Guidance notes for the Volunteer Application Form

The application form must me completed in black ink as this makes it easier for photocopying.

Personal Details :

Volunteer Role applied for:

If you are applying for a specific volunteer role or have an interest in a particular

project or field of work, please state that here. Otherwise leave blank.


You must provide details of one employment reference if possible,one of which must be your present or most recent employer, the other may be a character reference. RAMH reserve the right to contact past employers where it seems necessary.

If you have not worked in paid employment, you may provide the name and address of anyone who knows you well – to confirm the information that you have provided and comment on your suitability for the voluntary work, this must not be a relative. School/college leavers may provide the name and school/address of their tutor.

If you already work for RAMH please give the name of your Service Manager.

Please complete the contact details for your Referees fully, with address and

Post-codesand if possible email address, so that these can be sent for without delay.

Education, Qualifications and Training & the Employment detailsSection :

It is essential that you include all relevant experience that you have had. If you have never been in paid employment or have not worked for a long time, think carefully about any experience that you may have gained, not necessarily in a formal work setting. This may include voluntary/community, work/student placement, leisure activities or domestic obligations, for example running a house or caring for a relative or friend.

Your ability to meet essential criteria for role :

Please use this sheet to outline what knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities you could bring to your voluntary work. Please relate this to the role description, if you are interested in a specific volunteer post. Role descriptions are available for all defined volunteer posts.

(In some cases a volunteer post may be created with the assistance of the applicant and in conjunction with the service needs of the Organisation).


Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1994 :

All staff and Volunteers are required to declare any past or pending cautions/convictions, and to undergo a PVG (Protection Vulnerable Groups) /Standard Disclosure Check’. It is essential that you declare any past or pending cautions/convictions on the included form, and then place this form in the sealed CONFIDENTIAL labelled envelope provided. This envelope should be returned together with the application form.

There will be an opportunity to discuss this disclosure with a Volunteer Co-ordinator and a disclosure does not necessarily mean that you will not be eligible for a voluntary post with the Organisation.

Equal Opportunities;

Please complete the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form. This helps RAMH to monitor our recruitment strategy and to promote our Equal Opportunities Policy. The form will only be used for statistical purposes.

And Finally:

When you have completed your application form, please read through thoroughly, checking any errors or omissions and sign it.

(You may wish to leave signing it until you see the Volunteer Co-ordinator)

Please return your completed Volunteer application to :

HR Department


41 Blackstoun Road




\\server01\ramh files\Personnel\Personnel Staff Group\HR Admin\VOLUNTEERS\Volunteer Application Pack\Volunteer Guidance notes for the Application Form.doc.Updated 28 Nov 2016