Section A - Position Details
*MINISTRY/OFFICE:Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Mgt & Meteorology
*DIVISION: Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
*VACANCY NUMBER:299-00035 *Aurion Position Number:
  1. Position Title:Senior Operation Officer–Meteorology Tech
Preferred Title: Senior Met Officer – Information Technology
  1. Position Level:7/8 3. Salary Range:
  1. Duty Station:Honiara
  1. Reporting Responsibilities;
a)Reports to:Chief Meteorological Officer (Technical)
b)Subordinate Reports: Chief Meteorological Officer ( Operation) and Quality Manager
Section B– Liaisons
a)Internal:Weather Observation Section, Weather Forecasting, Climate Section and National Disaster Management Office.
b)External:Health Sector, Agriculture sector, water sector, infrastructure, etc.
Section C - Scope of Duties
This position will contribute to the organisation functions and strategies by;
  • Quality weather and climate information
  • Timely dissemination of weather and climate information
  • Sustainability of expensive meteorological equipment

Section D - Key Duties
*The Officer will be required to:
  1. Perform routine checks on all meteorological equipment including computers.
  1. Perform maintenance on faulty equipment including computers
  1. Liaise with supervisors and update inventory on all meteorological equipment.
  1. Liaise with supervisors to procure new equipment or spare parts when required.
  1. Assist supervisors and other technical officers to do installation of new meteorological equipment.
  1. Perform regular maintenance and upgrade on website and other communication tools
  1. Carry out any other instructions as may be given from time to time by the supervisors.

Section E - Key Result Areas
*Successful performance of the duties will be indicated by:
  1. More information on the local climate which can also be tailored to suit the needs of sectors such as health (malaria), water, food security, etc
  2. Such information is documented and archived for future references.

Section F - Key Capabilities and Qualifications
1. Degree/Diploma in ICT
Section G - Selection Criteria
(a) 2-3 years of work experience
(a) Electrical appliances
(b) Communication tools
Skills and ability:
(a)Computing skills are highly required.
(b) Ability to work shift and extra hours when necessary.
(c) Communication skills
Section H - Terms and Conditions
(a)Salary per fortnight:
(b)Salary per annum:
(c)Annual Leave: 42 days
(d)Other conditions of service as outlined in the Agreement of Service upon appointment;
  1. Housing Allowance
  2. Special Duty Allowance

Section I - Approval (Business use only)
This Job Description is approved on the basis that I believe it accurately reflects the requirements of the role and will assist the Ministry/Agency to achieve its corporate objectives.
Permanent Secretary/Head of AgencyDate Approved
Additional Comments:

The important documents to be submitted are: (1) PSF1 (2) Application cover letter (3) Updated CV (4) Certified copies of transcripts/qualification (5) Two (2) referees.

Any queries on this, including JDs to be directed to Nancy () & Lizzie () on phone 23031/23032.

Applications be marked in sealed envelops stating, the Post No & Post Title, addressed to PS, MECDM, Box 21, Honiara, Hyundai Bldg, Opposite SSEC Church. Applications close on Fri 17/7/2015.

PS Form 6- Job Description TemplatePage 1