The Catholic High School of Baltimore

Medical Exploration Program Application

MEP is a program that challenges students in new waysin order to broaden their experiences and achieve success. Students will undertake writing and research to practice skills in order to complete an independent two year research project and paper.

This program will allow young women to explore rigorous directed content, in the medical sciences, not available in most high school environments. Through a combination of course work, field experiences, and speakers, students will explore a wide variety of college majors and post college careers. It isour mission tobring a level of "real world" experiences not available in the classroom.

Please note that TCHS will consider the following criteria:

Academic grades in math and science

Standardized test results

High school placement test results

Freshman mathematics and science teacher recommendations

Faculty consultations

Student Name: ______

Current grade level: ______

Current School:______

Please complete the following:

Current mathematics class: ______Honors or CP: ______

My grade for 8th grade Mathematics is a B or higher. Yes___ No___ Teacher’s name______

Current science class: ______Honors or CP: ______

My grade for 8th grade Science is a B or higher. Yes___ No___ Teacher’s name______

Complete the following statements. Please attach your answers to this application. Answers should be at least one paragraph for each prompt.

Why do you wish to be considered for Catholic High’s Medical Exploration Program?

What do you hope to get from participating in the program?

What will you bring to the program?

You will need to get recommendations from your current math and science teachers. Please leave plenty of time for those teachers complete these forms. All forms need to be returned directly from the teacher to the TCHS Admissions Office.

Teacher Recommendation Form- Mathematics

Please return form to the Admissions Office at TCHSdirectly to ensure confidentiality

______is applying to be part of the Medical Exploration Program. Please comment on her performance in your class this year by rating her on the following scale:

What is the academic level of the class this student attends (Honors, Advanced, General, Other):


1-Top ten percent of students you have ever taught

2-Top ten percent of current students

3-Above average


5-Needs improvement in this area

Category / Score / Comments
Academic achievement
Intellectual promise
Quality of writing
Creative thought
Productive discussion
Disciplined habits
Reaction to setbacks
Concern for others
Self confidence
OVERALL impression

Please give your opinion regarding that ability of this student to work in an independent learning environment. Responses are kept confidential.

Teacher Recommendation Form- Science

Please return form to the Admissions Office at TCHS directly to ensure confidentiality

______is applying to be part of the Medical Exploration Program. Please comment on her performance in your class this year by rating her on the following scale:

What is the academic level of the class this student attends (Honors, Advanced, General, Other):


1-Top ten percent of students you have ever taught

2-Top ten percent of current students

3-Above average


5-Needs improvement in this area

Category / Score / Comments
Academic achievement
Intellectual promise
Quality of writing
Creative thought
Productive discussion
Disciplined habits
Reaction to setbacks
Concern for others
Self confidence
OVERALL impression

Please give your opinion regarding that ability of this student to work in an independent learning environment. Responses are kept confidential.