March 1 & 2 Bangor

March 15 & 16 Augusta



Coffee at 7:30-7:45

Lunch at 11:30-12:15

Day One


1)  Chapter 2 Design Guide

A.  Over view of changes

B.  Over view of common mistakes

C.  Questions

Trainers Kevin McLaggan and Guy Whittington approximately (60 minutes)

2)  Thinking beyond the pavement

A. Initial site visit/project review (ROW, Drives, Lawns, building impacts)

B.  Trees

C.  Utilities

Trainers Shawn Smith and Guy Whittington (60 minutes)

3)  Geometric Design

A.  Alignment (horizontal and vertical for ssd & hsd)

B.  Super elevations

C.  Impacts (drives, row, environmental)

D.  State versus ASSHTO standards

E.  Design Exceptions

F.  Intersections (traffic, turning radii, sight distance)

Trainers Janis Piper, Ernie Martin, Heath Cowan (90 minutes)

4)  Environmental issues


B.  4F

C.  Wetlands

D.  Permitting

E.  In Stream

F.  ACOE Screening

G.  Misc.

Trainers Matt Steele, Laurie Rowe and Dave Gardner (90 minutes)

5)  ADA

A.  ADA requirements

B.  When and Where to Use ADA

Trainer Gerald Varney (60 minutes)

Day Two

6)  Misc Design Issues

A.  Grubbing

B.  Guardrail

C.  Drainage (selection of materials and installation)

D.  PDR’s

E.  Clear Zones

Trainers Jim Ferguson, Ralph Webster and Jen Paul (90 minutes)

7)  Chapter 13 Design Guide and Pavement Design

A.  Over view of Chapter 13

B.  FWD results/ soils data (interpretations)

C.  Recycling techniques (where and when to use)

D.  Pavement design

E.  Questions and Clarifications

Trainers Karen Gross and Brian Luce (90 minutes)

8)  Traffic

A.  Traffic issues

B.  Night Work

C.  Taming Process

Trainers Dean Lessard, Bob Hough (45 minutes)

9)  Quality Plans

A.  Legends

B.  Plan/Profile

C.  Earthwork Computations

D.  Do’s and Don’ts of plan creation

Trainers Kyle Hall, Kevin McLaggan and Guy Whittington (60 minutes)

10) Right of Way

A.  Drainage easements, work permits, slope easements

B.  Permanent rights versus temporary rights

C.  Easement, wrought portion, Fee rights of way

D.  Requesting titles and determining impacts

E.  Condemnation process

Trainers Rick Parent, Scott Avore, Luther Yonce, Steve Michaud and Mike Danforth approximately (90 minutes)