Fair Lawn Public Schools

Fair Lawn, N.J.

French Grade 7 Curriculum

Created: July, 2007

Annie Blair

Ana Garcia

Jennifer Patch

Nicole Fiorelli Selby

I.  Where in the World are We?

A.  Essential Questions

1. How do people adapt to the world around them?

2. How can geography be used to identify relationships between people and places?

3. How has geography influenced French culture and food?

4. Where are some important places to go in the target countries?

B.  Objectives: The student will be able to:

1. Identify the target language countries on a map

2. Apply directions north, south, east and west to assemble a map

3. Explain seasonal and climate differences within the target countries and the United


4. Label and name significant oceans, mountains, rivers and lakes

5. Categorize countries by continents

6. Analyze the relationship between the culture and geography of the target country

7. Apply the knowledge of the metric system

8. Recommend and justify their country as an ideal vacation spot

C.  Vocabulary & Functions

1. Terms related to geography, directions, weather and time

2. Target countries and capitals

3. Significant mountains and bodies of water

4. Capitals

5. Seasons

6. Staple crops

7. Interrogatives

8. Superlatives (biggest, highest, widest)

9. The verbs “to be”, “to have”, “to grow”, “to use” and review of present tense

10. Nationalities

D.  Suggested Activities and Assessments

1. TPR map labeling

2. One day weather forecaster video in which students forecast the weather for one


3. Venn diagram comparing weather in different continents

4. Class mural: class works together to assemble a large map like a puzzle

5. Directional commands followed to navigate map to a destination

6. Research and discuss connections between products of a country and its climate

7. Create an outdoor travel brochure

8. Convert a traditional recipe from metric to standard units of measurement

9. Informational role play as an ambassador and traveler

E.  Cultural practices, products and perspectives

1. Connections between products of a country and its climate

2. Celsius vs. Fahrenheit

3. Metric system

4. Flags of target countries

5. Activities related to the climate of the target countries

F.  Core Curriculum Content Standards

§  World Language Standards 7.1.A.1-6; 7.1.B.1-5; 7.1.C.2,3; 7.2.A.2,3; 7.2.B.1,2

§  Visual and Performing Arts Standards 1.1.A.1; 1.2.D.1

§  Language Arts and Literacy Standards 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5

§  Mathematics Standards 4.1; 4.2.D.1-3; 4.5

§  Social Studies Standards 6.1; 6.6.A; 6.6.B

§  Technological Literacy Standards 8.1.A.10; 8.1.B.2-6

§  Career Education & Consumer, Family, and Life Skills Standards 9.2.A.1,2,5; 9.2.B.2,3; 9.2.C.1,2

II.  Getting Around Town

A. Essential Questions

1. What is a community?

2. What can individuals do to help create a good community?

B.  Objectives: The students will be able to…

1. Identify different types of specialty stores (bakery, meat market, etc..)

2. Give information about different places to visit within the city

3. Name professions (barber, butcher, jeweler, etc.)

4. Identify vocabulary associated with streets within the community

5. Negotiate prices with a vendor

6. Identify ways to help the community

7. Design an ideal town for teenagers

8. Discuss leisure activities within the community

9. Recommend the hot spots in town for a new student

10. Narrate in the past tense what he/she did in town

11. Demonstrate comprehension of an authentically cultural reading

C.  Vocabulary/Functions

1. Specialty stores and places to visit

2. Verbs that pertain to shopping

3. Direction words

4. Past tense of verbs (to buy, to go, to give, to work, etc)

5. Professions within the community

6. Names for different types of streets (avenue, street, road)

7. Leisure activities within the community

8. Modes of transportation

9. Ways to help the community (recycling, volunteering, etc.)

D.  Suggested activities and assessments

1. Games (Four Corners, Tic-tac-toe, Jeopardy)

2. Map of the community with labels of different stores and landmarks, including written

directions going from one place to another.

3. School scavenger hunt using directional words

4. Role play: taxi driver and tourist

5. Photo album / Power point

6. My town video

7. Charades acting out a mode of transportation

8. Reading an authentic metro map and giving directions from a designated place to a


9. Storefront project

10. Professional parent Show-And-Tell

11. The ideal town for teenagers

12. Survey of favorite spots in town

13. Poster announcing a clean up community service project

14. Envelope activity

15. Read Chapitre 5 (Les Cafés parisiens) in Joie de lire! and complete related activities

E.  Cultural practices, products and perspectives

1. Compare specialty stores in the target country vs. stores found in the US

2. Discuss differences between community activites offered and places to visit in a city

in the target country vs. those in a town in the US

3. Talk about recycling differences in the US and the target country

F.  Core Curriculum Content Standards

§  World Language Standards 7.1.A.1-6; 7.1.B.1-5; 7.1.C.1-4; 7.2.A.1; 7.2.B.1

§  Technological Literacy Standards 8.1.A.1-5; 8.1.B.2-9; 8.2

§  Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills Standards 9.1.A.1,2,4; 9.2.A.1,2,5; 9.2.B.3; 9.2.C.1,2

§  Language Arts Literacy Standards 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

§  Social Studies Standards 6.2, 6.6

§  Visual and Performing Arts Standard 1.1.A.1; 1.2.D.1

§  Mathematics 4.1; 4.2.D.1-3; 4.5

III.  Cribs

A. Essential Questions

1. What factors should be considered when building a new house?

2. Who is responsible for maintaining a house?

3. What must be done to help maintain a house?

B.  Objectives: Students will be able to…

1. Identify and describe the rooms in a house

2. List and categorize the contents of a house

3. Describe and explain daily activities done in the home with family members

4. Create the ideal house

5. Design an authentic French home

6. Compare/contrast homes in the US and in target countries

7. Tell where he/she lives and illustrate his/her home/neighborhood

8. Discuss and suggest ways to recycle in the home and community

9. Compare/contrast chores performed in the US with those performed in the target


10. Analyze a description of a home and match it to the appropriate house in a real estate


11. Debate the importance of household chores and each family member’s role in caring

for the home

C.  Vocabulary/Functions

1. Rooms in the house

2. Furniture and items found in a house

3. Household chores

4. Recycling

5. Descriptive adjectives necessary to describe a house

6. Prepositions of location

7. The verbs to be

8. Irregular verbs (dormir, vouloir, pouvoir, préférer)

9. Regular verbs related to maintaining a house (laver,nettoyer, repasser, etc…)

10. Vocabulary related to parts of a building (rez de chaussée, premier étage, etc…)

11. Comparatives and superlatives

D.  Suggested activities and assessments

1. Narration of the upgrades in a home using a taped, muted episode of Extreme


2. Game show

3. Creation of the ideal house

4. Video tour of his/her house, mimicking the MTV show “Cribs”

5. Authentic architecture study of a French house

6. Blueprints

7. Survey/Interview about contents of house and their locations

8. Picture prompts

9. Artist activity: student describes a room to a blindfolded “artist”

10. Matching homes

11. TPR chores activity

12. To-do list

13. Garage sale: students negotiate prices and sell household items

14. Venn Diagram: chores in the US and target culture

E.  Cultural practices, products and perspectives

1. Compare/contrast chores done in the US and target culture

2. Discuss the different floors of a building in the target country

3. Talk about different styles of architecture in target country

F.  Core Curriculum Content Standards

§  World Language Standards 7.1.A.1-7; 7.1.B.1-6; 7.1.C.1-4

§  Technological Literacy Standards 8.1.A.1-5, 8.1.B.2-9; 8.2

§  Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills Standards 9.1.A.4; 9.1.A.7, 9.1.B.3; 9.2.A.1

§  Language Arts Literacy Standards 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4

§  Social Studies Standard 6.6

§  Visual and Performing Arts Standard 1.1.A.1; 1.1.D.1

IV. Where does it hurt?

A. Essential Questions

1. What things can I do to stay healthy?

2. What steps lead to an accurate diagnosis?

B. Objectives: Students will be able to…

1. Describe symptoms to a doctor or pharmacist

2. Suggest remedies for common ailments

3. Identify body parts and common illnesses

4. Recommend healthy habits

5. Design an exercise program

6. Prioritize a list of healthy habits in order of importance

7. Compare and contrast the role of the pharmacy in the target country vs. the US

8. Interview another student about his/her health habits and daily routine

9. Compare the cultural view of health and medical services in the US and the target


10. Discuss healthy foods and their role in staying fit

C. Vocabulary/Functions

1. Describe symptoms

2. Suggest remedies

3. Reflexive verbs

4. Review body parts

5. Terms related to exercise

6. Terms related to doctor/pharmacy visits
7. Terms related to healthy foods and food pyramid

8. Verbs related to doctor/pharmacy visit

9. Indirect object pronouns

D. Suggested activities and assessments

1. Exercise video

2. Skit: going to the doctor/pharmacy

3. Simon says

4. Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

5. Song: Hokey Pokey

6. Create an alien using different body parts

7. Interview: What is your daily routine like?

8. Venn diagram: health in the US vs. target country

9. TPR: doctor’s kit
10. Survey: What habits are most and least important?

11. Picture prompt

E. Cultural practices, products and perspectives

1. Pharmacies in the target culture

2. Specialized doctors

3. Home remedies/Alternative medicine

4. Differences in health idioms

F. Core Curriculum Content Standards

§  World Language Standards 7.1.A.1-6; 7.1.B.1-5, 7.1.C.1-4; 7.2.A.1; 7.2.B.1

§  Technological Literacy Standards 8.1.A.1-5; 8.1.B.2-9; 8.2

§  Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills Standards 9.1.A.1,2,4; 9.2.A.1,2,5; 9.2.B.3; 9.2.C.1,2

§  Language Arts Literacy Standards 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

§  Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards 2.1.A.1; 2.1.C.2

§  Visual and Performing Arts Standard 1.2.D.1


1. Schmitt, Conrad J. and Katia Brillié Lutz . Bon Voyage Level 1. Columbus:

Glencoe Mc-Graw-Hill, 2005

2. Champeny, Séverine, et al. Joie de lire! Austin: Hold Rinehart and Winston,


3. French-English dictionaries

4. Bon Voyage, ancillary materials

5. Internet

6. Flashcards/Manipulatives

7. Realia and videos from authentic sources