Chapter 11a Nerve Physiology

control systems


•nervous system

communication systems

•cell to cell contact

•adjacent cellsinterstitial fluid


•nervousaxons + synapse

nervous system vs endocrine system




•fast actionslower to act

•short term effectlong term

•muscles ; glandsany cell, organ

•depolarize target cell stim specific cellular function


Structural division of nervous system

•Central nervous system (CNS)


•spinal cord

•Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

•spinal nerves

•cranial nerves

cells of the nervous system

•neuronsconduct impulse

•neurogliasupportive cells don’t conduct impulse

–atrocytesblood-brain barrier

–oligodendrocytesmake myelin CNS

–Schwann cellsmake myelin PNS

2 definitions

•stimulus change in environ that excites a neuron

•impulse wave of excitation along the neuron

functional terms

•direction :

–sensory=afferent impulse to the CNS gets stimulated

–motor=efferent impulse from CNS response


–somaticskin , muscles


functional divisions

•somatic sensory

•visceral sensory

•somatic motor

•visceral motor to cardiac and smooth muscle, glands= Autonomic nervous system

•interneuronsconnect sensory to motor

Neuron anatomy

•cell body = somanucleus, organelles

•dendriteimpulse begins

–receptors “stimulated” area

•axonconducts impulse

–axon terminal release neurotransmitter

–axon collateralsbranches

–axon hillock“threshold” for axon

•synapsespace betw neuron and target cell

•ganglioncluster of cell bodies in PNS

•nucleuscluster of cell bodies in CNS

neuron specialization

•size and shape

•cell membrane



•“one way”receptor – dendrite – axon – axon terminal

structural classes of neurons

•number of processes from the cell body

•multipolarmultiple dendrites1 axon all motor neurons ; most interneurons

•bipolar1 dendrite + 1 axon sensory - eye , smell

•unipolar1 process - short dendrite ; long axon most sensory neurons

remember ?

•3 steps of cell communication :

•signal senderneuron

•signal transportersynapse

•signal receiverneuron muscle gland


neuron functional areas

•receptive regiondendrites chemical gated ion channels graded potential

•conductive regionaxon voltage gated Na channels action potential

•secretory regionaxon terminal voltage gated Ca channels release neurotransmitters

neuron is a target cell and controlling cell

neuron is a signal receiver and signal sender



–electrons - protons +

–we use ions + / -

•voltage=potential energy

–opposite charges are separated = electrical gradient

–energy = work required to maintain electrical gradient

–“V = voltsmV = millivolts

•current=flow of electric charge (ions)

•resistance =slows or prevents flow of charges

resting membrane potential

•resting neuron membrane has potential of -70mV

•+ outside vs - inside=polarized

•K+ and A- insideK channel open

•Na+ outsideNa channels closed Na / K ATPase pumps Na out huge Na gradient = rubberband

what changes?

•resting = closed Na channel

•action = open Na channel

•what happens?

•goal of stimulation = open Na channel

•excitability = changed ion permeability

what causes this change?

•stimulation of receptors alters ion permeability

•external changestouch, pressure temp

•internal changeschemical levels O, CO, pH BP neurotransmitters hormones

types of channels

•leakage channels (passive)always open

•gated channels (active)

–chemically gated

•open/close when receptor binds with ligand

–voltage gated

•opens with change in membrane potential

•other :

–mechanically gated



electrical activity

•depolarizationdecrease potential(toward 0 mV)> -70 mV Na+ moves in excitatory

•repolarizationreturn to membrane potential K+ moves out

•hyperpolarizationincrease potential (more negative)< -70 mV + ion out and/or - ion in inhibitory

•Na / K pumprestores ion gradients

graded potentials

•local depolarizationdendrite, cell body

–Na+ in / K+ out

•repolarizationquickly returns to resting potential

•gradedamount of depolarization varies

–stim strength# channels open

–stim frequency time channels are open

•various stimuli open ion channels

–sensations generator potential

–neurotransmitterspost-synaptic potential

–gated channelsligand; mechanical; light; temperature

graded potentials are decremental

•cable property - depolarization spreads from ion channel

•charge (Na+) moves through cytoplasm ~ 1 – 2 mm

•charge leaks out

•returns to resting potential

•decremental - decrease strength with distance

•stronger depolarization travels further

•dendrites, cell body

•GOAL:get to the axon hillock

action potentials

•brief, complete reversal of potential + 30 mV

•voltage-gated channels

–depolarization opens channels

•axons , muscle cells

action potentials

•restingvoltage-gated channels closed

–K leaks out

–Na / K pump maintains membrane potential -70mV

•depolarization phaseincrease Na permeability

•increase potential opens Na channels voltage-gated

•Na rushes in-decreases potential if threshold - all Na channels open

•reversal of potential+ 30mV

•repolarizationdecrease Na permeability

•+ insideresists further Na+ moving in (nature)

•+ insidecloses Na+ inactivation gates

•K channels open rushes outWhy?


•K movement continues out


•membrane repolarized , but Na and K reversed

•Na / K pumprequires ATP

•return to resting state

AP propogation

•depolarization opens adjacents Na voltage-gated channels

•no decrease of strength

•starts at axon hillock

•entire axon

•= impulse

•one wayto axon terminal


•threshold = minimum depolarization to produce AP

•= min depol to open a voltage gated channel

•potential ~ 15 – 20 mV above resting

•subthreshold stimuli- don’t depolarize enough

•summation of all graded potentials

–at axon hillock

all – or – none

•if > thresholdalways  to + 30mV

–propagates entire axon or not at all

•if < thresholdno further depolarization

refractory periods

•absolute refractory period

–during APneuron cannot be stimulated

–Na channels open

–ensures one way transmission

•relative refractory period

–during repolarization

–very strong stimulus can reopen Na channels

–allows more AP with stronger stimuli

graded potential vs action potential


•effectNa, K openNa channel open

•distance1-2 mmentire axon

•max depol0 mV+30 mV

•strengthvariesall or none

•thresholdnone+ 15 mV

•refractory periodnoyes


stimulus intensity

•all action potentials are the same

•intensity ~ frequency of AP to CNS

–amt neurotransmitter released


•covers section of axon

•increase speed of AP conduction

•Nodes of Ranviervoltage gated Na channels

•AP only at Nodessaltatory conduction

•insulates neuronsprevents ion leakage

•next :

–the neuron as controlling cell

–action at axon terminal

–physiology of synapses and neurotransmitters