January 6 - 9 , 2015
We are in the COLD season of our year! What changes do we notice around us? What is different in winter? Our books and activities will focus on this theme as we read and write about winter.
Letter of the Week:
Mr. W’s name is “Wonderful Wink.” Can you wink? What begins with that sound? Bring an item on Friday that begins with the “w” sound and have 3 clues ready to present. Please help your child find something unique and think of meaningful clues to share – you can even write them down on a little note to help them remember.
1/9/15 – Report Cards sent home (Parents, please keep the copy of the report card, sign the signature card and return it in the unsealed envelope. If you have questions about anything, please know that I am available to conference with you. Just send me an email and we can set up a time.)1/12 – 1/16 – Kindergarten 100th Day Canned Food Drive (please see flyer that came home in the notebooks)
1/13/15 – Foundation Restaurant Night
1/14/15 – 9pm FAST Registration closes
1/16/15 – Media Center (return books)
1/19/15 – MLK Day; Holiday
1/21/15 – Birthday Book Club
1/22/15 – The 100th Day
Transportation Changes: please remember that we cannot accept changes by email or phone call. All changes must be in writing. Due to crowded conditions, students are not allowed to ride different buses to playdates.
Inclement Weather: Next week we will be sending home a copy of the Inclement Weather form that you filled out at the beginning of the year. Please review that form, and if you need to make any changes please do so and send it back. If we do not receive the form back with any changes we will assume that your original plan still stands and that is how your child will be sent home in case of school closings.