18th Annual Meagan Berg Tournament

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018

**18’s Division**


16s Tournament: Wahpeton Middle School- 1209 Loy Ave- Use Door #13 on NW of building

18s Tournament: Wahpeton Elementary School- 1209 Loy Ave -­Use Door #12 on NW of building


*4 Team Pool play starts at 8:00, 3 team pool play begins at 9:00, facilities open at 7:30 am.

*There will be NO coaches meeting.

*Teams officiating the first match will be asked to be at their court 10 mins before start of the game to ensure pools start on time.


*Concessions will be available at the Middle School Cafeteria.

*Bring your own warm up balls and whistles.

*Tournament shirts will be available to purchase at the Middle School Cafeteria.

*Coaches must be up or down official for pool play & the UP official for the tourney.

*Only three people are allowed at the scoring table.

*No cell phones or iPods allowed at scoring table.

*No team camps allowed in gym, please clean up your campsite before leaving tourney.

*NO BALLS in hallways or common areas, teams will be responsible for any damage caused if something is broken.

*Limited bleacher seating, chairs are allowed.

*Admissions will be $5 for adults, $3 grades K-12, PreSchool no admission fee

4- TEAM POOL PLAY (begins at 8:00)

➔ Warm ups

◆ 10 minutes (4/4/2) will be given for all first round matches.

◆ 5 minutes (2/2/1) before each remaining matches.

➔Pool play will be 2 sets to 25, no cap.

3-TEAM POOL PLAY (begins at 9:00)

➔Warm ups

◆ 10 minutes (4/4/2) will be given for all first round matches.

◆ 5 minutes (2/2/1) before each remaining matches.

➔ Pool play will be 3 sets to 25, no cap.


Ties will be broken by the following

  1. Pool play record
  2. Won/loss %
  3. Point differentiation
  4. Head to Head competition
  5. Coin flip


  1. All teams will qualify for tournament play.
  2. All matches will be 2 out of 3. First 2 sets to 25 no cap and third set (if needed) to 15, no cap, switch sides at 8.
  3. Warm ups -­ 10 minutes (4/4/2) first round of play and 5 minutes (2/2/1) before remaining rounds.
  4. The losing team for each round must stay and officiate the next round.
  5. Please check with site director before leaving.
  6. Medals will be awarded for 1st place in each division.

Pool 1, Court 1 – ELEMENTARY / Pool 2, Court 2 - ELEMENTARY
A Breckenridge 17 / A Breckenridge 16 Grey
B MACA 17-1 / B Wheaton 17-1
C RRIV 18 Midnight / C Dakota Thunder 18-1
D Swift Juniors 17
4 Teams / Officiate / 3 Teams / Officiate
A vs C (8:00am) / B / A vs B (9:00am) / C
B vs D / A / A vs C / B
C vs B / D / B vs C / A
A vs D / C
A vs B / D
C vs D / B

Officiating teams it is YOUR job to keep the tournament on schedule!