/ 2017 Dolon-Jones-Martino
American Legion Post 304
Stay at Home Festival /

Vendor Application Instructions


Jim Thorpe Memorial Park

101 East 10th Street, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania


Saturday, July 1th, 2017

3:00 p.m.-10:00p.m.

One day only.

There is no rain date this year.

About us

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veteran’s organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow veterans.

Ours, The Dolon-Jones-Martino Post, is one of the original posts founded shortly after the creation of the American Legion in 1919. When we finally received our permanent charter in 1922, the post was named after Charles J. Dolon.

Charles J. Dolon was the first person from Mauch Chunk/East Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving his countryduring World War I. Later, during World War II, Jones was added because he was believed to have been the first person from Mauch Chunk/East Mauch Chunk to be a casualty of that war. However, a short time later, it was realized that Martino was the true recipient of that grimdistinction.

This is now our 98th year of being a part of the community. Our continuing mission is to honor our fallen comrades, help active duty military, veterans, their families, and to promote children and youth programs.

About the Festival

  • The Jim Thorpe Stay at Home Festival is an annual event that has been a staple of the community of Jim Thorpe and the surrounding areas for many years.
  • Each year, it’sheld on the first Saturday in July.
  • This is the only major fund raising event that our American Legion Post puts on each year.
  • All of the American Legion workers involved are volunteers. 100% of the funds raised go directly back to the community.
  • This is a one day only event.
  • The event is a family friendly, fun filled festival that features fantastic food, amusement rides, free kids games with great prizes, clowns, a 3 on 3basketball tournament, children’s face painting, and much more.
  • All day there will begreat live entertainment which is provided for by a generous donation from the Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank
  • Finally, it all concludes at 10:00 p.m. with a huge fireworks display sponsored by the Mauch Chunk Trust Company and the American Legion

How you can help

  • We are seeking vendors to help diversify the festival and provide a fulfilling experience for all who attend.
  • Thankfully, there have been a core set of non-profit organizations (local churches, clubs, etc.) that have been fulfilling certain roles within this event for many years.To avoid conflicts, we try to limit new vendors to items or services not already being offered.
  • Itemsthat are off limits: Alcoholic beverages.
  • Other examples of items that may be off limits: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, French Fries, Pizza, and Pierogies. This will all depend on the applications received. Non-profit organizations and past vendors always get preference.
  • Things we do not limit: arts & craft, amusement games, and/or specialty type stands.
  • We are also very interested in promoting the heritage and traditions of the coal region. If you are a local organization or society who would like to setup some type of informational displayfree of charge, please apply.
  • We do not want flea market or yard sale type stands. We want vendors that are consistent with a festival or carnival type atmosphere.

How it works

  • If your application is approved, The Jim Thorpe Memorial Park will available to setup your area starting Friday, June 30th.
  • Vehicle access to most of the park is available for you to setup. We ask that you be accommodating and try to work with other vendors and the volunteers. Please try to avoid any unnecessary disturbance to the park grounds.
  • We ask all vendors to be completely setup and have all vehicles out of the park by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the event.
  • Please keep in mind water and electric access are very limited. So, please try to be self-sufficient. Lighting in the park is also sporadic. You will need to evaluate and provide for your own lighting if the park lighting is not adequate. It doesn’t really get dark until after 9 pm this time of year.
  • There is no raindate for the festival. We have a rain date for fireworks only..
  • CASH SALES ARE PERMITTED! In the past, all sales were done by means of tickets/coupons. We have stopped this practice and have now implemented a vendor fee instead.
  • The vendor fees are as follows:
  • Food Stands $175 per stand. Stands who wish to sell non-alcoholic beverages must pay an additional $35 ($210)
  • Games/Amusement Rides/Misc. Sales $100 per ride/stand.
  • Arts & Crafts$35
  • At the end of the event, vendors are asked to have their stands removedfrom the park as soon as possible but no later than 3: oo p.m. the following day. Note: Some areas like the pavilions may have to be cleared Saturday night for the next day’s activities at the park.
  • We also ask that vendors police their stand and surrounding areas and bag any trash and place it along a pathway where it can be easily picked up.


  • If you’ve read all of the above and you’restill interested in applying, please complete the application section.
  • We ask that all application be turned in as soon as possible. However, the longer you wait the less space options may be available.
  • If you have any questions or comments, please see the contact information at the bottom of the attached application form. Substitute applications will be accepted if you have something different you’d like to submit.

Vendor Application Form

Name of Business
or Organization:
Type of Business or Organization: / Non-Profit / For-Profit / Other:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
(Street, City, State, ZIP)
E-mail :
Contactphone #:
Type of Vendor:(brief description):
Were you a vendor at this event last year? / YES / NO
If not last year, have you previously been a vendor at this event? / YES / NO / If so, How many years?
Please describe items to be sold or displayed
Please describe the approximate length and width of arearequired for display
of itemsand or setup of equipment (send pictures if available):
This form can be filled in electronically using MS Word or printed and hand written.
When the form is complete, please mail or E-mail the form to:
American Legion Post 304
Attn: Festival Committee
20 W 6th Street
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 / or / E-mail to:

Any questions or comments please call or e-mail? 570-778-8867 or

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