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The 4th quarter Honors Civics and Economics project will enable the student to identify factors that shape communities, the individual’s role within the community, as well as the community’s responsibility to the individual.

Complete the following 10 entries for the 4th quarter Honors Civics and Economics project. Each entry is to be completed and submitted to the teacher in a three ring binder no later than May 10th, 2011 Points will be deducted if not submitted properly. This project will count as three test grades. Each written entry should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and 1” margins

Remember to send Thank You notes to those people you interview and assist you with this assignment.

1-Local Government Meeting

This includes a variety of meetings: town meeting city council meetings, school board meetings, county commissioners meetings, etc. Smaller meetings such as committee meetings or church meetings are NOT considered elected Local Government meetings. If in doubt, ask before attending.

Attach a copy of the meeting agenda.

Have an official at the meeting sign on the line provided to verify your attendance. Parent signatures will not be accepted.

Type a one page reflection on your experience.

Complete reflection sheet.

10 pts

Local Government Official Signature:


Printed Name:______


2-Letter to One of Your Representatives

Decide on an issue that is important to you; write your representative stating your position on an issue and reasons for that position. Your parents and teacher must approve the letter BEFORE it is sent. A signature from a parent and Mrs. Daniels is needed for approval and credit.

Type a one page reflection on the assignment.

10 pts.

Parent Signature:______

Printed Name:______



Printed Name:_Mrs. Daniels______


3-Veteran or Civil Rights Movement Interview

Veteran Interview: Interview someone who was active during a war/foreign American conflict time experience. Examples could include WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Direct family members are permissible. Complete interview sheet.

Type a one page reflection on this assignment.

10 pts


Civil Rights Movement Interview: Interview someone who was at least a teen during the Civil Rights Movement. Direct family members are permissible.

Type a one page reflection on this assignment.

Complete interview sheet. 10 pts


Printed Name:______


4-Parent/Guardian Interview

Interview one of your parents/guardians on general topics.

Type a one page reflection sheet on this assignment.

Complete interview sheet.

10 pts


Printed Name:______


5-Small Business Owner

Interview someone who is the owner of his/her own business (not a franchise, nor are they the manager of another person’s store or business) on issues regarding the establishment and running of a business.

Type a one page reflection sheet on this assignment.

Complete interview sheet. 10 pts


Printed Name:______


6-Memorization of State Constitution

Memorize the Preamble of the state constitution. You will deliver the Preamble of the North Carolina Constitution to Mrs. Daniels before or after-school prior to the due date. Type a one page reflection on this assignment

10 pts

7-Illustrate an Amendment

Use unlined white paper and markers. Be creative and make sure that your illustration portrays the fundamental essence of the right. Please include a summary of the right and how your illustration demonstrates this right. Make sure you are illustrating a NC Constitutional right and not a Federal Constitutional amendment.

The NC Constitution Declaration of Rights is located before Article I.

Type a one page reflection on this assignment.

Use white unlined printer paper.

Use markers, colored pencils, crayons, printed in color, etc….(colorful)

Include the right and its description on the back of the paper.

Must be neat and creative

Must be accurate

10 pts

8-Current Event

Find an article in the newspaper related to the three branches of government, constitution, Bill of Rights, amendments, Supreme Court, political parties, voting, or any topic related to political or legal event at the state level.

Type a one page reflection on this assignment.

Complete a current event form. 10 pts

9-A Night with Politics

Spend a night with politics! Watch a political talkshow.

Using bullets summarize the main points from the hour.

Write a reflection paragraph about each topic indicate whether you agree or disagree with what you see and hear.

Write a one page reflection on this assignment.

10 pts

ABC: Nightline, Politically Incorrect

CBS: Face the Nation

CNN: Crossfire, Inside Politics, Larry King Live (if there is a political guest), Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer

FOX: Hannity and Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor

MSNBC: Hardball with Chris Matthews, The News with Brian Williams

PBS: Frontline, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Washington Week in Review

Other political programs may be approved by the teacher.

10-Service Project

Take part in a service project. Spend four hours helping out in your community. Complete the service project verification form and project sheet.

Write a one-page reflection on how your service in the community demonstrates good citizenship.10 pts

Consider the following:

-Loaves and Fishes

-Crisis Assistance

-Samaritan’s Purse

-Soup Kitchens

- Red Cross

-School Improvement Projects (see teacher)


-Habitat for Humanity

-Second Harvest Food Bank

-Service projects with church youth groups

-Battered Women’s Shelter

-Race for the Cure

-Senior Centers

-Boy Scout/Girl Scout Projects

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Please fill out the following information and turn it in to your teacher.



The PREAMBLE to the North Carolina Constitution

We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution.

Teacher comments:

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Local Government/PTA Meeting Review and Reflection

Do not forget to attach a copy of the meeting agenda and get an official’s signature.

Place meeting notes directly on this sheet. Type your responses in question/answer format.

  1. Describe how the meeting was conducted by the chairperson of the group, including the interaction among the members during debate/issues (was it cordial? Did tempers flare?)
  1. What were some of the major issues addressed during this meeting? Be specific.
  1. Describe in detail the discussion that took place regarding one of the major issues addressed during the meeting. What were the arguments in favor? What were the arguments in opposition? What was the final result of the discussion (did the measure pass? Did the group reject the proposal? Was the idea tabled until later?)
  1. How effective was the overall meeting? Do you feel enough was accomplished during the session? Explain why or why not?
  1. After sitting through this session, how has your view toward this particular government group changed?

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Veteran Interview

In interviewing veterans, it is extremely important to listen to the words that are coming from them. Be sensitive regarding some of their memories, as many may be difficult for them to recollect. Encourage them to follow up and extend the question when necessary.

Remember to have them sign on the line provided verifying your interview is authentic.

Type your answers using the question as the basis of your sentence. Write in question/answer format.

  1. During which war did you serve?
  2. How long were you in active duty? Which branch? Which unit?
  3. Where were you stationed during the conflict? When were you stationed there?
  4. Were you drafted or did you volunteer to serve in the armed forces?
  5. At the time, what were your feelings toward our, the United States, involvement in the war? Did you feel we were justified in our participation?
  6. What do you remember about the support of the nation “back home” during the war? Would you categorize it as supportive or antagonistic?
  7. What is your most vivid memory about the war?
  8. What were the conditions like in which you lived between the actual armed conflicts? J What was the morale of the troops?
  9. Please describe the daily events that took place.
  10. What did serving the country teach you most about yourself?
  11. Would you please describe the camaraderie between your company. What are your memories of the men/women you served closely with? How well do/did you stay in touch with them?
  12. Our class is focusing on the concept of citizenship and the duties of citizens; will you please discuss your thoughts on how serving the nation in the armed forces reinforces citizenship?
  13. After serving, how do you feel about your citizenship?
  14. Should everyone be required to enlist in military service?
  15. What prior military experience should the man elected as Commander-in-Chief have?
  16. What do you feel is the most misunderstood idea about veterans, either from your particular war or from any time?
  17. What lessons should the younger generations take with them most when they study the era your conflict took place in?
  18. What role do you feel the government should take in the protection of its veterans?
  19. You provide a new question.
  20. You provide a new question.
  21. You provide a new question.

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Civil Rights Movement Interview

In conducting this interview, it is extremely important to listen to the words that are coming from them. Be sensitive regarding some of their memories, as many may be difficult for them to recollect. Encourage them to follow up and extend the question when necessary.

Remember to have them sign on the line provided verifying your interview is authentic.

Type your answers using the question as the basis of your sentence. Write in question/answer format.

  1. In what part of the country were you living in during the Civil Rights Movement?
  2. How would you characterize the racial relations in your community?
  3. Did you attend a school that was segregated at the time of your studies? If yes, discuss the feeling you had regarding the separation of the races inside educational institutions.
  4. To the best of your memories, were elections open to all persons in your community before the Civil Rights Acts were passed during Lyndon Johnson’s administration? If no, how would you describe the voter drives to help register African-Americans?
  5. Do you feel television and the media were unbiased in the presentation of the Civil Rights Movement? What role do you feel the media had in the movement?
  6. Describe the economic protests that took place in your community, such as sit-ins, bus boycotts, business boycotts, etc. If none took place in your community, describe the ones you remember from that time.
  7. What were your memories of Martin Luther King, Jr? After his assassination in 1968, how would you describe the immediate reaction by your community? Had Martin Luther King, Jr. not been assassinated, do you think the movement would have been more successful in the short term?
  8. What were your reactions to the movements that did not emphasize Dr. King’s ideas of non-violent resistance (such as the Black Panthers)? In your opinion, how successful were these groups’ ideas and actions in working toward equality among all races?
  9. Outside of Martin Luther King, Jr., who would you consider the most important participant of the Civil Rights Movement? Why do you choose this person?
  10. Do you feel the government helped or hindered the movement? Explain your position, please. What specific measures did the government take that can reinforce your position?
  11. In your opinion, what should the government’s role have been in the Movement?
  12. What impact do you feel the Civil Rights Movement had on other groups that either have sought or are currently seeking equality in society (i.e the feminist movement of the 1970s, the Hispanic movements of the 1970s, the same-sex marriage movements of today?)
  13. You provide a new question.
  14. You provide a new question.
  15. You provide a new question.

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Small Business Owner

In conducting this interview, be sure that the subject is the owner, not manager, of his/her own store. You may not interview a person that is the manager. Encourage your subject to follow up or clarify points that interest you.

  1. Describe your product. Who is your clientele? Who do you market toward?
  2. Is this your first small business venture? Were there others? What were they?
  3. What prompted you to choose to enter into this particular field of business?
  4. Why did you choose this particular location for your business?
  5. What did you have to study in school to prepare for this career?
  6. What were some real life lessons you had to apply that were not taught in school?
  7. What steps did you have to physically take to open your business (that is, how did you acquire the factors of production?)
  8. If you have employees, what skill/education do you require of them?
  9. Do you have any recurrent issues with employees? How do you deal with them?
  10. What is the greatest challenge as the owner of your own business?
  11. What are the greatest limitations as a small business owner?
  12. How much competition is there in your field? How do you adjust your business practices in order to be competitive?
  13. How much influence does the government have in your business? What ways does the government impact your business?
  14. What methods do you use to advertise your product?
  15. Do you see cycles where your business fluctuates? If so, where? If no, why do you think there is a steady consumption rate?
  16. What do you enjoy most about being a small business owner?
  17. Where do you see your business in ten years?
  18. What advice would you give to an aspiring small business owner?
  19. You provide a new question.
  20. You provide a new question.
  21. You provide a new question.

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Parent/Guardian Questions

In conducting this interview encourage your subject to follow up or clarify points that interest you.

  1. What is your favorite quote? Why?
  2. How do you think being a parent today compares to the atmosphere in which your parents raised you?
  3. What is your earliest historical memory from the news? What do you remember about it? Did it affect you?
  4. Do you vote in the following types of elections? Why or why not for each?
  5. Primaries
  6. Local Election (where city and county officials are elected, but no nationals)
  7. National Elections (General Election-where the president is elected)
  8. Why did you choose to join the political party of which you initially joined?(formally or informally) Does the party you initially jointed still match your political views?
  9. How has the structure and values of the family changed from when you were a teenager?
  10. In the summer of 2004, comedian Bill Cosby stated that parents today are not parenting. What is your opinion on his statement? (not on him but his statement)
  11. Do you feel your children face more difficult challenges than you did at their age? Explain.
  12. Do you support the government policy of continuing to spend billions of tax dollars on war? Why or why not?
  13. What is the greatest problem facing the United States today?
  14. Do you feel the current local and national political advertisements focus on these issues? Explain.
  15. What influences your vote: party politics or the individual candidate? (i.e split or straight ticket)
  16. Technology h as changed compared to when you were growing up, with the new cell phones, internet capabilities, gaming systems, etc. What is your position on the impact of technology on time development and education of the youth of today?
  17. When you left school, what were your long term goals? Have you met them?
  18. What person has most influenced your life?
  19. What is the greatest advice your parents gave you that you have not yet given me?
  20. You provide a new question.
  21. You provide a new question.
  22. You provide a new question.

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Community Service Verification Form

Name of Organization:______

Signature of Coordinator:______

I, the above signed, certify that (student name)______completed the indicated hours of service for their Honors Civics and Economics project.