(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)


O/o Asst.Gen.Manager(Chemical)

Kudathini - 583 152, Ballari. (Tq.& Dist.)

Karnataka (State)

Telephones: 09448290569 Fax: 08392 288607 / 288616

TENDERS FOR THE WORK OF “Operation and Chemical maintenance of RODMs, CPUs, ETP and Chemical Treatment of water in PT-Clarifiers & CW-Systems & the O&M of Chlorine dioxide generation & dosing system of Unit-1&2 at BTPS for a period of one year”.

Tender Ref: No.: AGM (Ch)/RODM-PT / Date: 03-09-2015

Mode of Tender : Through E Procurement

Date of Notification : 03-09-2015

Pre bid meeting (at 1100 AM) : 19-09-2015

Last date for submission of tender in e proc : 23-09-2015 0430 pm

Date & Time of opening Tech bid of tender : 25-09-2015 0430 pm:

Date & Time of opening Price Bid : Announced later.

AGM (Chemical)



(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)


O/o Asst.Gen.Manager (Chemical)

Kudathini - 583 152, Ballari. (Tq.& Dist.)

Karnataka (State)

No.KPCL/2015-16/PS/WORK_INDENT3788 Date: 03-09-2015


Assit. Gen. Manager (Chemical) invites item rate tenders from eligible tenderers for the following work of BTPS detailed in the table given below;

  1. e -procurement mode.

a.Tender documents may be downloaded from Government of Karnataka e-procurement website under login for Contractors. After login to contractors, please scroll down to the right side bottom to see list of tenders, please click there to find the details of NIT and download copy of the tender. The tender can be downloaded in the portal as per prescribed date and time published in the portal. Only interested contractors who wish to participate should remit online transaction fee for tender after registering in the portal. The transaction fee is non-refundable.

c.Tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit Rs.1, 76,500/- to be paid online through e-Procurement portal using any of the following payment modes.

Over the Counter (OTC) (only through designated branches of Axis Bank)

d.Tenders must be electronically submitted (Only through internet) within the date and time published in e-procurement portal. First Cover Tenders will be opened at prescribed time and date in the e-procurement portal.

Other details can be seen in the tender document.

Sl. No / Name of work / Tender Amount / EMD(Rs) / Contract
1 / “Operation and Chemical maintenance of RODMs, CPUs, ETP and Chemical Treatment of water in PT-Clarifiers, CW-Systems and O&M of Chlorine dioxide generation & dosing system of Unit-1&2 at BTPS for a period of one year”. / 88.25
Lakhs / 1,76,500/- / 1 year
  1. Issue details. For E procurement.

No / Subject / Date
1 / Tender Notification. / 03-09-2015
2 / Pre bid meeting(at 1200 noon) / 19-09-2015
3 / Last date for submission of tender through e proc mode at 0430 PM / 23-09-2015
4 / Technical bid open; at 0430PM / 25-09-2015
5 / Price bid open; will be informed later

II. Prequalification will be based on meeting all the following requirements regarding the Applicant’s financial position, general and particular experience, personnel and equipment capabilities etc. Necessary document shall be up loaded.

  1. The Tendered/Proprietor must be having BE/Dipl. in Mechanical or MSc/BSc in Chemistry stream.
  2. At least one year experience of value not less than 50% of amount from the single work order put to tender in the activities like operation/maintenance of Boiler/RODM/DM-Plant/Primary Clarifier/Cooling water system in the related industries from the last five years (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15.The documentary proof for having done the work as original/prime contractor, duly signed by not below the rank of CEO of the station is to be presented along with technical bid.
  3. The bidder must have minimum annual turnover of Rs.88.25 lakhs in any one year from the last five years (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15.) from the O/M work of Boiler/RODM/DM Plant/Primary Clarifier/Cooling water System in the related industries. As a proof of turnover he has to furnish financial report audited by Certified Auditor/Chartered Accountant for the financial years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 along with technical bid.
  4. Bidder shall have all registrations with, PF, ST, Labor Commissioners license, PAN, and Workers Insurance and any other document required for executing the work shall be submitted along with technical bid only.
  5. EMD. Rs. 1, 76,500/- (Rs.One Lakh Seventy-six thousand and Five hundred only) through e-proc mode.
  6. The declaration by the bidder that none of his contracts have been terminated/forced to closed on account of his default in KPCL or elsewhere during last ten years.

The original document should be produced for verification at any stage of tender process as and when sought for, failing which the bids are liable for disqualification.

III. For those tenderers whose Technical Bids satisfy the eligibility criteria and pre- qualification requirements criteria and who has furnished all the necessary documents, their Financial Bids only will be opened.

IV. KPCL shall recover the Income Tax, Work contract Tax,VAT,etc.,at the prevailing applicable rates.Thebidders shall include Service tax in their rates at 14%. No reimbursements of service tax shall be made by KPCL. Bidders shall submit proof of remitting ST.

V.Performance Guarantee: The successful bidders shall provide bank guarantee at 5% of the contract plus additional amount towards unbalance funds towards performance guarantee in the name Chief Engineer (O&M) valid for a period of 15 months from the date of starting of the work in the form of FDR/OD/BG.

VI. Pre-Bid meeting; a pre bid meeting will be held on 19-09-2015 at 1100 AM at BTPS. All enquiries are to be sent in writing before 18-09-2015. All intended tenderers are requested to participate and get their doubts cleared and clarifications received from KPCL.Before quoting for the works the agency must visit site compulsorily.

VII.Further details of the work can be obtained in the Office of the AGM (Chemical) BTPS, Kudathini, during the office hours (i.e., from 09:00AM to 05:30PM).

VIII.Tender document is available at KPCL web site & in the e-procurement website ( Participation through e-procurement platformonly.

IX. Aspiring bidders/contractors who have not obtained the user ID and Password for participating in e-procurement in Karnataka Power Corporation Limited may now obtain the same from the website.

X. The successful bidder shall enter into Agreement with KPCL for carrying out the work at the terms & conditions of the tender within 10 days after receiving the LOA. Agreement shall be signed in non judicial stamp paper of value Rs. 200/-. The bidders shall submit agreement copies in 6 sets at his cost.

XI. Corrigendum/modification/Corrections, if any will be published in the website only. For any clarification on e-procurement or request for e-procurement training can be contacted on Office AGM(Chemical) Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., Bellary Thermal Power Station, Kudathini - 583 152, Bellary (Dist) .Mb; 9448290569/and Karnataka E procurement Cell.Room.no.141.M. S. Building.Gate.No.2. K.R.Circle.Bangalore-1. Contact no.s 9743103729/9844233243



Assit.Gen.Manager (Chemical)