Group 4 teams
- Yugi Duan (Physics) *
Linh Pham (ESS) *
Stephanye Tabares (Bio)
Stacy Pires (Chemistry and ESS)
Andrew Nguyen (bio)
Yada yadap@ (Bio)
- Jinlun Han (Physics) *
Nickolette Cartales (Bio)
Roncan Ling (Chem) *
Sarah Bentivegna (ESS)
Sofie Niziak (bio)
Willem willemb@ (Bio)
- Hao Liang (Physics) *
Jessica Duni (Bio)
Yuxin Qi (Chemistry) *
Siyu Dong (ESS) *
Andrew Ohman (bio)
A'ntonia antoniab@ (bio and ess)
- Yi Liu (Physics) *
Rachel Corbett (Bio)
Chinguun Zolbayar (Chemistry and ESS) *
Rory Lavin (ESS)
Mikayla Hutton (Bio)
Anat anata@ (bio)
- An Pham Minh Nguyen (Physics) *
Oliver Garside (Bio)
Jinlun Han (Chemistry) *
Aida Bardissi (ESS)
Haoliang Fan (Will) (Bio) *
Cameron cameronl@ (Bio)
- Isaac Slaughter (Physics and Chemistry)
NaYoung Lee (Bio and ESS) *
Bryan Sabbag (Bio)
Zhongyi Zhang (ESS) *
Rebecca Ravida (bio)
Charis chariss@ (ESS)
- Ao Song (Physics and Chemistry) *
Julian Jackson (Bio)
Natalia Ceciliano (ESS)
Evelyn Miller (ESS)
Megan Russell (bio)
Emma emmag@ (Bio and ESS)
- Tong Su (Physics) *
Gavin Ayotte (ESS)
Sophia Domeyko (Bio)
Semirah Dolan (Chem and Bio)
Bryn Melanson (bio)
Luisa luisab@ (Bio and ESS)
- Jiagi Wang (Physics) *
Zion Bereket (Bio)
Jakob Eckstein (Chem)
Vaska Pkhakadze (ESS) *
Christaly Torres
Pema pemat@ (ESS)
- Weiyi Zhang (Physics) *
Jawed Sakhi (ESS)
Adriana Sistig (Bio and Chem)
Linghan Liu *
Isabella Brucato
Walker Douglass
- Sabrina McDonnell (Chemistry and Bio)
Wing Chi Tam (Physics and ESS) *
James McFatter (Chem)
Elise Barber (Bio)
Yage Wang (bio) *
David davidt@ (ESS)
- Christine Magill: (Chem and Bio)
Kimberly Rosales (Bio and Chem)
Ruomin Jiao (ESS) *
Federico Cisneros (ESS)
Guilherme Marcos (GiGi) (Bio) *
Alex alexm@ (ESS)
- Yu-Jyun Lin (Chem and ESS) *
Ian Iwanicki (Bio)
Zhanhao Ou (chem) *
Emmanuel Laguerre (ESS)
Maya mayam@ (Bio)
- Colleen Bernard (Bio)
Yijing Zhao (Chemistry) *
Siyu Dong (ESS) *
Aurialis Alvarez (ESS)
Megan megank@ (ESS)
Bailey baileyd@ (ESS)
- Hoa Phuong Trin (Chemistry and ESS) *
Gabriela Van Veen (Bio)
Kierran Pierce (Chem)
Andrew McDonald
Liam liama@ (Bio)
- Nicole Fusaro (Chemistry and ESS)
Taylor Welch (Bio)
Nguyen Ha (Chem) *
Ming Shi (ESS) *
Michael Gray (Bio)
Gijs (call him Cash) gijsd@
* international students email is first letter of first name last name_int (
example Zhongyi Zhang is
all other students are first letter of first name last name example Natalia Ceciliano is