To LR Ministry of Education and Science

Commission of Study Programs Accreditation

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Faculty of Pedagogy

Professional Higher Education Master Studies Program

“Career Counselor”

Accreditation Materials




/ Republic of Latvia
Ministry of Education and Science


Registration No. LV 90000011588
Atbrīvošanas aleja 90, Rezekne, LV-4600 Phone:
4623709, Fax: 4625901, e-mail: , http://www.ru.lv


______No. ______

To LR Ministry of Education and Science

Commission of Study Programs Accreditation


We ask to consider accreditation materials of professional master studies program “Career Counselor”.

Title of the Program / Professional higher education master studies program “Career Counselor”
Program Code / 46142
Duration and volume of program implementation / full time studies, 2 years (4 semesters);
part time studies, 2.5 years (5 semesters);
80 CP
Place and form of program implementation / Rezekne Higher Education Institution, full time studies and part time studies
Admission requirements / ü  2nd level professional higher education, teacher’s qualification
ü  Bachelor degree in education sciences
ü  Bachelor degree of social sciences in psychology or psychologist's qualification
ü  Other academic or 2nd level professional higher education and 2 years work experience in counseling, which can be approved by the reference from the employer
Degree/qualification to be obtained / Professional higher education Master degree in education and professional qualification of career counselor (Profession code of the Republic of Latvia 241213)
Person responsible for accreditation / Mg.paed., lecturer Gunārs Strods
phone: 29631948, e-mail:

RHEI rector L.Svarinskis

Telephone of Gunars Strods:+371 29631948


1.  / Aims, Tasks, and Results of the Study Program / 6
2.  / Program Organization: / 6
2.1. Compliance of the Curriculum with the Aims and Tasks of RHEI / 7
2.2. Operation of the Internal Quality Mechanism of the Study Program / 7
3.  / Structure of the Study Program / 8
4.  / Assessment System / 10
5.  / Practical Implementation of the Study Program / 11
6.  / Perspective Evaluation of the Study Program: / 15
6.1. Conformity of the Program with the State Standards of Academic Education or Professional Higher Education and Profession Standards
6.2. Employers Surveys about Graduates Employment for Six Coming Years / 18
7.  / Students / 22
7.1. Number of Students / 22
7.2. Number of Students Matriculated in the First Year of Studies / 22
7.3. Number of Graduates / 23
7.4. Surveys of Students and their Analysis / 22
7.5. Surveys of Graduates and their Analysis / 23
7.6. Students’ Involvement in the Study Process Development / 23
8.  / Evaluation of Academic Staff Engaged in the Study Program: / 24
8.1. Number of Academic Staff / 24
8.2. Compliance of Academic Staff Qualification to the Implementation of the Aims and Tasks of the Structural Entity / 25
8.3. Academic Staff Selection, Renewal, Training and Development Policy for Six Coming Years / 27
8.4  Qualification and Proficiency of the Academic Staff to Ensure the Development of Research Skills, Theoretical Knowledge, Skills and Proficiency Necessary for Students
8.4.1. Academic Staff Engaged in Foreign Education Institutions or have Carried out Scientific or Research Work Abroad / 28
8.4.2.  Number of Visiting Lecturers within the Study Program / 31
8.4.3. Students Having Studies Abroad within the Framework of Students’ Exchange Programs / 31
8.4.4. Number of Foreign Students / 31
9.  / Sources of Financing and Infrastructure / 31
9.1. Library Fund / 32
9.2. Material Resources of Studies / 33
10. / External Relations / 34
10.1. Collaboration with Employers / 35
10.2. Collaboration with Similar Higher Education Programs in Latvia and Abroad / 35
11. / Confirmation about Possibilities to Continue Studies in Case of Interruption of the Study Program Implementation / 36
12. / Program Development Plan
1.  Academic staff CVs
2.  Description of study courses
3.  Sample of the diploma and its appendix to be issued to the graduates of the higher education program (filled in)
4.  Chronogram of the study program
5.  Agreement with State Employment Agency
6.  Methodological recommendations for practice
7.  Standards of career counselor’s profession
8.  References about the study program
9.  Comparison with other programs
10.  Involvement of lecturers in international projects
11.  Studies quality assessment and control system
at Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI)
12.  Agreement about continuation of studies
13.  Advertisements and informative issues about possibilities of studies within the studies program
14.  RHEI provision about councils of studies programs
15.  Fields of lecturers researches
16.  Lecturers’ scientific publications
17.  Students’ survey
18.  Inter-universities collaboration agreement for implementation of the studies program
19. Study literature / 36

1.  Aims, Tasks, and Results of the Study Program


The aim of the program

To ensure possibility to develop students’ competences, allowing to carry out career counselor’s duties in education institution, State Employment Agency, local municipalities, social security institutions and counseling bureaus, as well as to perform independent researches in the field of career counseling.

The tasks of the studies program

1.  To promote theoretical cognitions and practical work experience of analyzing the issues of social environment and labor market, career choice and career management.

2.  To help in acquisition of Latvia’s and foreign experience in methodologies of career guidance; to critically evaluate it and apply in professional work.

3.  To activate scientific research, as well as to apply and popularize the obtained results in the researches, acknowledging the ideas of lasting education development.

4.  To promote students’ self-implementation in the context of career counseling of lifelong education.

The results of the studies

Professional Master Degree in education and professional qualification “Career Counselor” (Profession code of the Republic of Latvia 241213)

After successful acquisition and graduation from the professional Master study program, the graduates can continue their education by taking Doctoral studies after meeting the admission requirements.


Studies at RHEI are regulated by the Regulations on Academic and Professional Studies and Study Programs. (www.staff.ru.lv ) Implementation of the study program is supervised by the Board of the Faculty of Pedagogy, RHEI Council of Study programs (Appendix No. 14 of the Regulation) and RHEI Study Council. The study program is implemented at RHEI Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. The studies are organized in the form of full-time and part-time studies. Programs of the study courses are identical, only the amount of contact hours and individual work differ.

Organization and management of the study program is performed by the director of the study program, whose work is regulated by RHEI Provision about the director of the study program (www.staff.ru.lv ).

The Board of the Faculty of Pedagogy approves the plan for the academic year, as well as changes made to the study plan, study program and composition of the state examination commission.

The director of the study program takes care of provision of the study courses with lecturers and supervisors of students’ research themes. Annually the director of the study program plans lecturers’ requirement for the coming academic year and reports on the regular basis about the implementation and development of the study program to the Board of the Faculty of Pedagogy.

Lecturers from RHEI Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Home Culture Education Department, General and Private Law Department, History and Philosophy Department, Economics and Management Department, Finance Management Department, Computing Science and Mathematics Department are involved in implementation of the study program as well as well-known Latvian and foreign doctors and professors, career counseling professionals for reading out separate lectures.

Full-time students obtain 20 CP per semester. On average one CP consists of 40% of contact hours and 60% of students’ individual work (refer to the methodological recommendations for organization of students’ individual work at RHEI; http://staff.ru.lv/ information of study department). Part-time students acquire less than 20 CP per semester (see Appendix No. 2) Procedure of contact hours is planned to occur on weekends (on average 16 contact hours per week).

Full time studies imply these methods and forms of work: work in the class, lectures, practical works, seminars, colloquiums, discussions, applied games, etc.; individual work of master students: work in a library and in computer classes, using the Internet, individual consultations. Individual consultations are rather topical in the study process, encouraging students for carrying out original researches.

The academic staff engaged in implementation of the studies program carries out various research projects involving students in scientific research. Annual students’ conferences are organized at RHEI in which master students are involved too. Students have possibilities to study in collaboration universities making use of ERASMUS mobility programs.

2.1. Compliance of the Curriculum with the Aims and Tasks of RHEI

Practical implementation of the study program is defined by LR Higher Education Institutions Law, RHEI provision on academic and professional studies and studies programs


2.2. Operation of the Internal Quality Mechanism of the Study Program

Studies quality evaluation and control system of RHEI accepted with a decree of Senate from February 28, 2005 (for a decree of RHEI Senate No. 9, refer to Appendix 11, http://staff.ru.lv/senats /), which aims to ensure planning and arrangement of RHEI resources (academic staff, infrastructure, finance) in order to develop competitive education, including, implementation of life-long education. The results of evaluation of the quality of studies are reflected in self-evaluation reports of the study programs and are used for provision of Rezekne Higher Education Institution development.

3. Structure of the Study Program

The content of the studies program consists of theoretical studies, research work and practice. Practice is organized during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and in the 4th semester in full-time studies and during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 5th semester of part-time studies according to Rezekne Higher Education Institution provision on practice at Rezekne Higher Education Institution (from December 16, 2002. See www.staff.ru.lv) and methodological guidelines for practice developed by the Pedagogy and Psychology department (see Appendix. No. 6). The programs of the study courses are developed in compliance with Law on Higher Education, decree of Ministry of Science and Education as well as instructions of RHEI Studies Council about composition of the courses of the studies program. Descriptions of the study courses are provided in Appendix No. 2.

The curriculum is divided into 4 modules: Career theory, social environment and labor market, professional work methodology, and research work.

Table No. 1

Modules of studies, corresponding study courses and credit points

Career and management theory-10 CP
Career Development Theories, Communication Theories in Guidance, Career Service Management, Practice I (research of institutional work)
Social environment and labor market- 16 CP
Personality Life Cycles, Labor Market and Employment, Social Integration and Multicultural Counseling, Organizational Culture, Legislation in Career Guidance, Ethics in Career Counseling,
Practice II (observation of the counseling process)
Methodology of professional work- 22 CP
Counseling Theory and Methodology, Job Seeking Process, Information Technologies, Practice III (counseling)
Research work- 12 CP
Methodology of Research, Practice IV, V (research)

Each module involves theoretical courses and practice so that students get knowledge and practical work experience in methodology of counseling as well as issues of the master thesis development.

The modules of the studies program contain particular study courses; they are anticipated to occur in particular time during semesters thus ensuring gradualness, successive preparation for practice and independent research.

26 credit points are anticipated for practice.

Table No. 2

Professional Master Studies Program “Career Counselor”

1 Study courses that ensure acquisition of the latest achievements in theory and practice of the branch (18 CP)
CP / Form of testing / Lecturer
Career Development Theories / 4 / Exam / Lect., Mg paed. Gunārs Strods
Labor Market and Employment / 2 / Test / Prof. Dr. Oec.
Leonārs Svarinskis
Organizational Culture / 2 / Test / Assoc.prof. dr.oec.
Vija Strazdiņa
Ethics in Career Counseling / 2 / Test / Assist.prof. Mg.paed.
Valda Čakša
Counseling Theory and Methodology / 6 / Test/
Exam / Assist.prof. Mg. psych.
Aija Kondrova
Lect mg.psych.
Rita Orska
Job Seeking Process / 2 / Exam / Prof.Dr.paed.
Velta Ļubkina
2. Study courses of research work, creative work, project work and management (10 CP)
Methodology of Research / 4 / Exam / Prof. Dr. paed.
Pēteris Vucenlazdāns
Information Technologies in Guidance / 2 / Test / Assist.prof. Dr. ing.
Pēteris Grabusts
Career Service Management / 2 / Test / Lect mg.oec.
Dagnija Nuķe
Legislation in Career Guidance / 2 / Test / Prof. Dr.iur. JānisRozenbergs,
Dr.iur, Assoc.prof. Gaļina Makarova
3. Study courses of Pedagogy and Psychology (6 CP)
Personality Life Cycles / 2 / Test / Lect. Mg.psych.
Rita Orska
Social Integration and Multicultural Counseling / 2 / Test / Assist.prof. Mg. paed.,
Mārīte Rozenfelde
Communication Theories in Guidance / 2 / Test / Assist.prof. Mg. psych.
Aija Kondrova
TOTAL / 38
4. Master’s thesis (20 CP)
Master’s thesis / 20 / Presentation
5. Practice (26 CP)
1st practice / 2 CP Test / Lect. G. Strods
2nd practice / 6 CP Test / Assist.prof. Mārīte Rozenfelde
3rd practice / 8 CP Test / Lect. R. Orska
4th practice / 4 CP Test / Lect. G. Strods
5th practice / 6 CP Test / Prof. Pēteris Vucenlazdāns
Total: / 80

The curriculum of the studies program can be seen in Appendix 2, time division for acquisition of the study program (study plan) for full-time and part-time studies can be seen in Tables No. 3 and 4 as well as in chronogram available in Appendix 4.


RHEI studies quality evaluation system (http://staff.ru.lv) was developed and approved by the Senate in the academic year 2004/2005. Knowledge evaluation system is determined by RHEI Provision about Exams and Tests and Provision about the State and Final Examinations at RHEI (http://staff.ru.lv/nolikumi).

Students’ knowledge is assessed in the scale of 10 grades in compliance with regulations No. 481 of LR Cabinet of Ministers from November 20, 2001 about second level professional higher education state standard, basing on summing up positive achievements, obligation of assessment, directness and transparency of requirements, diversity of forms of testing and principles of assessment conformity.