Minutes of Meeting: Monday 8/25/08

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Tom Dick at 6:03 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report:

Steve Harp was not in attendance for the Treasurer’s Report

Community Police Officer (CPO): Bob Weis was not in attendance for the crime report.

Old Business:

The weeds on the bridge have been taken care of.

The property at the corner of Oak Hill and Lake has been taken over by the bank and will be sold at the Sheriff Sale this week. David Ballew, President of the United Neighborhoods of Evansville and Inspector for the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Building Commission pushed for the house to be boarded up because the doors were all standing open.

New Business

Ashwood, which is in the Ridgewood neighborhood, have had some people move in that have been parking in the front yard, one vehicle has the exhaust pipe lying on the ground, there is a riding lawn mower and 2 motorcycles in the yard, and they don’t cut the grass in their back yard. They should have received a letter either today or Saturday warning them to clean up their property. Today is the first day that they have not parked in the front yard.

The property near the corner of Clover and Oak Hill has also been sent a letter on the 26th regarding weeds in their front yard.

Q: Can the weeds be cut down at the library? A: The roof of the library is a natural prairie and a butterfly sanctuary. Although it may look like weeds, it has been specifically planted to attract butterflies.

Bill Jeffers spoke with code enforcement and is working with Mr. Kattmann to cut the weeds between the street and the woods in Oak Hill Woods condos. He was encouraged to let the grass grow to help control erosion.

Watch for tires and other objects that can collect water because these are the place that will breed mosquitoes. We have had our first report of West Nile Virus in Warrick Co.

Area around Oak Hill & Bergdolt – the water will be shut off tomorrow and a boil notice in effect afterwards.

Tom Dick commented that we should be concerned about our immediate neighbors. In any kind of emergency, storms, cold weather, very hot weather etc. check in on your immediate neighbors and make sure they are ok first. Also, be suspicious of people in the neighborhood that you don’t recognize.

Remember to bring trash bags, paper towels, napkins, sugar, salt, pepper etc for the United Caring Shelter.


Jamie Taylor, Feline Fix

Feline Fix is a Trap, Neuter, Return program that traps feral cats, neuters them and then returns them to where they were found if it is safe for them there. If it is not, they are found safe homes at farms and other locations. If kittens are trapped, they are tamed and put up for adoption.

Feline Fix was started in the summer of 2006. She originally was working with the Warrick County Humane Society and getting funding through them. However, she is no longer able to do that because she is not set up as a non-profit organization. She is currently working on that.

Since her beginning, Jamie has neutered 847 cats. All of this has been accomplished with private funding. She uses the Neuter Scooter and the Vanderburgh Humane Society to get the cats neutered.

Jamie’s cost: a wild cat is $25. A tame female, pregnant or in heat cat is $43. And a tame male cat is $38.

A suggestion was made to contact Quails Unlimited to get the word out to people who hunt, because they are concerned with the feral cat population preying on game and might be willing to make some donations to decrease the feral cat population.

Motion to adjourn – Jane Brooks

Dr. Hodeval – 2nd

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Christina Dixon, Secretary