

A 3-5 page paper based upon a video recording of an initial social work interview that:

a. identifies the ways in which the interview is consistent with and is not consistent with clinical-community social work from a relational perspective

b. offers suggestions for what the interviewer might have explored or done to bring the interview further into line with clinical-community social work from a relational perspective.

Assignment 2. Worth a maximum of 30 points

A 3-5 page paper based upon a transcript of a process recording of a social work session in which the student will explore issues relevant to establishing a purposeful relationship. The student will:

a. interpret the interview identifying the possible motivations for both questions and responses.

b. critically examine the interview and suggest alternate approaches and a rational for the alternative.

Assignment 3. Worth a maximum of 30 points

A 5-8 page paper, based upon case material the student will:

a. discuss ethical implications of the interview, noting the differences between what might be considered ethical or unethical from an ethics of justice perspective versus a virtue ehthics/ethics of care perspective.

b. identify issues in regard to the interview relevant to social justice.

c. formulate an initial helping approach.

Professional participation. Worth a maximum of 10 points

This includes both qualitative and quantitative considerations: the student participate in class discussions, and listen actively to discussions. This means that the student must be oriented toward the class, and not be attending to activities other than class activities. The student must participate in a manner expected for the practice of the profession. This includes restricting disagreements to content, not character, as well as the ability to modulate vocal quality, non-verbal communication, and affect.

All exercises will be graded according to the following criteria:

10 pts for spelling and grammar and use of APA conventions

10 pts for applying a correct understanding of the concepts in each exercise

10 pts for the ability to present a coherent and well-reasoned response to the questions or problems posed in the exercise

Grading Scale

90-100 points A

80-89 points B

70-79 points C

below 70 F

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