Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Members in Attendance

·  Chair Cheryl Gonzalez (University of North Florida)

·  Vice Chair Jay Narang (GDKN Corporation)

·  Barbara Melvin (First Florida Integrity Bank)

Staff in Attendance from the Department of Management Services

·  Hue Reynolds, Office Supplier Diversity (OSD), Executive Director

·  Samantha Ferrin, Legislative Affairs, External Affairs Manager

Members of the Public in attendance

·  None

Call to Order

·  The Meeting called to order at 2:03 p.m.


·  Jay Narang motioned to accept the agenda as presented. Barbara Melvin seconded, and the agenda was approved.

Meeting Minutes

·  The Minutes from the June 29, 2016, Executive Committee meeting were presented with no questions. Barbara Melvin motioned to adopt the minutes, and Jay Narang seconded. The minutes were approved as presented.

Old Business

·  State Agency Vendor Diversity Committee: Cheryl Gonzalez will serve as Interim Chair until a new Chair comes forth. A Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, however, only four members were in attendance and a quorum was not reached. The task of the Committee is to review Chapter 287 of Florida Statutes.

·  Communications: Jay Narang had discussion about the communications and marketing of the Advisory Council with OSD. A full report will be presented to the Advisory Council during the September meeting.

·  Research and Emerging Trends: Barbara Melvin wanted to express thanks for the letter received from the Governor’s Office. The last official meeting took place in May. A quorum was not present during the June meeting. The Committee did not meet in July. The next meeting will be held in September. Barbara will follow up with Pam Tedesco on the Micro Finance Act items during the last discussion.

·  Both the Legislative and By Laws Committees have not yet met.

Annual Report

·  Reminder that the photos and headshots are due one week from the Advisory Council meeting in September.

September Agenda

·  The Executive Committee discussed the September Council meeting and adopted the agenda as presented.

Future Stakeholder Commentarians

·  Stakeholder commentary for the September meeting is set. DMS is suggesting that the October meeting include a discussion regarding Sunshine laws for all members. Potential speakers for the future include:

o  Governor Rick Scott

o  Florida State Minority Development Business Council: Beatrice Louissaint

o  Request for Sec. Poppell to attend a future meeting (Samantha Ferrin will check on this)

o  Department of Economic Opportunity

o  Council of 100

o  Florida College System

o  Florida Board of Governors

o  Enterprise Florida

The meeting was adjourned at 2:34 pm.

Florida Advisory Council on Small and Minority Business Development

Florida Department of Management Services