On January 11, 2017, at the Oxford Township Building, 780 Hanover Street, New Oxford, PA 17350, the Board of Supervisor's meeting was called to order byChairman Mario Iocco at 10:00am with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. The Quorum consists of Supervisors Mario Iocco andJim Lafferty. Sitting with the Board of Supervisors were Solicitor John Baranski, Engineer Terry Myers, Roadmaster Rick Groft and Secretary Beverly Shriver.
Motion on previous meeting minutes: No public comments. Lafferty second by Ioccomotioned to approve the January 3, 2017 meeting minutes as written. 2 Aye Votes
Public Comments Non-Agenda Issues: Joan Stremmel, Community Growth Coordinator; Community Aid: This is a non-profit organization that raises money for other organizations, townships, fire companies etc… by having a bin to collect clothes and shoes to be sold in their CommunityAid thrift stores. A donationis paid quarterlyand is based on the weight of the clothes in the bin (a full bin =$32.00 at4 cents per lb.). The donated clothes are removedseveral times each week. Other items left therewill be removed by them to keep the area clean. After a year the Township would be eligible to apply for a grant valued up to $5,000. There is also Clothing Care Cards available in $25.00 increments to give out to residents in need. There is a 90-day notice to break the Community Aid Partnership Agreement. If the bin is not profitable; Community Aid has the right to remove the bin. The Board of Supervisors will discuss it further and contact her if interested.
David Swope, 601 Hanover Street: Swope requested the Supervisors come up with a solution to draw attention to motorists traveling Brickyard Road towards the intersection with Hanover St; that they are approaching a stop sign. There was another serious accident there. Swope suggested installing a couple sets of bumble strips on Brickyard Road to give drivers a warning they are coming to a stop sign. The Board of Supervisors wantsto discuss this further and will get back to him.
Motion on Tabled Conditional Approval of the Oxen Country Meadows Well, (NOMA) Final Land Development Plan: Randolph Bailey, P.E. and Tom Beamer were present. Terry Myers gave a response letter from the last plan revision emailed to him; Myers went over his responses. The plan needs additional dimensions for the stone parking area outside the warehouse. The Township no longer needs the agreement between the developer and NOMA since NOMA is installing the street, water and sewer lines. Bailey will email Terry Myers another revision for review. Terry Myers will give the Board of Supervisors his recommendation at the next meeting. The O & M Agreement will be recorded with the plan. Jim Lafferty second by Mario Iocco motioned to table the Conditional Approval of the Oxen Country Meadows Well Final Land Development Plan. 2 Aye Votes There was discussion on established base line well water testing, 45 Robinson Drive is getting a well drilled today, and NOMA was in contact with Mr. Hughes, Hughes is not satisfied with NOMA to date. Hughes can contact the SRBC if he has a problem.
Motion on Request to Release New Oxford Foods Improvement Security: Terry Myers recommends a partial improvement security be released. Outstanding issues are 1.Finish grading & seeding 2. The chain link fence was not put up 3. Concrete sidewalk, 4” thick and 4.There are less handicap parking spaces than the plan. Taking the Engineer’s recommendation;Jim Lafferty second by Mario Iocco motioned to release $36,055.80 leaving $46,425.23. 2 Aye Votes
Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer’s Report: Shriver reported in Hempfing’s absent; Evan Batt’s property was posted; it will be posted again and then legal proceedings will be started.
Roadmaster’s Report: Heritage Lawn & Landscape Care: The Roadmaster recommends skipping this year; the guide rails were removed, there is little growth around our stop signs. The only area where there is growth is between the streets and curbs. The Supervisors agreed. Groft will contact Heritage.
Secretary’s Report: Shriver is working with the Township businesses in reporting their recycling tonnage to Adams County for DEP.
Board of Supervisor’s List of Outstanding Issues:
Mandatory Recycling: There was some discussion on DEP’s implementation and grant requirements on the recycling. A plus for Oxford Township is Neiderer’s Transfer Station is up and running.
Glen-Gery Land: Iocco will contact them since the holidays are over.
Cohen Law Group: Shriver spoke to Dan Cohen on January 9th who said he would have something for her to report at this meeting. Shriver has not heard from him.
Red Hill Property: This property is up for Sheriff’s sale January 20th.
Lafferty motioned to adjournthe meeting second by Iocco. 2YeaVotes Meetingadjourned at 11:43AM.