Adjust Hours Worked:Use when an employee’s assigned number of work hours or employment percentage changes.

Demotion:Use when an employee moves from a position in one class to a position in a different class with a lower salary range maximum. Specify: Disciplinary if the demotion is for disciplinary reasons; In Lieu of Layoff for an employee who takes a demotion rather than being laid off; or Voluntary for a permanent employee taking a demotion.

Elevation:Use for an employer-initiated action moving a permanent employee to a position in a higher class in which the employee previously held permanent status prior to a demotion, or a class in the same class series which is between the current class and the class from which the employee demoted.

Exempt:Use to appoint an employee to a position not covered under state civil service law or any at-will employee who is serving at the pleasure of the appointing authority and not covered under a bargaining agreement or regulation.

Internship:Use for the appointment of a student through the State Internship Program with the purpose of gaining work experience and knowledge of state government.

In Training:Specify: Begin to appoint an employee to a permanent position which has a documented training plan identifying steps for advancement to the goal class; Level Complete upon successful completion of a step in the training requirements; or Series Complete upon an employee’s successful completion of all steps in the training requirements.

Layoff:Specify: Layoff List when appointing an employee from the employer’s internal or statewide layoff list; Layoff Option Accepted to appoint an employee whose position is schedule for layoff but they are offered and accept another position as a layoff option; or Temp Reduction of Hours when an employee voluntarily reduces their work hours in order to reduce layoffs or when the employer temporarily reduces work hours as an unanticipated loss of funding or other reasons as provided in rules and contracts.

Leave of Absence:Use when an employee is on,or is returning from, a leave of absence (LOA) in excess of 15 days, OR for circumstances that require additional tracking (i.e. FMLA). Specify: FMLA,LWOP, Medical, or Other and specify the LOA type – Other selections include: Assault, Educational, Family Care Act, Family Leave Act of WA, Government Service, Home Assignment, Layoff-Temporary, Military, Parental, Suspension, Union Employment, Unauthorized, Volunteer Firefighting, Volunteer/Community Service, Worker’s Compensation.

Non-Employee:Use for actions related to individuals in HRMS that are excluded from statewide personnel headcounts.

Non-Perm:Use for non-permanent appointments. Specify: Non-Perm in Lieu of Layoff for an employee who accepts a non-permanent appointment as a layoff option; Non-Perm Limitedfor an appointment to a non-represented position that is intended to address a short term immediate workload peak or other short term need, or if the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular patter or for an appointment to a represented position that is to fill in for a permanent employee during a workload peak while a recruitment is being conducted or to reduce the possible effects of a layoff; Non-Perm On Call for an appointment to a represented position where the nature of the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern; or Extend to extend a non-permanent appointment beyond the original end date.

Non-Perm to Permanent:Use when a non-permanent appointment is converted to a permanent appointment.

Other:Use when there is no Action Reason listed in the drop-down that fits the scenario of the action. If Other is chosen, explain the action taking place. Examples of this could be: Change in Employee Group, Change in Employee Subgroup, Higher Education to General Government, GGTP, Reclassification, Reinstatement, Return from Reduction in Pay-Disciplinary, Special Employment, Supported Employment, or Training Incentive Advancement.

Action Reason Definitions, Continued

**If unsure of which Action Reason to choose, consult with your assigned Human Resource Consultant.**

Permanent:Use for the appointment of an employee with permanent status that is not required to serve a trial service or review period. Use with the Rehire action type to appoint an employee with permanent state status following a layoff who was NOT hired from the GGTP or a layoff list. Use with the Change of status action type for an employee who completes a review period.

Probationary:Use for employees who are in the initial period of employment following appointment to, or reemployment in, classified service.

Project:Use to appoint an employee to a classified position established for the purpose of a defined project for which the employer expects work to be of a time-limited nature with an expected end date or contingent on special funding.

Promotion:Use to appoint an employee to a class with a higher salary range maximum that results in a salary increase.

Reallocation:Use to appoint an employee when their position is assigned to a different class. Specify: Downward if the new class has a lower salary range maximum; or No Salary Change if the new class has the same salary range maximum; or Upward if the new class has a higher salary range maximum.

Reassignment:Use for an employer initiated move of an employee from one position to another position in the same class.

Reduction in Pay – Disciplinary:Use to reduce an employee’s pay for disciplinary reasons.

Retiree:Use to appoint an employee after their effective retirement date. To be considered a retiree, an individual must meet the age and service requirements for retirement, file an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems, terminate employment and sever future contractual agreements with covered employers.

Review Period – Extend:Use to extend an employee’s review period. Specify: Probationary, Transitional Review, Trial Service, or WMS.

Season-Career:Use for the appointment of an employee in a position that is cyclic in nature, recurs at approximately the same time each year, and lasts for a minimum of 5 months but less than 12 months in duration during any consecutive 12-month period.

Transfer:Use for a permanent employee initiated move from one position to another position within or between employers with the same salary range maximum or same salary standard (WMS).

WMS:Use to appoint an employee to the Washington Management Service (WMS) system that applies to classified managerial employees.

Separation Reason Definitions

**If unsure of which Action Reason to choose, consult with your assigned Human Resource Consultant.**

Abandonment of Position:Use to separate an employee who has been absent with unauthorized leave for a period of 3 consecutive work days (this does not apply to non-permanent or probationary employees).

Conditions Not Met:Use for the non-disciplinary separation of a permanent employee for failing to comply with the conditions of employment (which may or may not have existed at the time of initial appointment), failing to authorize or pass a background check required by the position, or failing to comply with union security provisions.

Death:Use for an employee who dies while employed.

Disability – Involuntary:Use to separate an employee when the employer determines the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position or class with or without reasonable accommodation due to mental sensory or physical incapacity.

Disability – Voluntary:Use for an employee who requests separation from state service due to a mental, sensory or physical incapacity.

Dismissal:Use to terminate an employee from state service for disciplinary purposes.

End of Appointment:Use for non-disciplinary, employer-initiated separations of WGS, WMS, Non-Permanent, or Seasonal – Career employees (if employee is not returning next season), or to separate a probationary employee for any reason. Use appropriate employee-initiated separation reason if employee initiates separation from state service.

General Govt to Higher Ed:Use to indicate an employee has moved to a higher education institution without a break in service.

Layoff:Use to separate an employee due to lack of funds, work, or positions, organizational change, or termination of a project, or to involuntarily separate an employee who does not successfully complete the transitional review period following a layoff option.

Layoff – Voluntary:For represented employees only, use to separate an employee who volunteers to be laid off from their position.

Non-Employee:Use to separate an individual in HRMS that is excluded from statewide personnel headcounts.

Resign:Use for an employee who initiates a separation from state service.

Retirement:Use to separate an employee who meets the age and service requirements for retirement, or is eligible for a disability retirement, and filed an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems.

Retirement – Incentive Pay:Use to separate an employee who meets the age and service requirements for retirement, filed an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems, and is receiving a taxable cash payment incentive as part of a Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program.

Reversion:Use to voluntarily or involuntarily move an employee during their trial service period to another position (or separate, if no positions are available). Involuntary reversion reasons may include failure to complete a trial service or WMS review period or failure to progress to the next step of an in-training plan.

Seasonal–Career Layoff 3-8 Mos:Use to separate a seasonal career employee where the period of work in a seasonal capacity is 3-8 months.

Seasonal–Career Layoff 9+ Mos:Use to separate a seasonal career employee where the period of work in a seasonal capacity is 9 months or more.

Settlement Pay:Use to appoint, and then separate, an employee to process settlement pay as a result of a settlement agreement.

Voluntary – Incentive Pay:Use to separate an employee who is eligible to participate in a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program and has been offered a taxable cash payment as incentive to resign.

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