*MINISTRY/OFFICE:Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Mgt & Meteorology
*DIVISION: Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
*VACANCY NUMBER:299-00035 *Aurion Position Number:
- Position Title:Senior Operation Officer–Meteorology Tech
- Position Level:7/8 3. Salary Range:
- Duty Station:Honiara
- Reporting Responsibilities;
b)Subordinate Reports: Chief Meteorological Officer ( Operation) and Quality Manager
Section B– Liaisons
a)Internal:Weather Observation Section, Weather Forecasting, Climate Section and National Disaster Management Office.
b)External:Health Sector, Agriculture sector, water sector, infrastructure, etc.
Section C - Scope of Duties
This position will contribute to the organisation functions and strategies by;
- Quality weather and climate information
- Timely dissemination of weather and climate information
- Sustainability of expensive meteorological equipment
Section D - Key Duties
*The Officer will be required to:
- Perform routine checks on all meteorological equipment including computers.
- Perform maintenance on faulty equipment including computers
- Liaise with supervisors and update inventory on all meteorological equipment.
- Liaise with supervisors to procure new equipment or spare parts when required.
- Assist supervisors and other technical officers to do installation of new meteorological equipment.
- Perform regular maintenance and upgrade on website and other communication tools
- Carry out any other instructions as may be given from time to time by the supervisors.
Section E - Key Result Areas
*Successful performance of the duties will be indicated by:
- More information on the local climate which can also be tailored to suit the needs of sectors such as health (malaria), water, food security, etc
- Such information is documented and archived for future references.
Section F - Key Capabilities and Qualifications
1. Degree/Diploma in ICT
Section G - Selection Criteria
(a) 2-3 years of work experience
(a) Electrical appliances
(b) Communication tools
Skills and ability:
(a)Computing skills are highly required.
(b) Ability to work shift and extra hours when necessary.
(c) Communication skills
Section H - Terms and Conditions
(a)Salary per fortnight:
(b)Salary per annum:
(c)Annual Leave: 42 days
(d)Other conditions of service as outlined in the Agreement of Service upon appointment;
- Housing Allowance
- Special Duty Allowance
Section I - Approval (Business use only)
This Job Description is approved on the basis that I believe it accurately reflects the requirements of the role and will assist the Ministry/Agency to achieve its corporate objectives.
Permanent Secretary/Head of AgencyDate Approved
Additional Comments:
The important documents to be submitted are: (1) PSF1 (2) Application cover letter (3) Updated CV (4) Certified copies of transcripts/qualification (5) Two (2) referees.
Any queries on this, including JDs to be directed to Nancy () & Lizzie () on phone 23031/23032.
Applications be marked in sealed envelops stating, the Post No & Post Title, addressed to PS, MECDM, Box 21, Honiara, Hyundai Bldg, Opposite SSEC Church. Applications close on Fri 17/7/2015.
PS Form 6- Job Description TemplatePage 1