GPSA Council Meeting Minutes
Saturday 24th of August 2013, 9:00 am
Domenici West 2112
Quorum established–Meeting called to order at 9:14 am
Opening Business
- Agenda approved with no revisions by unanimous consent
- August 24 minutes approved by unanimous consent
- Media and Gallery:Chloe Henson from the Daily Lobo is present. Christopher Ramirez from UNM Dream and El Centro de la Raza spoke about the in-state tuition resolution for undocumented students.
Guest Speakers
- Dr. Elly Van Mil (Graduate Student Funding Initiative)discussed the formulations of a new program that will assist in finding alternative funding resources for graduate students and aiding in the development academic progress
- President’s Report
GPSA President PriscilaPoliana discussed better practices within GPSA on possible funding models for new health and wellness facility and the UNM Finance & Facility Committee in regards to updating bursars account.Informed Council of possible changes to Tuition & Fees Policy being considered. GPSA president appointed Representative Rush as voting member to the Student Fee Review Board and Council Chair Corral as alternate.
- Council Chair’s Report
GPSA Council Chair Maria Elena Corral –Discussed changes to finance code bylaws approved in May, 2013 that were not approved by Legal Counsel.
- Grants Appeal
- RijasoaAndriamananapresented her appeal of the decision of the Grants Committee, she was allotted 5 minutes to speak on her case and Rep. Rush was also allotted 5 minutes to speak on behalf of the Grants Committee. In addition, 5 minutes were allotted for Q&A to either party. Motion made by Rep. Rush to extend Q&A indefinitely to give more information on grants, seconded by Rep. Flannigan. Motion passes unanimously. Q&A continues until 10:41 am. Motion made by Rep. Turk to focus Q&A on the appeal,seconded by Rep. William.Motion passes unanimously. Motion made by Rep. Holmen to limit debate until 10:51 am, seconded by Rep. Gordon. Motion passes unanimously.
- Motion made by Rep. Gordon to affirm the decision of the Grants committee, seconded by Rep. Holmen. Motion passes with 7 abstentions.
- Approval of Executive Standing Committee Chairs
- Executive Finance: Motion made by Rep.Gordon to appoint Texanna Martin & Daniel Gray as EFC Co-Chairs, seconded by Rep. Holmen. Motion passes unanimously.
- Programs: Motion made byRep. Rush to appointCarlos Contreras Vidal as Programs Committee Chair, seconded by Rep. Gordon. Motion passes unanimously.
- Grants:Motion made by Rep. Flannigan s to appoint Abbey Hepnerand Sara Niedbalskias Grants CommitteeCo-Chairs. Seconded by Rep. Gordon. Motion passes unanimously.
- Appointment of Legislative Standing Committee Chair
- Steering:Motion made byRep. Collins to appoint Jessica Marshallas LSC Chair, seconded by Rep. Holmen.Motion passes unanimously.
- Legislative SteeringCommittee
- LSC Report was given by the Council Chair as the LSC Chair was not present. LSC report focused on the recommended revisions of finance code which are currently pending review by GPSA council.
- LSC Standing Rules: Motion made by Rep. Gordon to approve LSC Standing Rules with no amendments, seconded by Rep. Davenport. Motion passes unanimously.
- FR-13‐02:Motion made by Rep. Gordon to adopt resolution for in-state tuition for DACA/undocumented students, seconded by Rep. Ozaksut. Motion passes unanimously.
- LSC Appointments: Deborah Beebe: Appointment approved unanimously.
- Council Chair opened up the floor fornominations for members to the LSC committee. No nominations.
- Legislative Finance Committee
- LFC StandingRules: Motion made by Rep.Gordon to approve LFC Standing Rules with no amendments, secondedby Rep Rush. Motion passes unanimously.
- FA-13-001: Association of Public Interest Law(APIL)- Motion made by Rep. Rush to approverequest at LFC recommended amount of $936.00, seconded byRep. Flannigan. Motion passes unanimously.
- FA-13-002: American Planning Association (APA) – Motion made by Rep. Rush to approverequest at LFC recommended amount of $207.00, seconded by Rep. Gordon. Motion passes unanimously.
- FA-13-003: American Planning Association (APA) – Motion made by Rep. Rush to approve request at LFC recommended amount of$669.00, seconded by Rep. Gordon.Motion passes unanimously.
- FA-13-004: GPSA Executive Government – Motion made by Rep. Gordon to approve request at LFC recommended amount of $1087.00, seconded by Rep. Ibarra-Zetter.Motion passes unanimously.Rep. Rush abstains.
- LFC Appointments:Sue No, James Davenport, Melissa Berghmans, DennisFlannigan. Appointments approved with 3 abstentions.
Discussion items
- BylawsFinance Code: Changes to the bylaws and constitution were presented to Council for a 30-day viewing period.
- Executive Ad Hoc Committees: President Poliana re-chartered all executive ad hoc committees in place during the 2012-2013 administration.
Closing Announcements
- Rep: Turk informed Council that the appropriations request deadline is the 1st Friday of every month.
Upcoming Meetings
- Next meeting will be held on October 26, 2013 DominiciWest Rm. 3010
- Motion made by Rep. Gordon to adjourn, seconded by Rep. Holmen. Motion passes unanimously.
-Meeting adjourned at 11:48 am
Luke Holmen (Law)
Jeff Gordon (Law)
Valerie Ozaksut (Art Education)
Karol Ibarra-Zetter (Spanish)
John Williams (Sociology)
Ryan Brown (Management)
Bryan McLean(Biology)
Jarod Collins (Management Alternate)
James Davenport (Anthropology)
Julie Brunson (Occupational therapy)
Sue No (Nursing)
Eric Turner (Sociology)
John Williams (Sociology)
Lisa Marie Turk (Nursing)
James Davenport (Anthropology)
Matthew Rush (Nanoscience & Microsystems)
Dennis Flannigan (Management)
Jeff Gordon (Law)
Jessica Marshall (Law)
Christopher Ramirez (Gallery & Media)
Chloe Henson (Daily Lobo)
Elly Van Mil ( Graduate Student funding initiative)
Kris Miranda (Witness for Appeal)
Mark Orgeron