Lecture (LEC) Instructor: ______
Telephone: ______
E-mail: ______
For a Full-time Instructor,
OFFICE (Bldg./ Rm.): ______

Laboratory (LAB) Instructor: ______
Telephone: ______
E-mail: ______
For a Full-time Instructor,
OFFICE (Bldg./ Rm.): ______
Get the information above from your instructors at the first class meetings.
Your instructor is available to you outside of class for academic assistance. Full-time faculty post and maintain regularly scheduled office hours. Part-time faculty are accessible in a variety of ways, which may include conferences before and after class or by appointment, telephone conferences, and email. The phone number for contacting your instructor is on your syllabus addendum or cover sheet.
For BIO 210, instructors might have you record contact information, in spaces above.
Jay Vinson, Department Head for Biological Sciences
authority over BIO 210 administration and its instructors
Phone: 574-6038; e-mail:
Dr. Peter Susan, Lead Instructor for BIO 210
assembles and distributes departmental syllabus & final exams
phone: 574-6427; e-mail:
Frances Clement, Science & Mathematics Administrative Assistant
administrative support to BIO 210 faculty
phone: 574-6015; e-mail:

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COURSE TITLE: / Anatomy & Physiology I / /


/ BIO 210

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The first part of a two-semester sequence, this comprehensive transfer course is a lecture and laboratory study with model and specimen dissections of the integrated structure and function of the human body. Basic cellular chemistry and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems are presented. Prerequisite: Within the past five years, completed High school biology, high school chemistry, BIO 100, or a college-level, lab-based science course with a grade of C or better.

RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: Before enrolling, you must already have mastered an ability to recall and communicate with many basic biology and basic chemistry terms that are not adequately presented in BIO 210. Two major factors contribute to failure to get C grade or better in BIO 210: (1) low prerequisite ability to use and explain basic biology & chemistry terminology and (2) too little time to commit to attendance and out-of-class study time.

(1) Before committing to BIO 210, each student should examine the prerequisite and essential skills detailed in the objectives available at http://www.tridenttech.edu/BIO_210_COURSE_OBJECTIVES_FA11.pdf.

To master these skills, many students should complete preparatory courses, before attempting BIO 210:

Ø  BIO 100: Introductory Biology covers general principles of biology. This course is useful for students that have not earned a C grade or above in a college-preparatory biology within the last five years.

Ø  CHM 100: Introductory Chemistry covers general principles of chemistry. Students that within the last five years have not earned a C grade or above in college-preparatory chemistry, or students that are not comfortable with molecular structures, chemical interactions, and basic chemistry terminology should take this course.

Ø  BIO 112: Basic Anatomy and Physiology covers basic biochemistry, cell biology, tissue biology, and all the organ systems covered in BIO 210 & BIO 211, focusing on fewer more fundamental concepts.

Ø  BIO 101: Biology I covers basic biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology. Students that need practice imagining and communicating at cellular chemical levels should take this before BIO 210.

Ø  AHS 104, Medical Vocabulary covers major human organs, systems, & medical terminology. Students that need practice with human structures & functions and general vocabulary skills should take this course.

PERSONAL PLANNING RECOMMENDED: Past prerequisite-prepared students got D, F, or W grades in BIO 210, because they failed to commit the needed ~250 hours for the semester. Instructors and advisors cannot address personal issues. For help strategizing personal, work, academic plans, contact TTC’s Counseling and Career Development Services at Bldg.410/Rm.210; phone: 574-6131. Plan smart! With an average background in both biology & chemistry, plan as follows:

9-week Summer Semester: plan 18 hrs. per week outside class + 9 hrs for in-class = 27 hours per week

7-week Fast Forward Fall or Spring: plan 24 hrs. per week outside class + 12 hrs. in-class = 36 hours per week

4½-week Fast Forward Summer: plan 36 hrs. per week outside of class + 18 hours in-class = 54 hours per week

3½-week Maymester: plan 48 hrs. per week outside of class + 24 hours in-class = 72 hours per week

If you have just one of the characteristics listed below, then you should consider dropping BIO 210 before the Drop/Add deadline, and enroll in a future more favorable semester, after resolving the issue:

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(1) lack sufficient study time,

(2) weak in biology skills,

(3) weak in chemistry skills,

(4) large family, work, or other commitments,

(5) cannot attend every class meeting,

(6) cannot get required materials by first day,

(7) lack back-up plans for travel, or

(8) lack back-up plans for care of dependents.

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Once enrolled past the Drop/Add Deadline, you obligate yourself to pay and earn a grade for the course. Remember: If your situation changes and decreases your ability to perform, then only you can file a Withdrawal Form to receive a W grade. BIO 210 instructors cannot withdraw you! Discuss withdrawal with your advisor or a TTC counselor, before making your decision.
REQUIRED MATERIALS (acquire ASAP and before the Drop/Add Deadline at the latest)

·  BIO 210 Syllabus (April 2013). Trident Technical College Department of Biological Sciences, which includes this document and any syllabus addenda distributed by your assigned instructor(s). Detailed departmental objectives for BIO 210, including prerequisite and essential skills, are available online at http://www.tridenttech.edu/BIO_210_COURSE_OBJECTIVES_FA11.pdf.

·  Tate (2012). Seeley’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (2nd ed.) with Connect Plus+ & with reprint of Chapter 9 Membrane Potentials from Seeley, Stephens, & Tate (2000) Anatomy & Physiology (5th ed.) for Trident Technical College, McGraw-Hill. For help with resources packaged with the textbook, contact publisher’s representative, Tim Malone, email: , phone: 864-436-4120.

·  Marieb, Mitchell, & Smith. (2014). Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: Fetal Pig Version (11thed.). Benjamin/Cummings and InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite (CD with lab manual). For help with resources associated with lab manual, contact publisher’s representative, Susan Coughlin, email: .

·  Computer access that can run: (1) mytridenttech.edu e-mail account secured by the College, which you should check daily while enrolled at TTC, (2) InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite, (3) if your instructor requires Connect Plus+, then you must be able to login and use it, and (4) if your instructor requires Desire-2-Learn (D2L), then you must be able to login and use it. Warning: If your instructor does NOT use D2L, then messages sent using D2L will NOT reach your instructor.

·  Students in “MIX” BIO 210 sections (online LEC & traditional LAB) must contact the online instructor by the first day of class, via information provided by TTC Express. Access the instructor's online course for more instructions and requirements. Note: Online LEC students are assigned to a specific in-person LAB time and place that MUST be attended throughout the semester.

·  Each student must obtain a dissection kit and personal protective equipment that includes closed-toe footwear, safety glasses, latex gloves, and an over-garment (e.g., lab coat, large shirt, or smock).

·  Other materials can be required by your instructor, as announced during class or listed on a syllabus addendum, including items that might be listed as optional below.

OPTIONAL MATERIALS - may be required, depending on instructor

o  Additional support materials available in the TTC Bookstore; e.g., flashcards, anatomy coloring books, etc.

o  Learning Resources Center, Bldg. 510/Library, phone: 574-6095 – A variety of books & resources available for check-out. Also, some anatomy models available for in-house use (see Page 8).

o  The Learning Center, Bldg.920/Rm.211, phone: 574-6409, http://www.tridenttech.edu/664.htm – For help with learning skills, for example, to meet a reading specialist to review science reading method (SQ3R for textbooks).


If you have a condition that results in seizures, blackouts, etc. (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, etc.), then please inform your instructors immediately. This will be kept confidential.

You must always follow laboratory safety rules, must sign and date a confirmation that you understand & will follow the rules, and submit the confirmation to your LAB instructor. Until you file signed confirmation of LAB rules, testing will count as zeroes, at LAB instructor’s discretion. If confirmation of safety is not submitted by the second week of classes, then you may be barred from LAB, meaning all LAB scores for the semester will be zeroes.


To minimize classroom disruptions protect the integrity of test-taking situations, activated electronic com-munication devices such as pagers cell phones are generally not permitted in classrooms at Trident Tech-nical College. The only exception to this policy will be for on-call emergency personnel (police, fire, EMS), who will be required to notify their classroom instructor of their need for such devices and provide documentation verifying their occupation. However, on-call emergency personnel may not leave a testing situation, commu-nicate by electronic means, and return to complete an examination. In these cases, instructors should make arrangements for re-testing. Use of electronic devices for note taking is at the discretion of the instructor.


To confirm that you are actively involved in this course you need to contact the instructor at least once per week. Forms of contact can include (but are not limited to) posting/receiving emails, participating in online class discussions or chat rooms, and completing and submitting course assignments. Please see the instructor's addendum for any additional instructions.


The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Counselor for Students with Disabilities (located in Counseling and Career Development, Building 410, Room 210) and their instructors of any special needs.

By the first day of class, a student must notify instructors of special needs and document the need with a counselor in Counseling and Career Development Office (Bldg.410/Rm.210; phone: 574-6131). Instructors cannot accommodate any need, until a qualified TTC counselor sends a documented request to your instructor. Some requested accommodations might be considered unreasonable and not granted, unless made by the first day of classes and unless the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences finds it feasible and compatible with curriculum standards.


The college has computer labs available for student use on all three campuses. Students who experience problems with home computers should maintain plans to accomplish their assignments at the college, in a timely manner.

To print on campus, students must buy a Print-Limit Pro card from a TTC bookstore or library to use at print facilities. In each print lab, personnel can assist you. For complete computer lab names, hours, rules and locations go to Computer Labs under Academic Programs on TTC’s Web site, http://www.tridenttech.edu/13270.htm, or contact E-Services Help Line: 574-6999.


Student learning is a top priority. Students are expected to come to class prepared and attentive. To ensure a productive learning environment, students must show courtesy and respect to their instructors and fellow students. Instructors will not tolerate uncivil or disruptive behavior. The instructor may dismiss a disruptive student from the class for the remainder of the class period. If inappropriate behavior persists, the instructor may refer the student to the Vice President for Student Services for disciplinary evaluation.


Before attending classes, you must meet all prerequisites and officially register for all courses. Prompt and regular attendance is your responsibility. You are responsible for all material covered and all assignments made in class. Any time you are absent from a class, laboratory, or other scheduled events, it is your responsibility to make satisfactory arrangements for any make-up work permitted by the instructor.

An absence is defined as nonattendance for any reason, including illness, emergency, or official leave. If you arrive late to class, you may be considered absent for that period. If you leave before the instructor dismisses class, you may also be considered absent. In BIO 210, failure to follow instructor’s check-in instructions also is an absence.

Students with absences (defined above) on three or more class days will lose all make-up & incomplete (I grade) privileges, unless a TTC counselor can document a qualifying condition and send a request to the instructor. If you do not qualify for counseling exception and will miss class, then drop BIO 210 and take it in a more favorable semester.

As soon as you miss class meetings, seek help from Counseling Services: Bldg.410/Rm.210; phone: 574-6131.

All class sessions are important. Any time you miss a class, you increase your risk of making a failing grade. For example, some departments or individual instructors will count your class participation as a substantial percentage of your grade. Of course, if you are not in class, you will not get the necessary points for your class participation.

If you quit coming or participating in the class and do not officially withdraw by the withdrawal date for each semester, you will receive a grade of F or U. Your instructor cannot assign a grade of W. If you receive financial aid or veterans’ aid, your aid may be revised as a result of any changes in your course schedule.


Academic Misconduct is not tolerated at TTC. Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate use of a college computer, cheating, plagiarism and/or collusion, and falsification of information. Students are responsible for adhering to all policies and procedures in the TTC Student Handbook.

DROP/ADD POLICY: Record Drop/Add Deadline here ______

If you enroll and even briefly attend a course, then you obligate yourself to a grade reported on your transcript. However, if you drop a course before the Drop/Add Deadline, then no official record of enrollment will appear on your transcript. After Drop/Add ends, a student that fails to attend or otherwise contact the instructor during the first week of classes may be dropped for having never attended.