I. Aim

WWF-Pakistan under its EU funded SWITCH-Asia SPRING is looking for a consultant to undertake a comprehensive compilation and documentation of the achievements as well as anecdotal success stories( in Urdu & English) covering the participating ginning SMEs of the project. The compilation process will comprise of visits to the concerned ginning SMEs & informal interviews with SPRING’s participating ginners. Moreover the compilation work will include a review of existing literature followed by testimonies from a cross-section of SWITCH-Asia SPRING target ginning SMEs with a particular focus on SPRING’s core areas of action; Ginning Efficiency, productivity, energy conservation, mechanical modifications and Decent Work considerations especially occupational safety and health etc.

SPRING project intends to publish and widely disseminate the document as well as share the success stories on SWITCH-Asia network website. In addition, this output will help identify best practices for wider application and inform the relevant stakeholders.

II. Background

WWF-Pakistan’s EU funded SWITCH-Asia SPRING project is seeking a sustainable future for Pakistan cotton sector to promote environment & resource efficiency, economic prosperity and improving working conditions by encouraging a switch to more environmentally sustainable practices in the ginning industry of Pakistan. The project encourages the sustainable production and consumption of sustainable cotton by focusing on increasing the capacity of ginning industry for sustainable cotton production & sourcing practices, improving business capacity to produce more market-driven pro-ducts, ensure that workers have the right set of skills to work with ginning SMEs, establish linkages between Better Cotton farmers, ginners & other supply chain actors sustainable service provision, and campaign for increasing demand for sustainable cotton & cotton products as well as supportive policies for the sector.

SWITCH Asia-SPRING project has been focusing on improving environmental, energy, mechanical & social efficiency of ginning sector of Pakistan. Technical Gap Analysis of 45 Ginning SMEs was helpful in deciding how Ginning SMEs need to adjust their systems, to identify processes and practices which may need improvement or modification. The project team with the help of technical resource persons and consultants developed 4 sets of around 45 BGPs related to Mechanical Maintenance/Condition Improvement, Production Process Improvement, Electrical Energy conservation and Environment, Health and Safety Conditions Improvement for participating ginners & guided them to implement recommended BGPs.

Performance evaluation carried out through post implementation technical audits of 45 LEVEL-I ginning factories have shown significant improvements through optimization of resource use for improved productivity, quality & working conditions.

III. Rationale

a) SPRING’s strategic and operational efforts in the ginning sector avails an opportune moment to undertake a comprehensive documentation of the projects’ achievements and successes in relation to its four years work. This is both in terms of preserving institutional memory as well as informing the relevant stakeholders, partners and industry in general

b) The assignment is also initiated to fill a gap in understanding and taking stock of “significant positive changes” at local, national and regional levels in contributing to sustainable cotton production practices that could be attributed to SPRING’s actions.

c) Success stories at SPRING have so far been interpreted narrowly and are often incident-based without recognizing the project’s diverse positive influence on ginning sector. The proposed publication will thus aim to capture a broader view of SPRING’s contributions and achievements in the form of success stories at individual SME level.

IV. Scope of Assignment

The assignment will entail:

·  A comprehensive literature review of the project documents as well as consultations with project staff and management to be fully briefed on the project’s work;

·  identify key benchmarks that could help measure the individual SME’s achievements and successes;

·  With the help of project staff identify respondents belonging to three regions of the project area so as to develop a visit plan for the assignment.

·  Holding interviews and/or obtaining testimonies (through face-to-face, email and telephone interviews, questionnaire, e- survey...).

·  Respondents will include

V. Tentative length of assignment

15 May 2015 – 15 July 2015

VI. Deliverables

a) An EOI indicating the consultant’s approach in undertaking the assignment (including an indicative outline of the final report) as well as a work plan (including schedule of tasks).

b) A minimum of 15 success stories (1000-2000 words) that covers SPRING project’s achievements and successes – based on testimonies and experiences of the relevant target group of Ginning SMEs in both Urdu & English language

c) The final manuscript should accompany annexes; list of persons contacted and engaged; survey questions; Interview questions and transcripts (including audio and video recordings if available); review notes and other materials as appropriate.

VII. Management of the consultancy

The consultant will work in close coordination with SPRING project staff will provide all necessary guidance as well as administrative and logistical support to the consultant in fulfilling the stated tasks.

VIII. Required Expertise

The consultant must have:

  1. Over 5 years journalistic or related experience as well as experience in managing similar assignments
  2. Strong analytic & story telling skills
  3. Experience in research as well as writing and editing for national/international publications (newspapers, magazines and books) of high-standing
  4. Demonstrably excellent writing skills that can express complex subjects in a clear fashion to experts and layman alike.
  5. An understanding of thematic areas pertaining to Sustainable production, cleaner production techniques, socio-economic benefit analysis.
  6. Familiarity with the SPRING project and its areas of action is an added advantage.

IX. Deadline for Application

Interested persons should send their application cover later, CV and work sample before 10th May 2015.