


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide guidance on effective supervision of children while ensuring they have safe secure learning environments while attending Stonnington Childcare Services.


All educators have a duty to take responsible care of children whilst in attendance at one of services operated within Stonnington Childcare Services. Educators must ensure that all children being educated and cared for are adequately supervised at all times. In planning programs for individuals and groups of children educators will consider whether planned activities and set up of equipment allow for effective supervision at all times.

Educators should conduct regular head counts of children throughout the day whilst inside or outside to account for the whereabouts of children at all times.

Educators should also ensure that at the very least the minimum staff/child ratio is maintained at all times, particularly at the beginning or end of the day and during educator breaks. Educators will also ensure effective and active supervision during toileting/nappy change routines, outdoor play, meal times and rest periods.


This policy applies to all educators within Childcare Services, including students/volunteers and agency relief educators engaged by the City of Stonnington.


Childcare Services Co-ordinator

Team Leaders



  1. Procedure
  • Educators must give priority to supervision of children at all times.
  • Educators must ensure that children are within sight and/or hearing at all times.
  • If an educator needs to move away from their supervisory role to attend to a child’s needs they should advise other educators and return promptly.
  • Adequate supervision is determined by considering the following factors;

Number of educators andchildren

Careful positioning of educators to maximise visual supervision of the children

Scanning or regularly looking around the area to observe all the children

Current activity of each child e.g. climbing, eating running and sleeping etc

Listening closelyas well as visually observingand supervising the children

Observing children’s play and anticipating what may happen next, intervening when potential harm is observed or anticipated

Developing a profile of each child and group of children

Monitoring the effect of the set up of equipment and range of activities available assessing the need for any modifications

  • Educators will ensure children’s safety by removing unsafe objects and by moving children from unsafe situations.
  • Educators will apply their knowledge of the group, children’s age and stage of development to guide their supervision. Educators will anticipate and respond sensitively to the group’s dynamics.
  • Educators will ensure that they are familiar with and apply the services Interactions with children Policy.
  • Educators conscientiously make sure that all children are given their attention and they respond promptly to the children’s needs and cues.
  • Educators are alert and aware of potential for accidents and injuries throughout the service and not just their own immediate area.
  • Educators must ensure that minimum educator/child ratiosare maintained at all times in particularat the beginning and also the end of the day.
  • Educators will also ensure effective and active supervision during indoors,outdoor play, toileting/nappy change routines, meal times and rest periods.
  1. References

DEECD Website. Early Childhood service management (2011) Practice note 12: Supervision.September 2011

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Educational and Care Services National Regulations 2011

Version Control: 2 / Date Issued; 26October 2011 / Date Reviewed: 22 February 2016

G:\Child Family Serv\Childcare\Policies & Procedures Manual\Policies and Procedures\CCS PP - Supervision.doc