Meeting Minutes

InJAC Indiana Joint Asthma Coalition

June 19, 2008

In Attendance:

Children & Youth

Wendy Michalski, Deb Lulling, Michelle Mease, Jessica Kelly, Greta Darlage

Data & Surveillance

Hesam Lahsaee, Marc Rosenman

Environmental Quality

Kim Irwin, Karen Teliha

Health Care Providers Committee:

Fred Leickly, Dan Stephens, Judith Ganser, Kelly Henderson, David Blair, Paula Puntenney, Aimee Cottrell

Public Education

Jan Moore, Joe Marchant, Rebecca Schwartz, Robin Costley, Kathy Such, Trisha Dane, Malinda Ennis

Other Guests

  • Judy Van Dyke- MDwise
  • April Cross-Merck
  • Michelle Canak- American Cancer Society
  • Tanya Canak Farman
  • Branka Canak
  • Divya Narayanan- American Lung Assoc of Indiana
  • Stacey Ellis-Astra Zeneca
  • GregMontgomery-RileyHospital

Welcome- Dr. Fred Leickly

Meeting minutes from March 19, 2007th meeting were approved.

Marcie Memmer -ISDH Update

  1. Recently received grant for Obesity
  2. Working more with ITPC Quitline- plan to have a speaker at next meeting
  3. Indy Woman’s magazine insert on Asthma will be released in August, still looking for sponsors.
  4. Recent presentations at Indiana Public Health Association Conference and the Public Health and Medicine Summit
  5. Received grant from EPA for part time environmentalist in DelawareCounty for a 2 year period. Health Department will refer patients to have the environmentalists go into the home and identify triggers and make recommendations including smoking cessation.
  6. Black Expo- ISDH is partnering with Asthma Alliance of Indianapolis and InJAC and still needs volunteers. Contact Marcie at if you can help.

Bylaws Update- Presented by Kim Irwin. Proposed Dissolution Clause to be added to Bylaws. Paper vote was taken and passed.

Presentation-Asthma and Obesity in Children- Gregory Montgomery, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Medical Director, Pediatric Bronchoscopy Lab, Riley Hospital for Children. 26.2% of people in Indiana are obese, not just overweight. RileyAsthmaCareCenter offers SAIL program (Stay Active In Life) which includes nutrition counseling, physical activity and asthma education. Visit for more info on the SAIL program. For more information on his presentation, please contact Dr. Montgomery at .

Presentation- Evaluation of the InJAC- Kristin Hobson and Mindy King. The room was split into 2 groups and asked various questions to evaluate many topics regarding InJAC. Results will be available at the September InJAC meeting. For questions regarding the evaluation, please contact Kristin at

Committee Updates:

Data & Surveillance- Report given by Hesam Lahsaee-Working on asthma hospitalization data for 2005 in Marion County to compare against the Burden Report data.

Public Education-Report given by Trisha Dane-Push for asthma awareness month is complete and we are waiting for results. Resource guide is on hold for website. Print materials (posters, bookmarks) are still available for InJAC members that may have a use for them.

Children & Youth–Report given by Trisha Dane- Sub group formed working on anasthma presentation for child care providers, and hope it will be available online

Environmental Quality- Report given by Kim Irwin- Working to finalize PowerPoint about Asthma and the environmental impact. Group will soon come to InJAC to talk about how to address legislative issues. What it takes to write a bill or get it sponsored. There is a huge difference between education and lobbying.

Health Care Providers- Report given by David Blair. The group has been working on putting a PowerPoint presentation to summarize the 470 pages of new guidelines.

InJAC Meeting dates for 2008- Wednesday September 17th 9:00 am-11:30 am

Thursday December 11th 1:30 pm-4:00 pm

All meetings will be held at Indiana State Dept of Health, 2 North Meridian St.Indianapolis

8th floor conference room.