May 1, 2009

TO: Unit Leaders and Administrators

FROM: Michael DeWees

SUBJECT: Travel Expenditure Guidelines - Revision

The purpose of this memo is to follow-up a conversation with departmental administrators to provide clarification and guidance on aspects of the university policy surrounding business travel.

Given the current economic and budgetary climate, many of these issues are even more important given the expectations of the public and legislators on how state funds are utilized. Expenses surrounding travel have been the topic of particular scrutiny recently in the news and Congressional hearings.

With this in mind, I would like to provide some interpretation and specific procedural guidance to clarify how the Office of Research approaches certain aspects of the current travel policy.

Travel Policy:

The university travel policy currently states the following principles:

(1)All university travelers seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses and exercise care to avoid impropriety and/or the appearance of impropriety.

(2)If a circumstance arises that is not specifically covered in the travel policy, the most conservative course of action should be adopted.

Office of Research:

Below you will find some more specific direction on how different aspects of travel will be reviewed and processed.

Airport Parking – The least expensive overnight parking that still allows for reasonable access to the terminal should be used. This is especially important to be applied at Port Columbus where the Red and Blue lots are available for all travelers.

Personal Travel to the Airport – We will approve mileage to the airport only for additional mileage resulting in travel from home to airport verses and home to office. A MapQuest comparison or equivalent will need to be provided.

Per Diem – On travel involving airlines, per diem will be calculated based on the time of departure from home or office to the final time of arrival at Port Columbus unless extenuating circumstances are documented and approved. If a conference/organization supplies a meal, per diem will not be reimbursable unless a medical or professional justification is provided by the traveler and approved by the Unit Director and the Office of Research.

Mileage Only Travel– Reimbursement will be approved for the lesser of home to destination or office to destination. MapQuest comparison should be submitted with reimbursement. If travel is out-of-state, then a comparison of an airfare scenario must be submitted. Items to consider when making this comparison may include parking, tolls, ground transportation, additional airline charges, taxes and hotel expenses. If the mileage only option is in total more expensive, then an exception must be approved in advance of the departure date, or the traveler will reimbursed only for the lesser of the two options.

Rental Cars – All rental car use should be approved in advanced with a clear statement of the business necessity and financial benefit. This would include parking, tolls etc. Please be sure to use the approved OSU companies, while it is no longer an exception if these are not used, it is still considered best practice. Economy or the equivalent least expensive vehicle should be chosen. Request for a larger more expensive vehicle should be included in your preapproval and will require approval by the Office of Research based on business need. The fuel service option should not be utilized and the tank should be filled up before vehicle is returned.

Internet Access (Travel) – Will be reimbursed for Directors only, for others a legitimate business need must be provided and approved in advance.

Day Before/Day After Lodging- Lodging the day before or the day after the business event or conference will be reimbursed only if it is appropriate and reasonable.

Here are some additional items to consider when approving travel requests in your unit:

University Travel and Expenditure Policies - Applies to non-employees whose approved travel expenses are eligible to be paid or reimbursed by the university.

Lodging – The University will reimburse lodging expenses at reasonable, single occupancy or standard business room rates. When the hotel is the conference or convention site, reimbursement will be limited to the conference rate.

Vacation Attached to Business Travel – Reimbursed only for the cost of the business travel. Traveler needs to submit comparison airfare, hotel rates etc at the time travel is requested. Vacation time starts or ends when the conference or event starts or concludes.

Spouse/Family Attached to Business Travel - Reimbursed only for the cost of the business travel. Traveler needs to submit comparison hotel rates etc at the time travel is requested.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information to work together on how to best approach business travel in your area.