International Secretariat
8 Rue du Vieux-Billard
P.O. Box 5037
1211 Geneva 11 – Switzerland
Tel: (41 22) 328 80 50
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21October, 2008
Mr. Rolf Timans
Head of human Rights and Democratisation
European Commission
CHAR 11/114-1409 Brussels
Dear Mr. Timans,
Following our meeting that took place in Brussels in July 2007, during which you made us aware of the possibility of getting funds trough the programme called: “European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights”(EIDHR),I am pleased to write to inform you that Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS), following your advise, applied for two calls for proposal to the Europe Aid last month.
We submitted the concept note for the Objective 1of the: “Enhancing respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and regions where they are most at risk”. The project proposed by FAS is: “Advocacy of women in East Congo on their fundamental rights”. The aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of women of East Congo to effectively advocate for their rights and fundamental freedom at local, regional, and international levels in order to improve their local situation and have an impact on the situation of women in DRC and the Great Lakes Region.
We also submitted the concept note for the Objective 2: “Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, in supporting the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation”. We proposed the project: “A- Pan African civil society campaign on the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) adopted by African Heads of States” whose target is improving the capacity of Gender is my Agenda Campaign, a women network born out during the transformation of the AU from OAU to the current African Union, in order to monitor the implementation of the SDGEA by the Heads of State, and to inform and mobilize the civil society around this historical landmark.
I hereby kindly attach the two concept notes in order to make you aware of them.
I look forward to hearing from you and to pursuing a fruitful relationship.
With kind regards,
Bineta Diop
Executive Director
Regional Office New York RepresentativeImmeuble du Pied du Phare des Mamelles 777 UnitedNationsPlaza 5th Floor
Appt. 1 and 2, 1er étage New York 10017
P.O. Box 45077DakarFann New York, USA
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