18th Annual Meagan Berg Tournament
Sunday, April 22nd, 2018
**18’s Division**
16s Tournament: Wahpeton Middle School- 1209 Loy Ave- Use Door #13 on NW of building
18s Tournament: Wahpeton Elementary School- 1209 Loy Ave -Use Door #12 on NW of building
*4 Team Pool play starts at 8:00, 3 team pool play begins at 9:00, facilities open at 7:30 am.
*There will be NO coaches meeting.
*Teams officiating the first match will be asked to be at their court 10 mins before start of the game to ensure pools start on time.
*Concessions will be available at the Middle School Cafeteria.
*Bring your own warm up balls and whistles.
*Tournament shirts will be available to purchase at the Middle School Cafeteria.
*Coaches must be up or down official for pool play & the UP official for the tourney.
*Only three people are allowed at the scoring table.
*No cell phones or iPods allowed at scoring table.
*No team camps allowed in gym, please clean up your campsite before leaving tourney.
*NO BALLS in hallways or common areas, teams will be responsible for any damage caused if something is broken.
*Limited bleacher seating, chairs are allowed.
*Admissions will be $5 for adults, $3 grades K-12, PreSchool no admission fee
4- TEAM POOL PLAY (begins at 8:00)
➔ Warm ups
◆ 10 minutes (4/4/2) will be given for all first round matches.
◆ 5 minutes (2/2/1) before each remaining matches.
➔Pool play will be 2 sets to 25, no cap.
3-TEAM POOL PLAY (begins at 9:00)
➔Warm ups
◆ 10 minutes (4/4/2) will be given for all first round matches.
◆ 5 minutes (2/2/1) before each remaining matches.
➔ Pool play will be 3 sets to 25, no cap.
Ties will be broken by the following
- Pool play record
- Won/loss %
- Point differentiation
- Head to Head competition
- Coin flip
- All teams will qualify for tournament play.
- All matches will be 2 out of 3. First 2 sets to 25 no cap and third set (if needed) to 15, no cap, switch sides at 8.
- Warm ups - 10 minutes (4/4/2) first round of play and 5 minutes (2/2/1) before remaining rounds.
- The losing team for each round must stay and officiate the next round.
- Please check with site director before leaving.
- Medals will be awarded for 1st place in each division.
Pool 1, Court 1 – ELEMENTARY / Pool 2, Court 2 - ELEMENTARY
A Breckenridge 17 / A Breckenridge 16 Grey
B MACA 17-1 / B Wheaton 17-1
C RRIV 18 Midnight / C Dakota Thunder 18-1
D Swift Juniors 17
4 Teams / Officiate / 3 Teams / Officiate
A vs C (8:00am) / B / A vs B (9:00am) / C
B vs D / A / A vs C / B
C vs B / D / B vs C / A
A vs D / C
A vs B / D
C vs D / B
Officiating teams it is YOUR job to keep the tournament on schedule!