Tapp Middle School
Tapp P.R.I.D.E
(E=Engage, Energize, & Exceed Expectations)
Teacher: Mr. Shannonand Mr. Robinson Room#: 504
Voice Mail: (770) 222-3758 ext.459 E-Mail:
Course: 6th Grade Earth Science E-Mail:
Text: Holt Earth Science Blog:
Course Description
This course is designed to expand the students’ knowledge of the Earth and its environment, as well as, to give them experience in using methods of scientific inquiry to investigate problems. Course work will emphasize discovery through laboratory and hands-on experiences. Laboratory investigations, readings, and discussions are an essential part of the course and are used as a “springboard” to develop an understanding of the major concepts in Earth Science.
The following topics will be explored this year:
First Semester
Unit: Rocks and Minerals (6 weeks)
- Lab Safety/Scientific Method
- Mineral Characteristics
- Rock Composition /Rock Cycle
- Classification and Formation of Rocks
Unit: Weathering, Erosion and Soil (4 weeks)
- Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
- Soil Layers
- Soil Conservation
- Human Activity/Erosion
Unit: Inside the Earth (6 weeks)
- Layers of the Earth
- Continental Drift Theory
- Plate Tectonic Theory
- Mountains, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes
Unit: Water on Earth (2.5 weeks)
- Earth’s Water
- Water Cycle
- Ocean Floor Topography
Second Semester
Unit: Water on Earth (2.5 weeks)
- Currents, Waves, and Tides
- Water Conservation
Unit: Climate and Weather (4 weeks)
- Unequal Heating of Land and Water
- Weather Patterns
- Storms and Climate
- Relationship of Sun Energy to Wind and Water on Earth
- Conservation of Natural Resources
Unit: Earth, Moon, and Sun (4 weeks)
- Tilt of the Earth and Seasons
- Relative Positions of Earth, Moon, and Sun (Tides)
- Moon Phases and Eclipses
- Motion of Objects in the Sky (Day/Night)
Unit: Universe and Solar System (3 weeks)
- Historical Model (Heliocentric and Geocentric)
- Solar System and Planets
- Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
- Milky Way Galaxy
Unit: Culminating Projects and 7th Grade Science Preview (4 weeks)
Tapp App (3rd Period)
Depending on the needs of your student, lessons will include a variety of literacy based instruction in which explicit lessons will be taught. Some lessons may include independent reading, vocabulary skills, applied reading and writing strategies, extended/constructed writing responses, close reading strategies, novel studies, and STEM activities, just to name a few. During this academic period, students will be graded on the following criteria: Reading Counts quizzes and/or independent reading projects, Performance Based Tasks/Skills (To be determined per content teacher), and Writing (Constructed and Extended Responses).
This school year in Science all students will have access to the online Earth Science textbook. If a student is in need of a physical science textbook he or she may check one out after completing the textbook contract form. Parents/Guardians please review and sign the textbook contract when received and have your student return it to school as soon as possible. Please be sure to identify any previous damage so the student will not be charged for damages he or she did not cause to the book. Once the student is issued a textbook it should be left at home, used as a resource, and retuned at the end of the year. The replacement cost of the textbook is $70.75, so please make sure that your student does everything possible to maintain the integrity of the book if he/she is issued one.
Students will need to bring the following items to class everyday: ScienceBinder/ or spiral notebook with pockets, paper, colored pencils, pencils/pen, and agenda book (planner).
Grade print outs will be sent home approximately every 2 weeks to be reviewed by parents/guardians. Every printout must be signed and returned to school the next day. We will be using Standards Based grading this school year. Standards Based grading will provide students and parents with grades that will reflect what the student “knows” and is able to “do” based on the Georgia Performance Standards. This method of assessment (summative-50% and formative-40% and Science Literacy-10%) will better inform parents of their student’s progress in mastering each of the Georgia Performance Standards in Science.
Summative Assessment Retake Policy
In the event that a student does not show mastery of the standards on asummative assessmenthe or she will be given an opportunity to retake or rework (depending upon the subject area) the assessment to demonstrate a better understanding of the content and achieve a higher score. In order to retakeor rework a summative assessment in any subject area the student will have to complete a retake contract, which will require a parent signature. The contract will specify what the student has to do in order to retake or rework the summative assessment as well as the submission date (s) for all required assignments and retake.
If the student fails to complete all of the key components of the retake contract he or she will forfeitthe opportunity to retake. Please remember that the score the student receives on the retake assessment will be averaged with the original score.
Grading Scale:A: 90-100
B: 80 - 89
C: 74 - 79
D: 70 - 73
F: 69 and below
All assignments are expected to be completed and handed in upon due date unless the student is absent or has made prior arrangements. It is the student’s responsibility to request his/hermake-up work (frequent reminders will be given about make-up work due dates). Students will be given one day for each day he/she is absent plus one extra day to turn in all make-up work that was missed. Homework will be given two to three times a week. I highly recommend that your child study his/her notes on a dailybasis for 15 to 20 minutes.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. Therefore, we have decided to implement Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at our school. In this initiative, students are encouraged to bring their own technology devices to school to assist in their learning experiences.
The use of technology to provide educational material is not a necessity but a privilege. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment as a whole. Students and parents/guardians participating in BYOD must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct (JICDA-E; JICDA-M; JICDA-H), as well as all Board policies. Violation of the student code of conduct policy and guidelines may result in the loss of your child’s network and/or device privileges as well as other disciplinary action.
All students are expected to follow all classroom rules, as well as school rules. He/She must come to class with the proper materials (paper, pen or pencil, planner, assignments etc.) and be ready to learn on a daily basis. I will be prepared to teach/facilitate learning objectives as well as provide a safe learning environment so that all students learn and achieve to the best of their academic ability.
Classroom Expectations (Keys to Success)
1.I will be on time.
2.I will be prepared and come ready to learn every day.
3.I will follow directions the first time they are given.
4.I will keep my hands, feet, and personal objects to myself.
5.I will not eat or drink in class. (No gum, candy, drinks etc.)
6.I will work cooperatively and successfully with my group.
7.I WILL RESPECT MYSELF AND OTHERS (No Inappropriate language, teasing, touching etc.)
Extra Help and Parent Contact
Students needing extra help will need to make arrangements with the teacher(s). Parents, please feel free to contact the teacher(s) with any concerns you have about your child’s academics or behavior. Tutoring will be provided weekly, see the blog for a schedule. Please use the blog identified at the top of the paper as it is your best resource for what is going on in the classroom on a daily basis. Synergy is available to parents and can be used to check student progress weekly, parents that do not have access to Synergy should see the6th grade counselor. I look forward to this school year with great anticipation and excitement. Thanks in advance for your support!
*** “This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change to accommodate the class and the individual student needs.”***
Date Syllabus Received:
Student Name:______
Parent Name(s)/Signature: ______
Class Period: ______Home Phone: ______
Work/Cell (indicate which): ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Keys to Academic Success
(Achieving Success through Collaboration)
In order for students to be successful they must do the following:
- Come to school prepared-materials, homework etc.
- Pay attention and stay focused in class
- Check the blog, review, and take notes on curriculum based videos.
- Complete all assigned activities- make sure assignments are completed to the best of their ability.
- Ask questions to check for understanding.
- Review what is covered in class for at least 15-20 minutes each night. (Study, Study, Study!!!)
- Helpful Sites for Science Success:
Site / Web Address / Login / Password / Site ID
Brainpop / / tappms / brainpop
My Skills Tutor / / lunch number / cobb / tapp01
Online Text / my.hrw.com (no www) / sscience105 / x9v3t
Study Island / / student number@tapp / tapp
Georgia OAS / / GTID # / education
Study Jams /
In order for students to be successful, Parents have to commit and do the following:
- Take every opportunity to inquire about your student’s school day. (For example-Name one interesting thing you learned today. Do you have any homework? Do you have any quizzes, tests or projects coming up?
- Encourage your child’s academic success.
- Check the Blog and Synergy for updates.
- Help your child study or review vocabulary, notes, key concepts, access online textbook etc.
- Be supportive.
In order for my students to be successful I will commit to the following:
- I will be understanding, caring, empathic, flexible, intentional, and encouraging at all times.
- I will teach the Georgia Performance Science Standards.
- I will provide students with multiple opportunities to explore the curriculum using different delivery models.
- I will provide students with progress reports so that they can monitor their own academic progress.
Student: I have read the above Keys to Academic Success. I will make a commitment to follow them.
(Print-Full Name)(Date)
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I have read the above Keys to Academic Success. I will make a commitment to follow them.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)
Teacher: I will make a commitment to follow the Keys to Academic Success.
(Teacher Signature)(Date)