NCATE Standard 6a.3

How does the unit ensure that its academic calendars, catalogues, publications, grading policies, and advertising are accurate and correct?

The publication of the academic calendars and College catalogue (Academic Calendar, CCSJ Grading Policy, Advising Policies/Benchmarks) are the responsibility of the Office of Academic Affairs. The academic calendar is set by that Office in consultation with the Academic Council (which consists of the five department chairs and the VPAA and Associate VPAA). However, annually all program directors as well as department chairs (including Education) are responsible for examining all College-wide publications (including the catalogue and program information pieces used for advertisement) with the purpose of assuring timeliness and accuracy of information. Moreover, the unit works closely with the Office of Enrollment Management to assure that all promotional pieces distributed by surface mail or electronically and web site information are accurate, timely, and appealing.

Internal department publications such as the Education Department Handbook, the Student Teacher Handbook, and the Master Schedule of Education courses are all examined collaboratively by the unit faculty each summer in preparation for the new fall academic year. The Master Schedules of courses (one for Cohorts and one for MAT candidates) are reviewed each semester to assure accuracy. Copies of the Master Schedules are made available to the candidates at orientations and whenever updates have been made. The Master Schedules includes course number and title, dates of meeting, and faculty assignments. Internal department publications are made available to the candidates (and cooperating teachers in the case of student teaching materials) in various electronic formats, i.e., on CDs’s, and in Blackboard Learn +

Grading policies are clearly delineated in individual course syllabi and are made available to candidates prior to all classes via Blackboard Learn +. The faculty shares a common grading scale and revises syllabi by semester or annually when appropriate.