Session 9Stores and Supplies Management
/ Total Session Time:110minutes (65 minutes for lecture/discussion, 45minutes for group activity)Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
•Define the terms “Stores” and “Stores Management”
•Describe the importance of Stores Management for a HTI or ZHRC
•Describe the basic steps for receiving, accounting, issuance and inspection of stores
Session Overview
Step / Time / Activity/Method / Content / Resources
1 / 05 minutes / Presentation / Introduction to Session, Presentation of Learning Objectives (Slides 1-2) / LCD or Overhead Projector
2 / 05 minutes / Presentation / Definition of Stores, Tanzania Regulations for Stores (Slides 3 – 4) / LCD or Overhead Projector
3 / 15 minutes / Presentation / Store Management, Importance of Good Management of Stores and Supplies, Common Sources of Stores (Slides 5-10) / LCD or Overhead Projector
4 / 15 minutes / Presentation / Receiving of Stores, Procedures, Stores Accounting(Slides 11-17 ) / LCD or Overhead Projector
5 / 20 minutes / Presentation / Care and Custody of Stores PFR 185 and 186, Inspection of Stores, Issues of Stores(Slides 18 - 26 ) / LCD or Overhead Projector
6 / 45 minutes / Presentation
Case Study / Stores and Supplies Management (Slide 27) / Worksheet 9.1
7 / 05 minutes / Presentation / Key Points (Slide 28) / LCD or Overhead Projector
/ Resources Needed
•Flip Chart, paper, and markers
•LCD or Overhead Projector
•Worksheet 9.1: Stores and Supplies Management
Beginning the Session
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 1 (5 minutes)Present Slides 1-2 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 1 / / INTRODUCE session 9 to participants.TELL the participants that this session discusses the Tanzania government regulations and guidance for managing stores and supplies inventories in your HTI and ZHRC.
Slide 2 / / READ or ASK participants to read learning objectives and clarify.
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 2 (5 minutes)
Present Slides 3-4 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 3Animation Clicks: 1 / / This slide is animated.
ASK participants “What are Stores”?
ALLOW a few moments for participants to respond or call on one or two participants to provide an answer.
Slide 4 /
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 3 (15 minutes)
Present Slides 5 - 10 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 5Animation Clicks: 2 / / This slide is animated
ASK participants “What is Stores Management”?
ALLOW a few moments for participants to respond or call on one or two participants to provide an answer.
RECORD answers on flipchart or board.
SUMMARIZE by using the content of the slide
Slide 6
Animation Clicks: 1 / / This slide is animated
SHOW part 1 of slide (heading).
ASK participants:
•Why is good management of stores and supplies important?
ALLOW a few moments for participants to brainstorm.
WRITE participant responses on flipchart.
SHOW part 2 of slide (text).
REVIEW list, building off of participant responses.
ASK if there are other items that we should add to the list.
Slide 7 /
Slide 8 /
Slide 9 /
Slide 10 /
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 4 (15 minutes)
Present Slides 11- 17 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 11 /Slide 12 /
Slide 13 /
Slide 14 /
Slide 15 /
Slide 16 /
Slide 17 /
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 5 (20 minutes)
Present Slides 18-26 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 18 / / EMPHASISE that liquid items should be separated from others and kept on top of stacks for easy detection of leaks.Slide 19 / / INFORM the participants that loss and damages includes shortages, leakages, waste or deterioration of the supplies or goods observed in the course of the inspection exercise.
Slide 20 /
Slide 21 / /
Slide 22 /
Slide 23 /
Slide 24 /
Slide 25 /
Slide 26 / / ASK if participants have any comments or questions.
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 6 (45 minutes)
Present Slide 27 using trainer notes and Worksheet 9.1 to guide the group work and discussion.
Slide 27 / / Total activity time: 45 minutesREFER participants to Worksheet 9.1: Store and Supplies Management on page XX of participants handbook.
Divide participants into small manageable groups.
INFORM participants they will work in small groups using Worksheet 9.1 for 30 minutes.
GIVE participants 30 minutes to complete the task.
SELECT one group to present.
INVITE other groups to add/fill gaps for 15 minutes.
SUMMARIZE the discussion by using answers from Worksheet 9.1.
/ Worksheet 9.1: Stores and Supplies Management
Case Study
Divide participants into small manageable groups.
Inform participants they will work in small group using below scenario and answer the following questions for 30 minutes. Later one group will be invited to share their opinions while other groups will fill in gaps for 15 minutes.
Your are newly employed by Mazimbu ZHRC few months ago as a tutor. You are among few staff posted to the centre within short period of time. During the orientation you realized that staff at the centre did not see the reasons of having stores and supplies management.
- What is your advice given this situation?
Likely answers
- To discuss with management on importance of having store and supplies management in the centre.
- If you will be given an opportunity to justify what will be your opinion regarding the importance of stores management (list three reasons it is important)?
Likely answers
a)Protects the goods and supplies of an HTI or ZHRC.
b)Minimizes potential misuse or theft of stores and supplies
c)Helps ensure that goods and supplies are used for their intended purposes
- What guidelines would you refer them to for the care and custody of stores (list at least three guidelines from the content of Tanzania PFR 185 and 186)?
Likely answers
a)Public stores must be kept in safe places and in good condition
d)An adequate storage facility must be made available
e)The stock items must be arranged in a manner that permits easy access. Items must be located and kept with due regard for their nature and value.’
- What regulations would you refer them to for the inspection of stores (list at least five regulations from the content of Tanzania PFR 176 and 177)?
Likely answers
- To ensure that stock items are safely kept, the accounting officer must arrange for regular inspection of stores for which he or she is responsible.
- The inspection officer must report immediately to the accounting officer in writing, any cases of loss, damage or irregularities observed.
- The accounting officer must take prompt and appropriate action to correct any defects or deficiencies reported.
- The inspection officer must physically verify the balances of stocks and submit a report to the accounting officer on the checks made.
- Twice a year, the accounting officer must personally scrutinize the stores accommodation and records in order to satisfy himself that the stores procedures and accounting are adequate and that they provide safeguards against error, loss, damages, waste, deterioration or irregularity.
/ Trainer Instructions: Step 7 (5 minutes)
Present Slide28 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
Slide 28 / / PRESENT key points.THANK everyone for their attention and participation.
Financial Management Course Facilitator Guide
Session 9: Stores and Supplies Management