Fundipedia trial - onboarding questionnaire

Trial purpose

The customer would like to evaluate Fundipedia against their business aims and requirements. To facilitate this, a trial instance of Fundipedia will be provided for up to a maximum of three months from the trial launch date.

Fundipedia will be configured to closely match the configuration the customer will use in a production environment. To achieve this aim, this document requests information regarding the data configuration. Please note that the data configuration on the trial instance of Fundipedia can be amended according to customer feedback during the trial period. It’s sensible to make changes in a trial environment, and agree a final data structure ahead of moving to a production environment.

We suggest that the number of users invited to trial Fundipedia be kept to a minimum if possible. Again, to this end we request information about the customer’s desired users in this document.

During or upon conclusion of the trial, the customer has the opportunity to proceed with a full license agreement, or alternatively close the trial at which point we will remove customer data from our hosting environments.

Customer information


Company name:

Primary points of contact for all Fundipedia project questions and a point of escalation where required.

Customer lead contact(s):

Name / Position / Email / Telephone

Fundipedia lead contact(s):

Name / Position / Email / Telephone
Simon Swords / Director / / 0845 867 2845 / 07912 390 746

Trial dates

Anticipated launch date of the trial instance: <TBC>

Intended trial completion date (no more than three months from the launch date): <TBC>

Business objectives for the trial:

Objective title / Objective owner / Objective priority (High/Med/Low)

Other points of contact

Fundipedia’s points of contact at customer for IT related queries during the trial:

Name / Position / Email / Telephone

Customer’s points of contact at Fundipedia for IT related queries during the trial:

Name / Position / Email / Telephone
Andre Filipe / Head of technical operations / / 0845 867 2845

Fundipedia’s point of contact at customer for operational, business and data related queries during the trial:

Name / Position / Email / Telephone

Customer’s point of contact at Fundipedia for business/data related queries during the trial:

Name / Position / Email / Telephone
Dean North / Technical Consultant / / 0845 867 2845


The new Fundipedia instance will be configured on a URL which is a sub-domain of the address. E.g.

Hosting is provided courtesy of Microsoft Azure, and we specifically ensure that the data is hosted on a UK South instance.

URL for test/POC website

Other hosting requirements and policies

If there are any specific policies or requirements of our Azure hosting infrastructure, please let us know as part of the trial ahead of us going to production.


Define high level objects

Objects are high level containers for your data, and often will be related to one or more other objects within your instance of Fundipedia.

We have provided an example set of objects below, and you’ll see that for each object we have define parent/child relationships and whether those relationships are one to one (Single) or many to many (multiple).

Please update the structure in the table below to indicate the objects and relationships you would like us to configure for you.

Object name / Parent relationships / Child relationships
Umbrella / N/A / Multiple Child Funds
Fund / Single Parent Umbrella
Single Parent Strategy / Multiple Child Share Types
Multiple Child Share Classes
Multiple Child Managers
Multiple Child Fund RIsks
Share Type / Single Parent Fund / Multiple Child Share Classes
Share Class / Single Parent Fund
Single Parent Share Type / Multiple Child Share Class Risks

Define a data schema for each object

For each object outlined above we need to define a schema, or set of fields, that should exist for each. A spreadsheet is an ideal way to provide this information.

Broadly, the information we require for each field on an object is as outlined below. We have also created this schema import spreadsheet template that you can start from here:

Field property / Description / Example
Name / The database name for a field / SRRI
Display name / The name given to a field as it appears for users / SRRI
Description (optional) / A description which appears in tooltips next to the field / Standard Risk Indicator
Data type / The data type of the field. You can find more information about supported data types here: / Integer

How will data be provided?

Data format
<CSV. XML, Excel, other?>

What languages should Fundipedia support?

It’s useful, but not essential, for us to know from the outset about any particular languages you would like us to support a field level for the trial.

Languages to support

Define layouts for each object

Whilst Fundipedia has incredibly granular permissions and layouts we recommend for your trial that you initially only configure one layout per object for all users. As part of moving to production we will provide further assistance and training to configure multiple layouts for various user groups.

You are welcome to create your own layouts for each object. Alternatively, In order for us to do this on your behalf please provide:

-A list of the tabs that you would like to appear on each page

-A list of the group boxes and fields that you would like to appear on each tab.

We can provide a spreadsheet template for prescribing layouts upon request.

Trial users and permissions

Whilst Fundipedia offers incredibly granular permissions, we recommend that for the trial the structure of the users, user groups and permissions are simplified.

To this end we recommend you configure three levels of user as set out below. We can accommodate more upon request.

Every user added to your instance of Fundipedia will be provided with a link, valid for 24 hours, which they can click to generate a new password. Upon configuration of SSO this link will no longer appear, and instead the user will simply login in to Fundipedia with their existing credentials automatically.


Please list the details of the users you would like us to create as administrators in your trial instance of Fundipedia. Note that administrators have full access to the entire system, and can make schema, layout, user and other changes to your instance.

Full name / Email

Power Users

Please list the users you would like us to add to your trial instance as power users. Power users have the ability to view, edit and approve data changes but do not have access to the admin section of Fundipedia.

Full name / Email

Read only Users

Please list the users you would like us to add to your trial instance as read only users. Read only users can view all data in your instance but cannot edit or approve changes and do not have access to the admin section of Fundipedia.

Full name / Email

List and search view defaults

List view defaults

When you click a toolbar link at the top of Fundipeia, to load a list of a particular type of Object, such as a Fund (see screenshot below), the object list will load with a set of columns that we can configure for you.

So for example, in the example below we have configured the Funds list view to include Manager, Strategy, Sub Strategy, Risk Level and Internal Fund Code.

If you would like us to configure default columns for each object on your trial list, please provide a list of the columns that should appear for each object below.

Object / Columns
Fund / Name
Sub Strategy
Risk Level
Share Class / Name
Share Type / Name

Search view defaults

In Fundipedia there is a search box in the top right hand corner (screenshot below). This “quick search” allows users to search across all objects, or a specific object.

For each search type, including the All search, you can specify to us which fields on an object we should search on, and what columns should be returned in the search.

Note that this isn’t mandatory for the configuration of your trial, and can be discussed during the trial rather than ahead of the trial if preferred.

Object / Columns to search on / Columns to display
All / Name
Sub Strategy
Risk Level / Name
Sub Strategy
Risk Level
Fund / Name
Sub Strategy
Risk Level / Name
Sub Strategy
Risk Level
Share Class

Other requirements

Are there any other requirements for the trial that we should be made aware of?