VFRS Staff Scheduling Base Requirements
Requirements Importance
Scope: Deals with whether the requirement is intended to be a part of the initial VFRS staff scheduling system implementation, or a later project. There are two settings, and they are given the following weight: Core > (is greater than) Optional
· Core requirements should be a part of the initial implementation of the staff scheduling system for VFRS.
· Optional requirements may or may not be a part of the initial implementation.
Priority: Deals with how important the requirement is to the operation of the VFRS staff scheduling system. Requirements are one of High, Medium or Low in priority. Weight: High > Medium > Low
Table of Contents
Requirements Importance 1
Section: A - User Requirements 3
Section: A1. General 3
Section: A2. Data Definitions 5
Section: A3. Personnel & Apparatus 11
Section: A4. Payroll 14
Section: A5. Staffing Levels 15
Section: A6. Staffing Changes 19
Section: A7. View Staffing Levels 20
Section: A8. Shift Trades / Subbing 23
Section: A9. Vacation Assignment 24
Section: A10. Vacancies 26
Section: A11. Reports 31
Section: A12. Interfaces 37
Section: A13. Notifications 38
Section: A14. User Interface 40
Section: A15. Security 41
Section: A16. Business Continuity 44
Section: B – Technical Requirements 45
Section: B1. Client Services 45
Section: B2. Networking Services 46
Section: B3. Vendor Application Preferences 48
Section: B4. Application Data Integration 49
Section: B5. System Performance 50
Section: B6. Service Levels 51
Section: C - Benefits Realization 52
Section: A - User Requirements
Section: A1. General
Item / User Requirement / Definition/Test / Existing Functionality / Scope & Priority / NotesA1.1 / Staffing system shall track staffing for all sections (areas) of the Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Department. / Sections include: Training, Prevention, and Suppression / No / Core - High / Currently different systems are used for different employee sections.
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A1.2 / Staffing system shall track different categories of employees. / Categories include: Exempt, Group 1, Group 2, Support Staff / Yes / Core - High
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A1.3 / Staffing system shall enable independent scheduling and tracking of different union contract rules and non-union rules. / Support Staff: CUPE 15
Group 1 & 2: IAFF Local 18 – but group assignment indicates different staffing protocols
Exempt staff: contract based with City of Vancouver / Yes / Core - High
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A1.4 / Staffing system shall be a single source of data entry wherever possible. / Users should not have to enter information multiple times in the system. / No / Core - High
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A1.5 / Staffing system shall maintain compliance with federal and provincial labour laws, collective bargaining agreements, and other organization policies ensuring compliance / Yes / Core - High
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A1.6 / System shall have an undo feature so that users are able to undo immediate changes they have made. / If a change is made to a staff member schedule in error then the user should be able to undo the change. / Yes / Core - Medium
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A1.7 / The system shall provide a function that allows testing to verify business rule accuracy and effect prior to live implementation / No / Core - Medium
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Section: A2. Data Definitions
Item / User Requirement / Definition/Test / Existing Functionality / Scope & Priority / NotesA2.1 / Shall be able to define organizations and departments beyond VFRS / Can be configured in future to provide staff scheduling for other COV departments separate from VFRS staff scheduling. / No / Core - High / Departments other than VFRS are not in scope for this RFP, but the solution must demonstrate how it handles mulit-department and multi-union environments.
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A2.2 / Shall be able to define units within an organization or department. / Group 1, Group 2, CUPE 15, Exempt, etc. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.3 / Shall be able to define different shift patterns within an organization or department. / 1. Group 1 operates on a 56 day cycle
2. Local 15 staff work Mon – Fri 7.5 hrs, 1 hr unpaid lunch
3. Exempt system tracks # of actual hours vs. “salaried” hours. Should level every 28 days.
4. Fire Prevention Officer works 8.75 hrs Mon – Thu or Tue – Fri.
5. Shall be able to define reoccurring shift schedules with a tool similar to the MS Outlook reoccurring appointment tool.
6. Group 2 Staff: Shall be able to pre-schedule shifts in advance of dates worked, which shall include the ability to adjust hours/shifts. (e.g., ability to switch days for nights and/or adjustment of hours of work for Group 2 staff. / 1 – 4: Yes
5: No / Core - High
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A2.4 / Shall be able to define an unlimited number of shift patterns within the system. / Shift patterns may be related to permanent shift or ad-hoc shift schedules. / Yes / Core - Medium
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A2.5 / Each unit shall be able to define its own set of business rules. / Examples (but not limited to)
1. Fatigue rules
2. Overtime / Currently not all business rules included / Core - High
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A2.6 / Each business rule shall have fields to allow for the tracking of Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. The start date would be utilized to show when the rule takes effect and the end date would indicate the date that the rule was retired. / This shall allow for changes to be made in advance and take effect on a specific date (for example when a new contract comes into effect)
It should be possible to enter a start date and leave the end date blank until the end date is known (for example contracts can be extended or carried forward during negotiations) / No / Core - Medium
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A2.7 / The system shall allow the City to create and edit business rules to govern all scheduling and leave issues applicable to full and part-time personnel and civilian personnel in multiple collective bargaining contracts. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.8 / The system shall allow user-defined and editable business rules to govern leave policies, set schedules, set staffing levels, fill vacancies, handle off-duty work schedules, call out for specialty units, and other types of circumstances that might affect staffing and scheduling. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.9 / The system shall provide a means to update and modify existing business rules, collective bargaining rules, and operating protocols and to schedule its implementation based on a date and time and set of criteria. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.10 / The system shall allow colours for specific shifts defined in the system / Group 1 - Suppression - colour codes their shifts as follows:
A Shift - Green
B Shift - Blue
C Shift - Red
D Shift - Black / Yes / Core - Medium
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A2.11 / Shall be able to define positions within each organization or unit. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.12 / Shall be able to associate requirements, criteria or capabilities to a defined position. / Yes / Core - High
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A2.13 / Shall be able to associate an agency defined position number to a defined staffing position / Yes / Core - High
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A2.14 / Shall be able to assign a person to a defined position (and position id). / This would be the person's permanent spot (until the next staff alt). / Yes / Core - High
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A2.15 / Shall be able to track the history for each position number / No / Core - Medium
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A2.16 / Shall able to track multiple position numbers for one position / No / Core - Low
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A2.17 / Shall be able to define "time bank" amounts that can be carried over to the next year. / This includes personnel vacation banks, gratuity banks, etc / Yes / Core - High
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A2.18 / Shall be able to define payroll codes to be used in tracking attendance in the daily schedule / Yes / Core - High
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A2.19 / Shall be able to define sub-codes for payroll codes / 1. Record an Overtime payroll code with a sub-code that represents the reason for the overtime.
2. Record miscellaneous code with a sub-code for specific reason. / No / Core - Medium
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A2.20 / Shall be able to require the use of sub-codes with certain payroll codes. / For example if the payroll code of overtime is used, a sub code would be a mandatory field to provide a code defining the reason for the OT. / No / Core - Medium
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A2.21 / The system shall allow an unlimited number of user-defined working and non-working codes and sub codes. / Yes / Core - Medium
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A2.22 / The system shall allow the system administrator to create pick lists and shift patterns along with other required system information fields that are viewable by one or more agencies. / No / Optional - Medium / Other agencies can include other COV departments.
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A2.23 / The system administrator shall be able to define the retention period for system data. / No / Core - Medium
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A2.24 / System shall allow for archiving system data. / No / Core - High
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A2.25 / System shall prevent users from one agency accessing data for another agency unless authorized. / No / Core - Medium
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A2.26 / System’s reporting feature shall prevent users from one agency accessing data for another agency unless authorized. / No / Core - Medium
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A2.27 / System should allow certain data and/or functionality to be shared across agencies e.g. scheduling rules, calendars, etc.based on configurations defined by the system administrator or designate. / No / Optional - Medium
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A2.28 / System should allow for each agency to have their own staffing rules based on their own collective agreements / Yes / Optional - Medium