Students and Teachers Achieving Remarkable Success



Student- Parent- Teacher Compact

This compact is a voluntary agreement between the students, parents, administrators, and teachers of Shady Brook Elementary. This compact outlines how each party will share responsibility for student achievement. It is our belief that student performance will improve as a result of our cooperative efforts to support this compact. This is a partnership with a specific goal in mind, helping children achieve the State’s high content and performance standards. It is imperative that each person assumes his or her responsibilities.

(In compliance with Title I, Part A; ESSA Federal Act)

STUDENT—I will be responsible for my own learning.


·  Cooperate with others

·  Be responsible for myself and my learning

·  Read every day

·  Show respect

·  Use the MOOSE to write in every day

PARENT/GUARDIAN-- I will help my child be responsible for their own learning.


·  Show respect and support for my child, the staff, and the school

·  Communicate with my child’s teachers

·  Ensure that my child attends school regularly, is on time, and has supplies

·  Establish a daily reading routine and time to check daily assignments in the MOOSE

·  Help my child set and achieve goals

TEACHER-- I will encourage and support each child so that they become lifelong learners.


·  Respect the uniqueness of each child and their family

·  Teach children using the Best Practices approach

·  Communicate with parents regularly

·  Be consistent

·  Be professional and have a positive attitude

·  Help students use the MOOSE to record information

As PRINCIPAL, I Shannon Gauntt, represent all Shady Brook staff in affirming this compact.

As a member of the Shady Brook educational community, together we are partners

The Mission of Shady Brook Elementary is to provide a safe environment to instill positive character traits and educate all students for success today and tomorow.

in your child’s education as we uphold the intent of this compact.

(compact was reviewed on 5/18/2017 in compliance with ESSA and with parental input.)