HBC Volleyball League

League Rules



1.  Each team must submit a roster with a maximum of 12 players.

2.  No player may register with more than 1 team.

3.  You may have a maximum of 2 non-church players on your roster.

4.  Rosters must be submitted and a waiver form must be signed before any player may take the field.

5.  Rosters must be finalized and no changes allowed after the 2nd week of play, except by special approval by the League Commissioner.

6.  The League Commissioner may allow changes to a team roster if that team would otherwise not be able to field enough player each week due to injury, illness, players moving, or other special circumstances.

7.  The League Commissioner may also choose to deny a team’s request if the addition of the replacement player would significantly improve a team’s level of play.

8.  A player must be on the roster and have signed a waiver form to play in the league.

9.  League starts Thur. September 16th , rosters must be finalized by October 7th

10.  League play will last 10 weeks, with the 10th week being the tournament.

11.  $180 will be due for each team in the league before their fame on September 29th.


1.  At the time of the serve all players (except server) must be on the court.

a.  A back row player may not play the ball above the top plane of the net in front off the ten-foot line.

b.  An exception to this applies when a back row player assists in blocking, he or she may leave the ground in front of the ten-foot line for the purpose of blocking only.

2.  Bumping: It is not mandatory to bump the ball on the serve.

3.  Substitutions: A team may use the “rotation” substitution method. The substitute must be “Male for Male and Female for Female” A team’s selection must be made prior to each game and the referee notified.

a.  If a team starts a match with less than six (6) players and other player arrive they may be inserted into the game when ready.

b.  If a player is inserted to an unoccupied spot on the court after play has begun a timeout is charged. More than one player can be added at the same time. Additional player may be added to the rotation, or use of substitution, at anytime without charge of a timeout.

4.  A player may not stomp on the floor or shout at an opposing player who is about to play the ball.

5.  (If a ball is played more than once on a side a female must strike the ball before it goes over the net.) This rule will not be in effect unless the League Commissioner after 3 weeks of play feels it is necessary. Rule would be implemented starting the 4th week of play.

6.  The server must wait before the whistle is blown before serving the ball

a.  The server may catch the ball once before serving

b.  A serve that touches the net is allowed and playable when it reaches the opponents side.

7.  A team is allowed one 30-second time out per game.

8.  A match is three games long and standing are compiled using the total fames won not matches.

9.  A player must turn thirteen years of age this year (2010) to be eligible to play.

a.  League Commissioner can make exceptions with those who are close to the age of thirteen.

10.  To play a game each Team need on the court:

a.  Minimum of four players, maximum of six players.

b.  A maximum of three males and minimum of 3 female players if you have 6 players.

c.  A maximum of three males and minimum of 2 female player if you only have 5 players.

d.  A maximum of three males and minimum of 1 female if you only have 4 players

e.  When placed on the court players no not need to alternate male, female

f.  Three male players can not be lined up side by side

g.  Only two male players may be in the front row to block or attack at any time. If a 3rd male come forward past the ten foot line he can only play the ball below the top plane of the net.

11.  On the serve the ball must be played below the horizontal plane of the net.

12.  The forfeit time for a match will be 5 minutes after the scheduled game time.

13.  All teams will be allowed a five minute warm up period.

14.  A player may play the ball with any part of their body. You may not kick the ball.

15.  Players may not be picked up for the playoffs. If a team cannot field the required players, they will lost by forfeit.

1. A match shall consists of 5 matches during the regular season.

2. The first 4 matches will be played to 25 points with the last game to 15 points.

3. The winning team must have a two point advantage, Games cap at 31 points for the first

four matches

4. Games will be rally scored. Points are awarded on every serve.

1. A coin toss will be done between the two opposing captain. The winner has the choice of serving the first game or choosing which court to start on. At the beginning of each of the next games the roles reverse

2. The serve is the act of putting the ball into play by the right back-row player who hits the ball with one hand or arm from the service zone.

a. Authorization of the serve must be given to the server from the official before the serve may be hit.

b. IF the server does serve the ball before the official blows his/her whistle and gives the signal, the ball is dead and will be reserved.

3. Serves may be underhanded, overhand or participants may attempt to jump serve.

4. The players of the serving team must not screen the opponents from seeing the contact for service or the path of the ball. This would include a player waving arms, jumping up and down, or moving sideways at the time of the serve.

a. The serving team is also prohibited from making a collective screen when the server is hidden behind two or more teammates and the ball is served over them.

5. Blocking and attacking the serve is illegal

6. Only one serve is allowed, but players may drop the ball once and still serve

7. Faults on the serve may occur when:

a. Ball touches a teammate

b. Ball is passed under the net

c. Ball goes out of bounds

d. Ball his the ceiling on the serve

e. The server cannot step on the line or a foot faults occurs

8. The ball is out of bounds when it touches any surface, object, or ground outside the court

a. A ball my be played from out of bounds from your territory only.

b. It’s illegal to touch the opponent’s court in the act of playing the ball

c. If the players entire foot goes past the line while trying to play the ball it is illegal.

9. On change of serve, all players shall rotate clockwise

a. Positions of players may only change after a match

b. If you team does not start the game with the serve, the team does not rotate before the

first serve.

10. A ball that hits the ceiling (unless during a serve) will be considered a live ball if it hits on your side. If it hits your opponent’s ceiling it is considered a dead ball.

11. If the ball hits the net on the serve and goes over onto the opponents side, if it is not returned it will be counted as a pint for the serving team.


1.  The ball must be cleanly hit. The following constitutes a legal hit:

a.  Contacting the ball with the heels of the hands, fists, or arms.

b.  Kicking is not permitted

c.  A closed fist punching at the ball.

2.  The following constitutes a illegal hit:

a.  Ball visibly come to rest

b.  Held ball

c.  Successive contacts

d.  Using fingers for underhand hit

e.  Attacking the serve


1.  The following types of faults can occur during and attempt to play the ball:

a.  Player touching the net

b.  Hand or hands over top into the opponents’ side of the net in hitting the ball

c.  A player takes support from a teammate or any object in order to read the ball

d.  A team contacts the ball four times or more before returning it to the opponents

e.  Catching or throwing the ball. The ball must be tapped.

f.  Serve out of turn (Loss of points scored by ineligible server)

g.  A player contacts the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts various parts of the player’s body successively, except for the first contact when receiving a serve

h.  A player receives personal warning


1.  A ball touched by a player, playing close to the net, and attempting to block a shot by an opponent, will not be counted as one of the three traps permitted by his team.

a.  You may block the shot and play the ball before a teammate touches the ball.

b.  If two player block the ball simultaneously, this will count as one hit.

2.  A joust (ball coming to rest above the net on a block attempt) will result in a replay of the point.


1.  All actions directing the ball toward the opponent, except a serve or bloc, are attack hits.

a.  An attack hit is completed the moment the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is touched by the blocker.

b.  Restrictions to the back row player:

i.  A back row player may complete an attack hit at any height from behind the front zone.

ii. A back row player may also carry out an attack hit from the front zone if at the moment of the contact any part of the ball is below the top of the net.

Family Life Center- Children must be supervised and controlled at all times. Destruction of church property will not be tolerated. We ask that your children do not play with any type of ball in the FLC hallway or foyer. Thank You