AR of the Year Criteria
Attendance at Meetings:
- Attend Monthly AR Meetings (or send someone in your place if you cannot attend) *
- Attend AugustAR Training*
- Help with New Teacher Orientation*
- Hold monthly School Building Professional Committee (SBPC) meetings (ensure that the Committee is running per Article 24 and Article 9.3 *
- Attend House of Delegates (Legislative Body of UEA) *
- Recruit Members
Communication with Members:
- Hold at least two 10-Minute building meetings throughout the year (more if possible).
- Provide School Building Professional Committee Meeting minutes for members. *
- Invite Association President or designee to meet at your building.
- Provide a building email distribution list to pass on Association information to your members.
- Shore up the membership base (Retain Members)
Member Participation:
- Invite and encourage members to attend building meetings (you may need to personally invite them initially).
- Association elections held and ballots returned on time.
- Ratify contract vote
- Contact Legislators
- Recruit Members
Organizing the Building:
- Provide the name of a membership chairperson for your school. *
- Approach members about sharing the responsibilities of Association work*
- Timely distribute all GEA materials. *
- Conduct building AR elections. Bring new AR(s) (if applicable) to the May AR meeting. *
- Create and maintain the GEA bulletin board. *
- Create a school phone tree (provide GEA with a copy of your tree) *
- Recruit Members
Membership Contacts: *
- New Hires; Previous Members; Veteran teachers who have never belonged; Interns; Students
- Recruit, recruit, recruit
- Thank our loyal members for their membership. (Shoring up the base)
The AR as Key Resource for Members:
- Advocating for members*.
- Link for members with GEA. *
- Knowledge is power, the GEA AR is the person in the school with the knowledge.
- Liaison to school administration.
- Recruit Members.
For AR Resources:
- Go to
- Click on Association Reps. on the left side of the Home page under Welcome.
This year, a self-evaluating survey will be given to all ARs in April. This will give you an opportunity to let us know of other committees or activities in which you have participated. It also allows for ARs who do not attend the meetings (because the AR responsibilities are divided in your building), but who attend the Building Committee meetings and/or act as advocate at the school, to be able to be in the running for AR of the Year.
If you participate in committee work, or other activities, please make GEA aware of these things on the self-evaluating survey.
Winners Receive:
1.The winner of the AR of the Year Award will be announced at the May AR meeting. This individual will be awarded a plaque, movie tickets, a gift certificate, and will have his/her Association dues paid for the following year. We also add your name to a plaque that hangs in the GEA office for all to see.
2.Runners-up will receive a certificate and a 50.00 award.
*Indicates minimum participation to be considered for this award.
**Remember: There is a $10.00 incentive award for every new member you sign up.
Please make sure you print your name of the membership application form so we know who to pay the incentive money. GEA pays you $10.00 all year long for any membership form you bring in.